Lucky In Toon Town

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It was night time when Bonkers and Lucky, along with their dates, were in a movie theater that was showing a short film of Goofy (voiced by Bill Farmer), one of the clumsiest toons ever. Goofy: "Hmm... something wrong here..." said Goofy in the film, as his clothes were getting filled by water due to a water hose in his pants. Bonkers: "Wow, no one takes a wallop like Goofy, what timing and a genius." Lucky: "Are you sure genius is the right word for Goofy?" Miranda: "Come now Lucky, no need to be rude." Lucky: "I'm not." Bonkers: "I wonder if Goofy would drop a piano on himself, or maybe someone else." Lucky: "There is nothing funny about dropping a piano on someone's head!" shouted Lucky, which startled Bonkers and Fawn a little. Fawn: "You don't need to yell at him." Lucky: "Sorry... it's just... the thought of a piano being dropped on someone brings bad memories..." Bonkers: "What do you mean?" Lucky: "Well... you see... some time ago... before we met... a Toon killed my brother." Bonkers: "What... no... that can't be..." Lucky: "Yeah... it was around Christmas time a few years back... my brother, Teddy and I were on patrol and chased after a strange looking toon that stole something from a museum... a mask of some sort... we chased him into a warehouse, only he got the drop on us... literally... with a piano... broke my arm... Teddy didn't make it... I never knew who that Toon was... he was a mix up of different animals... the head of a rabbit with pink hair, goggles that glow red, pencils on the tips of the fingers of his right hand while having pencil sharpers on the other.... He disappeared into Toon town after that... since then I had a strong dislike for toons... except for some certain toons like Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse for example." said Lucky, which made Bonkers cry a little. Bonkers: "Oh Lucky... I'm so sorry to hear that... and I'm sorry for mentioning the piano... I'm a real jerk..." Lucky: "No you're not... you didn't mean any harm, really." Miranda: "You said this Toon stole a mask from the museum... what did it look like?" asked Miranda, before Lucky takes out a piece of paper, then a pencil and then drew a picture of the mask. Fawn: "I've never seen a mask like that before..." Boney 10: "I have though." said Boney 10, who suddenly came to the scene, surprising the cops. Miranda: "Who are you?" Boney 10: "I am Boney 10... and I've come to warn you about the danger that's coming." Bonkers: "What danger?" Boney 10: "The return... of MegaTrog." said the elderly demon, which made both Fawn and Bonkers gasped in shock and fear as they held on to one another. Bonkers: "MegaTrog?!" Fawn: "He's coming back?!" Lucky: "Um... who's MegaTrog?" Miranda: "Yeah, who is he?" Boney 10: "He's the ultimate Demon Dragon... most people know him as... the Devil." said Boney 10 as a flash of lightning came, making the human cops to gasp. Lucky: "Hold on... the Devil?, as in... the guy with the pitchfork down below?" Boney 10: "Yes... well a toon version of the devil at least... he was a monster that was out to get souls from both toons and humans... tired of him giving us demons a bad name, I banished him into the underworld and took away his mask, before casting a spell on him to turn into three demons... the demon trio." Bonkers: "Wait... those demons we ran into a few times... that was MegaTrog?" Boney 10: "Parts of him that can only be 1 again if they get the mask back... but since the trio were sealed away, they couldn't get their mask back... however some time ago... somebody released them and formed a bargain... the one who freed them will only give them back the mask if they collect a certain toon... a certain bobcat." Fawn: "You mean... the one who freed them has sent them to go after Bonkers?, is that why they wanted him?" Boney 10: "Yes... but so far they failed... but I have a feeling they're about to pull another trick soon." Lucky: "So if we arrest this guy who freed the trio... Bonkers could be of them at last." Miranda: "But who could it be?" Boney 10: "The same one who dropped a piano on one of ya." said Boney 10, before Lucky tightens his fist, understanding who the elderly demon was talking about. Lucky: "Where can I find him?" Boney 10: "In the sewers beneath Toon Town, be careful though, that place can be a little dangerous for humans like yourself." Lucky: "I don't care... I've been waiting for this chance for far too long... I'm not gonna let this criminal get away this time." Bonkers: "Then let's do this partner." Miranda: "Don't forget us." Lucky: "Hold on girls, this could be dangerous... and I don't want to lose you like my brother." Fawn: "Don't worry, that won't happen this time." Boney 10: "She's right, the writer of this story won't allow that to happen." Lucky: "Uh... is that a 4th wall break joke?" Boney 10: "Yes... yes it is." Bonkers: "Come on Lucky, let's go to Toon Town!" said Bonkers, before he and the other cops ran off to their cars and drove off to Toon Town, leaving the elderly demon dragon behind. Boney 10: "Good luck you guys... you'll need it." meanwhile, the Demon trio were getting an ear ache from hearing their boss yelling at them for failing many times, before ScreamClaw told him that he and the others will get Bonkers and other toons this time before the call ended. ThunderSmacker: "What do you have planned this time?" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... how are we gonna capture Bonkers and some other toons this time?" ScreamClaw: "Easy... with something we should have used a long time ago... this!" said ScreamClaw, before showing the pair a big black spot. ThunderSmacker: "A spot?" ScreamClaw: "This is a portable black hole, it works on toons every time... with this thing, we can make Toons fall into it and they won't come out until we get to spot on a ceiling... so catching that bobcat will be a piece of cake." SpaceWarp: "T-t-that's good n-n-news..." ThunderSmacker: "This better work, cause if it doesn't, we'll never become MegaTrog again." ScreamClaw: "It will work... but first... a little test... and I know just the toons." said ScreamClaw with an evil chuckle. At Lucky's house, the toon kids were getting ready for bed, when suddenly, they heard someone knocking at the door, so they opened it up to see who was there. Tommy: "That's strange... nobody's here... and yet I heard the door knocking." Jokeo: "Maybe someone pulled a prank on us." Gidget: "That's a possibility..." Jokey: "Hey guys... what's with this hole?" Tommy: "What hole?" Jokey: "The hole we're standing on." said Jokey, before the other looked down to see they were standing on a hole, which they fell into the second later. That was when the Demon trio came to the scene and laughed. ScreamClaw: "Ha!, it worked, now for some others toons... and then Bonkers, come on boys." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons flew off to their next targets. Meanwhile, Bonkers, Lucky, Fawn and Miranda were driving towards a tunnel, which is the entrance to Toon Town, and once they got through, they see lots of things singing and dancing, even the sun and plants and other things. Due to not paying attention to the road at the moment, watching the toons saying hi to them, it wasn't long before a car accident occurred, forcing the cops to continue on foot. As they search for a way into the sewers, the Demon trio showed up and used the black hold spot to capture Fawn. Bonkers: "Fawn!, my love no!" Miranda: "What did you do to her?!" ScreamClaw: "Don't worry, she'll come out when we use this on a ceiling, but until then... you're next!" Bonkers: "Uh oh..." Miranda: "Bonkers run!" Bonkers: "No need to tell me twice!" shouted Bonkers, before he and Lucky ran into a hotel, where they used an elevator to go up to the top floor, only to see that the demon trio were already there, waiting for them. Lucky: "What the?!, how did you get up here before we did?!" ScreamClaw: "We flew up of course." Bonkers: "Oh... run?" Lucky: "Run..." Bonkers: "Alright then... run!" shouted Bonkers, before he and Lucky went to a restroom door, unaware of the sign on it that said 'out of order'. When Lucky and Bonkers looked at the rest room, they see that there was no room at all, but outside of the building, and under their feet was 80 stories high of a drop. Lucky: "Ah!, oh no!" Bonkers: "Uh oh..." said Lucky and Bonkers, before they begin falling down. As they were falling, they see Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny doing some sky diving. Bugs: "Eh, What's up doc?, sky diving without a parachute, kinda dangerous." Mickey: "Yeah, You can get killed." Bonkers: "Oh hi Mickey, hi Bugs, you wouldn't happened to have a spare would ya?" Mickey: "Well Bugs does." Bugs: "Yeah, but I don't think you want it." Lucky: "We do!, please hurry!" Bugs: "Okay doc, if you say so." said Bugs, before he gives Lucky the spare, only for the detective's dismay to see that it was a spare tire. Bonkers: "Oh the old spare tire gag, classic Bugs he is." Lucky: "Oh no!" shouted Lucky, as he and Bonkers continued to fall. Mickey: "Poor fellas... was that really necessary?" Bugs: "Eh, ain't I a stinker?" said Bugs as he eats a carrot, before the Demon trio showed up and used the black hole spot on a piece of wood to attach it to in order to catch both Mickey and Bugs. ScreamClaw: "Ha!, two famous toons in one hole!" ThunderSmacker: "Wow, this black hole thing is really coming in handy." SpaceWarp: "Um... what about Bonkers and the c-c-cop?" ScreamClaw: "Don't worry about the Bobcat, he's a toon, he'll be okay... though I wouldn't say the same for the cop..." said ScreamClaw as he and the other demons fly down. Back with Lucky and Bonkers, they were still falling until they landed into a pile of bed mattresses on a moving truck, which saved them from being harmed. Bonkers: "Well this is convenient." Lucky: "Whew... that was too close..." said Lucky, before he and Bonkers got off the truck and begin searching for Miranda, as there was no sign of her. Elsewhere, Miranda was looking for Bonkers and Lucky, before finding the Demon trio heading into some kind of club and decided to follow them. Once she got inside, she sees Daffy Duck (voiced by Mel Blanc) and Donald Duck playing pianos, and the pair were competing one another on who's playing the piano better. Daffy: "I had a lot of wise quacks, but you are despicable!" Donald: "Oh yeah?!" said Donald, before he throws Daffy into his piano, trapping him inside. Daffy: "This means war..." Miranda: "Man... those two just never get along..." said Miranda, before the Demon trio showed up and used their black hole to capture the two ducks. That was when a certain toon hunter, named Elmer Fudd (voiced by Mel Blanc) came to the scene. Elmer: "Hey excuse me, but where did those ducks go?" ScreamClaw: "Down here of course." said ScreamClaw, tricking Elmer to fall into the black hole, capturing him too. ThunderSmacker: "Man... some toons can be really stupid..." SpaceWarp: "G-g-guys... we got company..." said SpaceWarp, as he sees Miranda coming heading to him and the other demons. Miranda: "Release those toons at once!" ScreamClaw: "Uh... no, bye bye." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons ran off from the scene, while Miranda chases after them. Back with Lucky and Bonkers, they were still searching for Miranda, but no luck, that is until they see her chasing the Demon trio, who they then threw the black hole spot on the very spot where Bonkers stood. Bonkers: "Uh... oh..." said Bonkers, before he fell into the hole. Lucky: "Bonkers!" ScreamClaw: "Yes!, we finally got him!, come on boys!" said ScreamClaw, before he takes the black hole spot, and then he and the other demons opened up a sewer lid and jumped into the sewers of Toon Town. Miranda: "Oh no... Bonkers..." Lucky: "Oh man..." that was when Toots came to the scene, honking like crazy. Toots: "Honk Honk!, Ahooga!" Miranda: "Toots?, what are you doing here?" Lucky: "What happened to the kids?" Toots: "Ahooga!, Meep, Meep, Meep, Meep, Meep, Meep!" Lucky: "They've been toon napped?!" Toots: "Meep, Meep, ah huh..." Lucky: "I can't believe I'm talking to a horn... of course I also can't believe I can understand what he's saying..." Miranda: "Oh no... this is not good, those demons have not only taken Bonkers... but many toons as well... including the kids..." Lucky: "What now?" Miranda: "We need to get to the sewers, we're Bonkers and the other toons' only hope now." Lucky: "Then let's hurry." said Lucky, before he and Miranda jumped into the sewers, in hopes to save the many toon napped toons, including their partners.

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