Imagine That

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It was a nice morning in town, when Lucky was driving his car, while Bonkers was searching for any bad Toons causing trouble. Bonkers: "Any sign of trouble?" Lucky: "I'm the one driving, you're the one searching for bad toons, remember?" Bonkers: "Oh right... my bad... [gasp loudly] my word!" Lucky: "What?" Bonkers: "Stop the car!" shouted Bonkers, before the car stopped and the toon bobcat went to check on a brick wall that was covered in Toon Graffiti, which really disgusted the toon. Lucky: "You wanted to stop... for some graffiti?" Bonkers: "But this is Toon graffiti... and it's really crude too!" Lucky: "What's it's drawings of..." Bonkers: "No!, don't describe it!, there might be some kids reading this story!" Lucky: "What are you talking about?, and what's the big deal?" Bonkers: "Well... you see... for us toons... it means..." said Bonkers, before he whispers into Lucky's ear, which made the cop have a shocked look on his face. Lucky: "Whoa!, is that what it means?... oh my... this is more serious than I thought..." Bonkers: "No joke... so it's most important that the kids don't see or read this... or else they might use it themselves when they get older." Lucky: "Oh you're right... last thing we need if for them to get some bad influence..." Bonkers: "And find the one responsible for this." Lucky: "Agreed... but who could have done this?" that was when the radio in the police car turned on, announcing a report of a Toon pencil writing bad toon graffiti all over town. Bonkers: "I think that's our guy." Lucky: "A pencil?" Bonkers: "A toon pencil to be precise, and I think I've heard of him, he used to be an artist for the Toon Town art museum until some critic made fun of his art and the pencil made bad toon graffiti on the critic as payback." Lucky: "Talk about overreacting..." Bonkers: "Well we Toons have a habit of wanting to get even with whoever messes with them, like Bugs Bunny for example." Lucky: "Yeah... I'll bet..." that was when Fawn came to the scene, looking a little worried. Fawn: "Hey Bonkers, have you or Lucky seen the kids?" Lucky: "Don't tell me they got toon napped again." Fawn: "Well..." Bonkers: "Oh no!" Fawn: "Yes, and by the Toon that's making the Toon graffiti lately." Bonkers: "Double oh no!, if he showed them his crude art... then..." Lucky: "We better find them fast!" Bonkers: "Hop in Fawn!" said Bonkers, before he, Lucky and Fawn get into the car and drove off to find the kids and the Toon pencil. Not too far away, the Demon trio were watching. ScreamClaw: "So... a toon pencil is making crude art eh?" SpaceWarp: "Say... this p-p-pencil... wasn't he the one who y-y-you made fun of when you were disguised as a c-c-critic?" ScreamClaw: "Yes... and it seems that he's caught the attention of Bonkers... we better get him before our luck runs out... again..." ThunderSmacker: "No kidding." so with that, the demon trio flew off into the sky and follow the police car. Elsewhere, in a toon drawing realm, the toon kids were tied up to a pole, and stood in front of them was the Toon pencil, who can't talk but can use sign language. Jokey: "Who knew a pencil could be a bad toon?" Jokeo: "Not me, for I didn't even knew toons can come as pencils." Gidget: "Well Toons come any shape or form." Tommy: "Never mind that... what's gonna happen to us?" Gidget: "I don't know... but I got a feeling that this toon will do something bad..." Jokey: "Why is he a bad toon anyway?" Gidget: "I've heard he reacted badly when an art critic made fun of his art." Tommy: "That's his reason?" asked Tommy, before the pencil nodded yes. Gidget: "But Mr Pencil, you shouldn't treat others so poorly just for not liking your art, some people have different taste in arts and crafts, and what dose that critic know anyway, your art in the museum was wonderful." this caught the pencil's attention, he never thought there would be someone who liked the art he made for the museum. Suddenly, the Demon trio came to the scene, much to the pencil and the kids' surprise. ScreamClaw: "So... it seems we got here first." ThunderSmacker: "And looky here, those kids that hang out with Bonkers." SpaceWarp: "Well... they're not the Three S-S-Stooges..." Jokey: "Hey... haven't we seen these guys before?" Jokeo: "Yeah, they do look kinda familiar..." Gidget: "Hey it's those creeps who tried to hold Donald Duck hostage!" ScreamClaw: "Ah, so nice of you to remember us." Tommy: "What are you doing here?" ScreamClaw: "Well if you really want to know... it's noun of your business!" ThunderSmacker: "Yeah, we came to came to capture Bonkers." ScreamClaw: "Don't tell them that!" ThunderSmacker: "Oops..." SpaceWarp: "You and your b-b-big mouth..." ThunderSmacker: "Oh shut up!" shouted ThunderSmacker, before he and the other demons continued to argue with one another, while the kids and pencil just watched. It wasn't long before the argument became a fight and the demon trio were in a fighting dust cloud, beating the pulp out of each other, while Gidget was using her claws, which came out of her gloves to weaken the ropes enough to free herself and the others. As the kids tip toed away, the pencil finally realized that his hostages were getting away, and began chasing them, leaving the demon trio behind. Back with the cop duo and Fawn, they were still searching for the kids. Fawn: "Oh dear... I hope they're not harmed..." Bonkers: "Don't worry, we'll find them." Lucky: "But where could they be?, in the sky?" asked Lucky, before a door of the toon drawing realm, appeared in the sky, which opened up and out came the kids, who landed on the car's hood. Tommy: "Ow..." Fawn: "Oh my gosh!, are you alright?!" Jokeo: "Well... we've been through worse than that..." Jokey: "We have?" Gidget: "At least we got away from the pencil..." Lucky: "You mean... that pencil?" asked Lucky, as he sees the toon pencil heading for the group. Bonkers: "I'll handle this guy." said Bonkers, before he gets out of the car and charges towards the pencil, who uses his eraser to erase Bonkers' eyes, which made him not able to see where he was going, causing him to crash into a wall. Fawn: "Bonkers!" Lucky: "Hold on, he can erase body parts of toons?" Tommy: "Well we toons are living drawings after all." Gidget: "Jokey, you have a pencil I can borrow?" Jokey: "Yeah, why?" Gidget: "So I can redraw Mr Bonkers' eyes." Jokey: "Sure." said Jokey, before he gives Gidget a pencil, and the Toon mew girl went to Bonkers and drew him new eyes. Bonkers: "Oh thanks Gidget, you have some talent on art." Gidget: "Thanks, but watch this." said Gidget, before she draws a pencil proof cage in midair, which falls on top of the toon pencil, trapping him inside. Bonkers: "Nice." said Bonkers, before Lucky and the others went over to see the now captured toon pencil, who was struggling to get out but failed. Lucky: "Alright you rascal, you drew you last graffiti here in this town, for you are under arrest." later, after the toon pencil was arrested, the kids were doing some thinking. Gidget: "Hmm... I just can't figure what would those demons want with Mr Bonkers..." Tommy: "Yeah... it's a real mystery..." Jokeo: "Speaking of which, what happened to them?" Jokey: "Maybe they're still fighting one another." Tommy: "Well I don't know why... but I have a feeling that we have not seen the last of them..." meanwhile, back in the toon drawing realm, the demon trio were still fighting one another, at least until SpaceWarp looked around and gasped. SpaceWarp: "G-g-guys!, look!, everyone is g-g-gone!" shouted SpaceWarp, before ThunderSmacker and ScreamClaw looked around and realized that SpaceWarp was right. ScreamClaw: "Nuts!, they must have gotten away while we were fighting!" ThunderSmacker: "Nice going." ScreamClaw: "Me?!, you started it with your big mouth!" SpaceWarp: "Oh boy... the boss won't be happy if he finds out we failed to catch Bonkers again..." ThunderSmacker: "Good point... now what?" ScreamClaw: "We'll just have to use our imagination to think of a new plan..." SpaceWarp: "How do we d-d-do that?" ScreamClaw: "I don't know, draw something maybe?" SpaceWarp: "L-l-like this?" asked SpaceWarp, before he pulls out a pencil and draws up a cannon, which fires a cannonball at himself and the other demons, sending them flying to who knows where.

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