New Partners On The Block

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At the police station, Chief Leonard was making an important announcement to every cop in the room. Chief Leonard: "Listen everyone, I have a very important announcement, there's a mad bomber on the loose here in this town and..." before the chief could finish, Lucky came into the room, covered in cotton candy a popcorn. Lucky: "Honestly Bonkers... what part of 'hit the brakes' did you not understand?" Bonkers: "Sorry, but my legs aren't as long as yours." Chief Leonard: "Pickle, is that you?, what happened?" Lucky: "Uh... just wearing a disguise for undercover work." Bonkers: "I thought it was because we has an accident when we crashed into that cotton candy and popcorn stand?" Lucky: "Uh..." Chief Leonard: "Anyway... this mad bomber is known as Fireball Frank, and he demands 1 billion dollars or else he'll blow up the whole city, your job is to find and capture him before he gets the chance to blow up the city." said the chief, before Lucky and Bonkers left the room, and doing their best to scrape off the cotton candy and popcorn. That was when Fawn came to the scene, wearing a policewoman outfit. Fawn: "Hey Bonkers, what do you think of my new outfit?" asked Fawn, before Bonkers bugged eyed and jaws dropped to the ground, and his heart was beating like crazy. Lucky: "Fawn?, you're a cop now?" Fawn: "Yes, I tried different jobs, but no one would hire me, then I asked the chief and he said yes, as it wouldn't hurt to have more members of the Toon Patrol, and I got my own partner too." said Fawn, before a blond hair human policewoman came to the scene, and she was a real looker. Her name was Miranda Wright (voiced by Karla DeVito), and Lucky couldn't help but blush by the sight of her. Lucky: "Oh uh... Miranda... so you're Fawn's partner?" Miranda: "Yup, just like how Bonkers is your partner, I hope you don't mind if we join in the Toon patrol." Lucky: "Not at all Miranda... it would be a real pleasure." Bonkers: "But uh... try to be careful, for being a cop can be dangerous work." Miranda: "I know, I've been in the police force longer than you have." Lucky: "She's right, and she's one of the best this station has." Bonkers: "Hey Lucky, are you sick?, cause your cheeks look a little red." Lucky: "What?, no I'm fine... anyway, we got a mad bomber to find." Miranda: "Sorry, but Fawn and I will be the ones to find him first." Fawn: "How?" Miranda: "We check for any places that had a sighting of him, let's go." said Miranda, before she and Fawn went into their own police car and drove off. Lucky: "Wow... Miranda is really quite a woman..." Bonkers: "Huh?... oh now I see what's going on... you like Miranda~." sang Bonkers, which made Lucky blush harder. Lucky: "Not funny!... okay!, I like her... but what's the use?, I mean I doubt someone like her would want to date someone like me." Bonkers: "Come on Lucky, you're a great guy to hang out with... usually... when you're not blowing your top of course." Lucky: "Gee... thanks for the comment..." Bonkers: "Anyway, I think I know a lead where we can find Fireball Frank." Lucky: "You do?" Bonkers: "Yeah... that picture of him the chief showed us that he loves a can of 'Fire Cracker Chilli Peppers', and there is only one store here that sells them." Lucky: "Really?!, then let's go!" said Lucky, before he and Bonkers went off to the certain store where the cans were on sell. Soon, the pair were in the store and waited for their man to show up, but so far no luck. Bonkers: "Hmm... this is the place where the cans are on sell... and very few people buy them." Lucky: "Why's that?" Bonkers: "They're supposed to be so hot that they can make your tongue catch on fire..." Lucky: "Really... well I heard that Fireball Frank got his name cause he not only likes to blow up things... he eats really hot food... so I guess these cans would be on the list of things he eats..." that was when a man with red hair and mustache came to the scene, which was in fact Fireball Frank (voiced by Brad Garrett) himself. Bonkers: "Hey Lucky... look!" Lucky: "Not now Bonkers, I'm trying to keep a look out for Fireball Frank." Bonkers: "But Lucky... look!" Lucky: "Bonkers!, I'm telling you not to bother me unless you see [sees the man] Fireball Frank!, stop in the name of the law!" shouted Lucky, before Fireball Frank makes a run for it, and the two cops chase after him. A few moments later, Fireball Frank went into a small house, and Lucky and Bonkers followed him inside, unaware of the booby trap the criminal set up there, which blew up the whole place. Not too far away, Miranda and Fawn saw the whole thing, much to their shock and horror. Fawn: "Bonkers!" Miranda: "Oh no..." when morning came, the cops of the station went to make a funeral for both Bonkers and Lucky, and the ones who mourn them the most was Fawn and the Toon kids. Tommy: "It's not fair... Mr Lucky was so nice to us..." Gidget: "How could life be so cruel...?" said Tommy and Gidget, before the began crying and Miranda and Fawn went to hug them for comfort. As for Jokey and Jokeo, they were crying too, and they hugged each other for comfort too. Miranda: "It's okay kids... I promise that we'll make sure their deaths won't be in vain..." Jokeo: "Wait... I just realized something... Bonkers is a toon, right?" Jokey: "Yeah?" Jokeo: "And killing a toon is almost impossible, right?" Jokey: "Uh huh." Jokeo: "So maybe... there could be a chance that Bonkers could still be alive..." Miranda: "And Lucky?" Jokeo: "Um... that I don't know... it would take a miracle for him to survive an explosion like that..." Fawn: "But if there's a chance they're alive... where are they?" asked Fawn, wondering where the bobcat she loved be be at the moment. Meanwhile, at some observatory, Fireball Frank was eating some of the peppers he likes, while glaring at Bonkers and Lucky, who were still alive and tied up in toon proof rope. Fireball Frank: "I was so close to getting enough bombs... then you two came barging in... it's a wonder how we're all still alive..." Bonkers: "Well the writer wouldn't let us die as we're the main characters of this whole story." Lucky: "What are you talking about?" Bonkers: "Ever heard of breaking the 4th wall?" Fireball Frank: "Be quiet you two!, now if you excuse me, I have to collect some more bombs, thank you very much!" said Fireball Frank, before he leaves the scene, and then Lucky sees one of the cans that the criminal left on the ground. Lucky: "Hmm... Bonkers, I got an idea, if I can make a message on that can, and get it outside, someone will find it and get help." Bonkers: "Great idea... but who will get it?" Lucky: "Anyone who can read police code." said Lucky, before he uses his feet to get the can, and then grabs a pencil from his pocket with his mouth, and then writes a message into it, before kicking the can through the window and went outside, where Jokey, who was passing by in the area at the time, found it. Jokey: "Hey, a can of peppers, Jokeo did say that he needs some... so this should do it." said Jokey, before he leaves the area and went back to the others. Jokeo: "Did you get a can of peppers?" Jokey: "Sure did." said Jokey, before showing his twin the can. Fawn: "Um Jokey, when a recipe calls for a can of peppers, it doesn't mean just a can itself." Jokey: "Oh..." Gidget: "Hey... there's some writing on it." said Gidget, before Miranda takes a look at it and gasped. Miranda: "This is secret police code... a message made by Lucky today!" Fawn: "You mean... he and Bonkers are alive?!" asked Fawn in shock and joy, happy to know that there's a chance that Bonkers is still alive. Gidget: "Jokey, where did you find this can?" Jokey: "Um... uh... I can't remember... I think it was near a building with a large telescope." Fawn: "Large telescope?" Miranda: "The observatory!" the scene went back to the observatory, where Fireball Frank returned with what looked like a bomb. Fireball Frank: "Alright you two, any last words before you blow up into pieces for real this time?" Lucky: "Well uh... not really..." Bonkers: "Nothing?, not even something about regretting that you never got to tell Miranda how much you love her?" Lucky: "Would you please not tell the mad bomber that?!" Bonkers: "What?, I was just saying." Fireball Frank: "So you have a crush on a woman eh?" Lucky: "Well... maybe... she's blond, brave..." Lucky: "And she's right behind the bad guy too." Lucky: "Yeah she's... what?!" Fireball Frank: "What are you..." before the criminal could finish, Miranda kicked the bombs away from him, while Fawn went to untie the two cops. Fawn: "Bonkers, are you and Lucky alright?" Bonkers: "Yeah, but how did you find us?" Fawn: "Jokey found your can." Lucky: "Well that's a relief." Bonkers: "Yeah, now to defuse that bomb." said Bonkers, before he takes the bomb and pressed some buttons, which made it have beeping sounds. Fireball Frank: "You idiot!, you set it to explode in 30 seconds!" Bonkers: "Oh... well stop it!" Fireball Frank: "How?!" Bonkers: "What do you mean 'how?', it's your bomb!" Fireball Frank: "It can't be stopped once the countdown starts you idiot!" shouted Fireball Frank in fear, as he and the others soon began playing hot potato with the bomb. Lucky: "Stop giving me the bomb!, I don't ever want to see this thing again!" shouted Lucky, before Bonkers ate the bomb, much to everyone's surprise. Suddenly, the bomb blew up, making the bobcat's stomach to expend and then smoke was burped out of his mouth. Fireball Frank: "He blew up the bomb!" Miranda: "And you're under arrest!" Lucky: "Couldn't have said it better myself." said Lucky, before he and Miranda put hand cuffs on the criminal. The next day came, and the police of Hollywood were celebrating, not only was Lucky and Bonkers still alive, but the mad bomber was captured too. Chief Leonard: "Well done you four, you managed to capture the mad bomber, this town could never thank you enough." Bonkers: "Well half of the credit goes to Fawn and Miranda, they did saved us after all." Miranda: "And Lucky, if you want to go out with me, all you have to do is ask." Lucky: "What are you talking about?" Miranda: "Oh something about you have a crush on me and liked my hair and bravery." Lucky: "Oh... you heard that huh?" Miranda: "Pretty much." Lucky: "Um... well... if that's the case, when you're not busy... would you go out with me?" Miranda: "Sure." Lucky: "Really?, even though that I'm not that much of a looker?" Miranda: "Oh don't be silly, it's what's inside that counts." Fawn: "How true, which is why I choose Bonkers to date with, as he has a big heart, just like his partner." Lucky: "Huh... thanks..." Miranda: "How about 8:00 sharp?" asked Miranda, before she gives Lucky a kiss on the cheek, which made the detective blush a little bit. Lucky: "Uh... sure thing..." Bonkers: "Hey!, we could double date!" Fawn: "Not a bad idea." Lucky: "Oh boy..." said Lucky, who had mixed feelings about the date, as while he was happy to have a date at last, he was not sure about having toons involved.

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