Casanova Bonkers

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It was evening when Lucky and Miranda were at a night club to have their first date, of course Bonkers and Fawn were there too as it was a double date, much to Lucky's annoyance of course. Lucky: "I'll admit that I'm happy to have a date at last... but uh... did we really have to bring them along?" Miranda: "They're our partners, besides this will allow us to keep an eye on them." Lucky: "Oh yeah, good point... no telling what they'll do all alone..." Bonkers: "Come on, we wouldn't cause trouble." Fawn: "Well I think he's talking about those demon creatures." Bonkers: "Demons creatures... oh those guys... you know, we haven't seen them since that innocent with Mickey's magic hat... I wonder what they're up to..." suddenly, a big puff of smoke appeared, and the Demon trio came to the scene. Fawn: "I think we're about to find out..." ScreamClaw: "Greetings Bonkers, have we got a deal for you... surrender to us... and we'll give back these brats." said ScreamClaw, before ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp showed Tommy, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo tied up in Toon proof rope, much to the cops shock. Lucky: "Let them go!" ThunderSmacker: "If you want them back, hand over the bobcat!" Fawn: "You're not having either the kids or Bonkers!, you're really giving us a good reason to arrest ya all." Bonkers: "Yeah, you better listen to my one and only, you don't want to get on her bad side." ScreamClaw: "One and only you say?, that's a laugh." Fawn: "What do you mean?" ScreamClaw: "Well before you came into the bobcat's life, there was a dame named Katya Legs-go-on-a-lot." Bonkers: "What?!, she was never my one and only!, and even if she was, how would you know?" ThunderSmacker: "We did some research on ya, and we found a cartoon that showed you trying to win the lady... but it didn't end well." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... roll the film!" said the Demon trio, before they took out a movie camera, which begins playing an old cartoon that showed Bonkers trying to win the heart of Katya, but the lady went with another toon and drove away on a bus, while Bonkers got attacked by pirates in the end. Fawn: "Oh my..." Lucky: "For a cartoon star, that wasn't a great role." Bonkers: "Actually that cartoon was made in a time before I was a star of my own cartoons... but anyway, Katya's a thing of the past." ScreamClaw: "You sure?, even now?, for she's here right now." Bonkers: "What?!" gasped Bonkers, before ScreamClaw points at a table with Katya (voiced by Sherry Lynn) there in person. Fawn: "That's Katya?" Bonkers: "Yeah... that's her... though I wished it wasn't... of all the joints in all the towns in all the worlds... she walks into mine..." Fawn: "There now Bonkers, you said it yourself, she's a thing of the past." Bonkers: "Yeah... I guess you're right, why would I bother her when I got you?, I mean you're much nicer than her." Fawn: "Thanks." suddenly, a big bug toon named Al Vermin (voiced by Robert Ridgely) came to the scene. Al Vermin: "Now where is she..." the bug asked to himself, before Katya noticed him. Katya: "Al Vermin?, here and now?, darn..." it wasn't long before Al Vermin noticed the cops, especially the female toon deer. Al Vermin: "Well if it isn't Fawn Deer, long time no see." Fawn: "What are you doing here?" Bonkers: "Hey Fawn, you know this guy?" Al Vermin: "She should, as she used to be my girlfriend before she dumped me." Bonkers: "What?!, you once dated this guy?!" Fawn: "That was a long time ago, I dumped him cause I learned he was not a nice toon at all." Miranda: "I think I've heard of Al Vermin: "He's supposed to be the leader of the Bug-Eyed bandits... but the cops always failed to catch him, not to mention he finds away to get away from the law." Al Vermin: "Oh please, you make it sound like I'm a bad guy." Fawn: "You are a bad guy!, honestly, I never understood why I ever dated you in the first place." Al Vermin: "Well you wanted to date me for my money." Fawn: "Um... maybe I did... but I'm not that kind of doe anymore, anyway, why are you here?" Al Vermin: "Just looking for a certain little lady who took my package." Lucky: "Would her name be Katya Legs-go-on-a-lot by any chance?" Al Vermin: "So you know her?" Lucky: "Only a few moments ago, if you want her, she's over there." said Lucky, before Al Vermin went to Katya. Al Vermin: "Well hello Katya, looking lovely as always." Katya: "What do you want?" Al Vermin: "Well I'm looking for a certain package, and I believe you took it from me." Katya: "I wouldn't know anything about it, I'm here for professional reasons tonight." said Katya, before went to stage in a blue dress and begins to sing the 'itsy bitsy spider' song, which the toons in the joint enjoyed hearing, due to Katya being the one singing it. Once the song ended, Katya secretly placed a package into Bonkers' pocket, before planting a kiss on the bobcat's nose, which made Fawn a bit jealous. Suddenly, a toon elephant that looks like he's from a circus, named Flaps (voiced by Joe Alaskey) came through the door. Flaps: "Watch out folks, for Flaps the Elephant is here!" Miranda: "Flaps?, here too?" Bonkers: "You know him too?" Miranda: "Yeah, a toon who's been jealous of Dumbo for years, trying to steal aircraft or something just to fly, but like Al Vermin, he always managed to get away." Lucky: "So what's he doing here then?" asked Lucky, before Flaps went to Katya. Flaps: "Hey Katya, did you get what I paid you to get?" Katya: "Uh... now is not a good time..." Flaps: "What do you mean?" Katya: "Him..." said Katya, pointing at Al Vermin, who glares at the pair. Flaps: "Uh... hi Al... what are you doing here?" Al Vermin: "Never mind why I'm here... what are you doing here?, you're not trying to hire Katya to steal a package from me, are ya?" Flaps: "Oh Al, only a fool would try to double cross you, I'm here for professional reasons tonight." said Flaps, before he goes to the stage, wearing a dress, singing the same song Katya sang a moment ago. Lucky: "Ugh... that's an image I'll never get out of my brain..." Bonkers: "Sheesh... no kidding..." said Lucky and Bonkers, before the crowed booed at Flaps, as they thought his performance was terrible. Al Vermin: "Too bad you won't work on your number, as this is your last number, pachyderm." Flaps: "Oh yeah, as if I would be scared of an ugly little bug." Al Vermin: "Listen here big nose..." Flaps: "Bug head!" Al Vermin: "Big nose!" Flaps: "Bug head!" the two toons continued to fight until Lucky and Miranda stopped them. Lucky: "This is getting ridicules." Miranda: "Don't make things get out of hands boy, we're just itching for a reason to arrest both of ya." Al Vermin: "Well you can arrest Flaps, for he and that dame Katya tried to steal my package!" Miranda: "Yeah?, well we're watching you too." Al Vermin: "Oh not to worry, I'm here for professional reasons tonight." Lucky: "Don't tell me you're gonna sing too?!" Al Vermin: "Of course not, I'm just offering 1 billion dollars for the return of the package." Flaps: "That's a lot of money for the... Circle Beanie." All: "Circle Beanie?!" Katya: "A billion bucks?!, I gotta get that package back from Bonkers..." Fawn: "The Circle beanie?, no wonder Al Vermin wants it back..." Lucky: "Uh... what are you guys talking about?" Miranda: "What's a circle beanie?" Bonkers: "What?!, how could you not know what the Circle Beanie is?!, it's the famous beanie that was created by the legendary beanies, which has the power to make you fly into the air like a bird or a plane, or like Dumbo." Miranda: "So that's why Flaps wants it..." Lucky: "A beanie that actually flies?... sure, why not... with toons, anything could be possible..." Fawn: "Where is it now?" Bonkers: "No idea... it could be anywhere... maybe under our noses." that was when Katya grabbed Bonkers by the neck and runs off to who knows where. Fawn: "Bonkers!" Al Vermin: "After that toon!, she's got the package!" Flaps: "Hey!, come back with my wings!" soon, the cops and bad toons went after Katya, who was taking Bonkers to a room where she tied him up. Katya: "Hold still, I need to get that package back." Bonkers: "But I don't have it." Katya: "You do, I stashed it into your pocket when I kissed you." Bonkers: "Really?, well that was nice of ya... but if you think I would trade Fawn for you, forget it, she's my true one and only." Katya: "Oh please, as if I would want to date a stupid bobcat like you, I mean you're a joke, always have, always will." Bonkers: "Well... you took it better than I thought... but that was still hurtful..." that was when Al Vermin and Flaps came into the room and grabbed Bonkers. Al Vermin: "So you have the package... hand it over." Bonkers: "Um... if I don't?" Al Vermin: "Then I'll use DIP on you." this made Bonkers gasped in shock and fear. Bonkers: "No please!, not DIP!, anything but that!" Flaps: "He wouldn't... would he...?" Katya: "Knowing Al Vermin... oh yeah..." suddenly, Miranda, Fawn and Lucky came to the scene. Lucky: "Hold it!, you're under arrest for kidnapping!" Miranda: "And a few other crimes." Fawn: "Yeah, and for kissing Bonkers... I mean kidnapping him..." said the cops, before the demon trio came to the scene with the toon kids, who were still tied up. ScreamClaw: "Hey!, have you forgotten us already?!" ThunderSmacker: "Yeah!, we still have these kids here!" SpaceWarp: "Uh g-g-guys... aren't those the kids over there?" asked SpaceWarp, pointing at the kids, who were standing behind Fawn. ScreamClaw: "What the... if they're over there... then who are they?" asked ScreamClaw, looking at the kids that were tied up, before they started to flatten as they were really balloons that looked like the real deal. Gidget: "Acme balloon dummies, can't leave home without them." ScreamClaw: "Dang it!" shouted ScreamClaw, before Fawn unties Bonkers, who then pulls out the package, before opening it to see the Circle Beanie itself. Bonkers: "Wow... it's the Circle Beanie!" Al Vermin: "Get that beanie!" Flaps: "Those are my wings!" Katya: "That's my ticket on getting a billion bucks!" soon,, the bad toons went to attack Bonkers to get the beanie, before a group of green furry creatures in purple robes came to the scene. Lucky: "Who are they?" Katya: "It's the legendary beanies!" Flaps: "The original owners of the Legendary Circle Beanie!" Bonkers: "Hi guys." Al Vermin: "How did they knew it was here?" asked Al Vermin, before everyone sees Jokeo holding a phone. Jokeo: "Well I had to report for stolen property." said Jokeo, before one of the Beanies took the Circle Beanie, and used it to fly away as the other beanies grabbed onto his foot to fly away with him. Flaps: "No fair!, I was so close on getting my wings!... you blasted little brat!" Jokeo: "Uh oh..." Jokey: "Does this mean we're in trouble?" Al Vermin: "Let me see... you took away the thing we needed to make a lot of money by snitching us to the original owners... so yeah." Katya: "You won't get away with this..." Tommy: "Yeah... we're in trouble alright..." Gidget: "Guys... I think we should... RUN!" shouted Gidget, before she and the other kids make a run for it, trying to get away from the angry Flaps, Al Vermin and Katya, leaving the others behind. Bonkers: "Oh no!, the kids are in trouble... again!, hurry you guys!" shouted Bonkers, before he and the other cops ran off after the kids and bad toons, hoping to save the kids before it's too late, leaving the Demon trio behind. ScreamClaw: "Well... that did not go as I thought..." ThunderSmacker: "Man... I hate cartoons..." SpaceWarp: "You mean fanfiction s-s-stories?" ThunderSmacker: "Oh shut up!" meanwhile, the kids were still running for their lives, trying to outrun the bad toons. Jokey then found a costume shop, and went inside to put on a Tarzan outside. Jokey: "I love Hollywood, there's always a costume shop when you need one." Gidget: "Um... how is it gonna help us?" Jokey: "So to set the mood for this." said Jokey, before he pulls out a jungle vine and swings it to a flag pole, then grabs Jokeo's hand, who then grabbed Gidget's hand, who then grabs Tommy's hand, and the group swings away, only to crash into a wall. Tommy: "I think you picked out the George of the Jungle outfit instead of the Tarzan outfit..." Jokey: "Sorry..." that was when the bad toons came to the scene and they were still mad. Flaps: "Get back here you little brats!" Al Vermin: "Back off pachyderm!, those kids are mine to squash!" Katya: "No!, they're mine to scratch!" shouted the bad toons, before the kids were cornered to a wall. But before the bad toons could make a move, a group of police cars came to the scene, and a lot of cops, including Bonkers, Fawn, Lucky and Miranda, came and surrounded the bad toons. Bonkers: "You three are all under arrest!" Al Vermin: "Darn..." Katya: "Oh dear..." Flaps: "Nuts..." said the bad toons, before they were cuffed up and were taken away by the police. Lucky: "Well... this was certainly a date I won't forget... sorry about the chaos tonight?" Miranda: "Are you kidding, it was great." Lucky: "It was?" Miranda: "Yeah, I mean we managed to arrest not only Al Vermin, but Flaps too, the toons I've been trying to catch for a long time, not to mention I get to do it with you guys." Lucky: "Oh well... I was just doing what a cop does best, catching bad guys." said Lucky, before Miranda kissed him on the cheek. Miranda: "Looking forward for our next date." Lucky: "Really?, uh... sure... me too." Bonkers: "Same with me and Fawn here." Fawn: "Hey Bonkers... you sure that you don't have any feelings for Katya anymore?" Bonkers: "Are you kidding?, she's a criminal, and I'm a cop, it would never work out, besides, you're my true one and only." Fawn: "Good to know, cause you're my true one and only too." said Fawn, before she kissed Bonkers on the cheek, which made him blushed bright red.

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