Bonkers For Thanksgiving Turkey

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It was Thanksgiving, and everyone was looking forward to see the big Thanksgiving parade, especially the kids. Tommy: "Oh boy... I love the Thanksgiving parade, like the giant balloons that come." Gidget: "Not to mention the music bands that march down the streets." Jokeo: "And those amazing floats." Jokey: "My favorite part is the ending... for it's when Santa Claus comes to the scene." Tommy: "Oh yeah!, I love that part too, for his appearance means the beginning of the Christmas season." Bonkers: "That is so true." Lucky: "Yeah... everyone loves the holidays..." said Lucky, who didn't seemed to be looking forward for the holidays like the others. Miranda: "Hey Lucky, something bugging ya?" Lucky: "Huh?, uh nothing really... just thinking of my past..." that was when Fawn came to the scene, who looked like she was worried. Fawn: "Guys, I just got word from the chief that balloons and floats of the parade have been stolen!" Bonkers: "What?!, stolen?!, that's terrible!, we can't have the parade without them!" Tommy: "Any leads to who stole them?" Fawn: "Well... the only lead we managed to get was that they were taken by a trio of large turkeys." Jokey: "Large... turkeys?" asked Jokey, as his mouth began to water, and his stomach started to growl." Jokeo: "Uh oh... Jokey's getting hungry..." Tommy: "No surprise, Thanksgiving is the one day of the year where the big meal is turkey." Gidget: "Yeah, and Jokey loves meat." that was when Flopsy and Mopsy came to the scene, carrying baskets of carrots. Flopsy: "Hey Jokey." Mopsy: "Jokeo hey." Jokey: "Huh?, oh hi Flopsy." Jokeo: "And hey to you too Mopsy." Flopsy: "Hey boys, what's going on?" Jokeo: "Well... we just learned that the parade balloons and floats were stolen." Mopsy: "Stolen?!, but how?" Jokey: "No idea, but Miss Fawn ha gotten word that they were stolen by three giant turkeys... I hope they're tasty." Flopsy: "You wanna eat turkeys?" Jokeo: "We are hyenas, and we love meat." Flopsy: "Oh right... forgot about that... um... you wouldn't eat rabbits, right?" Jokey: "Why asking that?" Mopsy: "Uh... no reason..." Jokey: "Well we don't eat anything that's alive, only in stores, as chasing live food would tire us out." Jokeo: "No kidding, it's much easier to get meals through a store or some other places." Flopsy: "Sure... we do the same with carrots." Jokey: "Why do you like carrots so much?" Flopsy: "Well we love our veggies, and carrots are good for the eyes." said Flopsy, before Jokey takes some carrots and tries to put some onto his own eyes, which made him yelp in pain. Jokey: "They seemed to be more painful on the eyes for me..." Flopsy: "You're supposed to eat the carrots, not wear them." Jokey: "Oh..." this of course made Flopsy giggle, as she finds Jokey very funny. Flopsy: "You are one funny boy." Jokey: "Thanks... oh... that's a good thing, right?" Flopsy: "Of course it is." Miranda: "Hey, sorry to interrupt this cute moment, but we need to find the thieves quick." Lucky: "Yeah, let's go." Bonkers: "Sure, now don't worry kids, we'll get the parade running before you know it." said Bonkers, before he and the other cops ran off to find the turkey thieves, leaving the kids behind. Gidget: "What do we do now?" Tommy: "Hmm... well... since we got nothing else to do... let's go find the thieves." Flopsy: "Uh... is that even safe?" Mopsy: "Yeah, these thieves could be dangerous." Tommy: "Yeah, but we can't let the parade be canceled, and I got a feeling that Mr Bonkers and the others will need help." Gidget: "He's right, let's do this." Flopsy: "Okay... but we need to be careful." Jokey: "Don't worry girls, we're pretty tough, and we'll keep you safe." Mopsy: "Really?" Jokeo: "Sure, we're friends after all, and friends help each other out." Flopsy: "Then let's do this." said Flopsy, before she and the other kids ran off to find thieves as well. Somewhere outside a warehouse, Peter Rabbit was there with a pretty white rabbit girl wearing a pink dress named Fluff (voiced by Debbie Derryberry), and she was the girl that Peter has a crush on for a while now. Peter: "Hey Fluff... there's something I've been meaning to ask you..." Fluff: "What is it?" Peter: "Well... I was wondering... if uh... you um..." Oliver: "Hey Peter!" called out Oliver the kitten, who came to the scene along with Marie. Fluff: "Aww... who might you be little guy?" Oliver: "Hiya, I'm Oliver, and this is Marie, she's an Aristocat." Fluff: "Wait... as in The Aristocats?!, I loved that movie!, it's a real honor to meet you." Marie: "It's nice to meet you, Fluff I presume?" Fluff: "Yes, how did you know?" Marie: "Peter told us about you." Fluff: "Did he?" Peter: "Well..." Oliver: "He also told us about how he would do anything to be your..." Peter: "Alright Oliver, that's enough talking, do you have a reason being here?" Oliver: "Well... Marie just got a call from your sister that the parade balloons and floats were stolen by three giant turkeys, and told us that we need to find them." Fluff: "What?!, the balloons and floats got stolen?, that's not good." Peter: "Oh man... what kind of turkeys would do that?" Oliver: "Maybe... those turkeys?" said Oliver, pointing at a trio of large human sized turkeys that went into the warehouse, which made the group decided to look into the door and see that the stolen balloons and floats were inside. That was when the turkeys pulled their heads off, revealing to be masks, and it was really the Demon trio in disguise. ThunderSmacker: "Ugh... I can't believe we had to go around looking like overgrown plump birds..." ScreamClaw: "We needed a disguise to avoid attention." SpaceWarp: "Um... how is dressed like big t-t-turkeys avoid attention?" ScreamClaw: "Well it's Thanksgiving, people will think we're just guys who are celebrating Thanksgiving." ThunderSmacker: "That reminds me, why do we even need these balloons and floats in the first place?" ScreamClaw: "They're used for a ransom to force the bobcat to surrender to us." SpaceWarp: "Oh..." unaware to the trio, Peter and his group were watching and overheard everything. Marie: "That's the Demon trio... they're the ones who Toon napped us for that Sykes jerk a while ago..." Peter: "And the ones who toon napped my sisters too..." Fluff: "Oh my... and they're after Mr Bonkers?" Oliver: "Yeah... we better warn him and the other cops fast." that was when Tommy's group came up to the scene, and Jokey walked up to Peter's group. Jokey: "Hey guys, what cha doing... [sees the balloons and floats] hey!, it's the balloons and floats!" gasped Jokey, which caught the attention of the demon trio. ScreamClaw: "It's those brats again!" ThunderSmacker: "Get them!" Peter: "Uh oh..." Oliver: "Run!" said Oliver, as he and the others began running away from the scene, trying to get away from the Demon trio. Not too far away, Bonkers, Lucky and their partners were looking for the so called turkeys, when they see the kids being chased by the demon trio. Bonkers: "Hey it's the kids." Fawn: "And those awful demon dragons!" Miranda: "Those guys again?" Lucky: "And they're dressed like... turkeys... hmm... I'm betting some doughnuts that they're the ones who stole the parade balloons and floats." Fawn: "I wouldn't be surprised it was them." Bonkers: "And it looks like the kids are in trouble!" Lucky: "Not for long." said Lucky, before he floors it and the car zooms after the Demon trio, who then noticed the cops. SpaceWarp: "Uh oh... it's the c-c-cops!" ScreamClaw: "Dang it!" said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons tried to get away from the police car. It wasn't long before the trio got out of their costumes and went to fly up into the air and fired some beams from their pitchforks at the car, trying to get the cops off the road. Knowing that the cops need help, Gidget used her psychic powers to lift a sewer lid to fly right into the trio, stopping their attacks. SpaceWarp: "Uh... ScreamClaw... I think we should g-g-get out of here..." ThunderSmacker: "I hate to say it... but he might be right." ScreamClaw: "Yes... boys, retreat!" ordered ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons fly away from the scene. Lucky: "Man... one of these days... I'm gonna capture those creeps..." Miranda: "You mean 'we' are gonna capture those creeps one of these days." Lucky: "Oh yeah... that's what I meant..." Fawn: "Children, are you all alright?" Tommy: "Yeah, we're okay." Peter: "Hey you won't believe it, but we found the parade balloons and floats in that warehouse." Miranda: "Really?, that's great news!" Lucky: "Can you take us there?" Gidget: "Sure." said Gidget, before she and the other kids lead the cops to the warehouse, where they did indeed found the parade balloons and floats. Bonkers: "Alright!, we found them, and just in time too." said Bonkers, looking at the watch on his arm. Later, the parade finally begins, and everyone was enjoying it. Fluff: "Wow, this is a great parade." Jokey: "Too bad the giant turkeys were really the Demon trio, I could go for some turkey right now..." Jokeo: "Luckily for you bro, I managed to cook up some turkey." said Jokeo, before she shows a freshly cooked turkey, and Jokey unhinged his mouth to swallow the turkey whole. Jokey: "Yummy!" Jokeo: "I should have seen that coming..." Mopsy: "Wow... Jokey can really eat..." Jokeo: "Don't worry, I managed to make some cooked carrots for you girls too." said Jokeo, before he gives the rabbit girls some cooked carrots, which they really enjoyed. Mopsy: "Wow, that was very thoughtful of you Jokeo, not to mention they're really good." Lucky: "Yeah, you're a pretty good cook." Jokeo: "Thanks." said Jokeo, before Peter went over to Fluff. Peter: "Hey Fluff... before anything else happens... I wondering... would you like to be uh... my girlfriend?" Fluff: "Of course Peter, I've been wanting to be for a while now." Peter: "Really?, I thought you would still be mad at me after what happened in our film." Fluff: "Silly rabbit, that was just a movie, I know you're not really a liar anymore, now come here." said Fluff, before she kissed Peter on the cheek, which made him blush bright red. That was when the group see Santa Claus coming to the scene, and everyone was enjoying the sight of him coming down the streets, as he telling everyone to have a merry Christmas season.

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