Peter Rabbit's Missing Sisters

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It was a nice day at the park, where Fawn was watching the Toon kids playing together with their new friends, the puppies of the 101 Dalmatians and the kittens of the Aristocats. Patch: "Catch me if you can!" Toulouse: "Oh yeah?!" said the orange/brown kitten as he chases down Patch, before both bumped into Jokey and Jokeo, who had paw prints all over them. Jokey: "What happened?" Jokeo: "We got pawed..." Jokey: "Huh?" Jokeo: "We got run over by a puppy and a kitten." Jokey: "Oh... hey Jokeo, did you always had spots that look like paw prints?" Jokeo: "They're not... oh forget it..." that was when a rabbit toon with a blue jacket came to the scene, and he was looking really worried. He was in fact Peter Rabbit (voiced by Cam Clarke), and he looked like he needed help when he saw Fawn Deer. Peter: "Excuse me miss, but do you know where I can find the ones called Bonkers and Lucky?" Fawn: "They're at the police station right now." Peter: "Thanks, now I gotta hurry." said Peter, before he hops away from the scene. Gidget: "Hey... that was Peter Rabbit!" Jokey: "Who?" Gidget: "You know, the rabbit from the Beatrix Potter books." Jokeo: "Oh yeah... I wonder what he wants with Mr Bonkers and Mr Lucky?" Tommy: "Only one way to find out..." said Tommy, before he and his friends decided to follow Peter to the police station. Inside Lucky's office, there were a lot of carrots that Bonkers brought, much to Lucky's annoyance of course. Lucky: "Bonkers... what's with these carrots again?" Bonkers: "Well I thought maybe you should have more vegetables in your diet, and carrots are good for the body, especially for the eyes." Lucky: "Maybe... but do you have to store them all in the office?" that was when Peter Rabbit came into the office, much to the cops' surprise. Peter: "Excuse me, but are you Bonkers and Lucky?, the Toon patrol?" Bonkers: "That's us, can we help you on something uh... say... aren't you Peter Rabbit, from the Beatrix Potter books?" Peter: "Yeah, that's me." Bonkers: "And the one from the movie known as 'The New Adventures of Peter Rabbit', where you got into trouble by telling lies?" Peter: "Um... well..." Bonkers: "You're not being naughty this time, are ya?" Peter: "Hold on, I've changed, I'm an honest rabbit now, and it's true I need your help, for my sisters have been toon napped!" Bonkers: "What?!, your sisters' have been toon napped?!" Peter: "Yeah, I just said that." Lucky: "Who are your sisters?" Bonkers: "What are you talking about?, didn't you read the books?, Peter Rabbit's sisters are named Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, and he also has a cousin named Benjamin Bunny." Peter: "Or Benny for short." Bonkers: "Right, and anyhow... you were saying about your sisters being toon napped?" Peter: "Yes, I them being stolen by a trio of what looked like dragons with pitchforks." Lucky: "Three dragons with pitchforks... sounds like those demons are up to their old tricks again..." Bonkers: "Dragons with pitchforks... why does that sound familiar?" Lucky: "Probably because they're the ones who tried to capture you a few times, along with Donald Duck, the dalmatian puppies and the Aristocat kittens." Bonkers: "Oh yeah!, I remember now!, oh no!, we gotta rescue Peter's sisters quick!, there's no telling what those monsters could do to them!" Lucky: "Well... here we go again..." said Lucky, as he along with Bonkers and Peter Rabbit ran off to go search for Peter's sisters and the demon trio. Unaware to them, Tommy and the other kids, including Patch, Rolly, Cadpig, Oliver, Marie, Berlioz and Toulouse, were hiding behind the office door and heard everything. Gidget: "Oh those poor bunnies..." Patch: "Man... those demons don't ever learn, do they?" Berlioz: "Nope..." Marie: "How terrible..." Oliver: "Why would the Demon trio toon nap Peter Rabbit's sisters anyway?" Jokey: "To make a rabbit pie?" Toulouse: "Uh... what gave you that idea?" Jokey: "I read the book of Peter Rabbit while on the way here... and it said something about the farmer making a pie out of Peter's dad and attempted to do the same on Peter if he didn't get away in time." Jokeo: "Yeah... that was pretty dark for a child's book..." Cadpig: "Can't be as dark as getting captured to be turned into a fur coat..." hearing that made the others to have a shiver down their spines. Rolly: "She does have a point there..." Toulouse: "Come on, our case was dark too, right?" Marie: "Yeah... but were just abandoned to the countryside... not as bad as getting eaten or turn into coats..." Toulouse: "Fair enough..." Patch: "Never mind that, we gotta do something." Jokeo: "Like what?, we're just kids." Jokey: "Well we did dealt with them before..." Jokeo: "We were lucky those last few times." Gidget: "Even so, we better help Mr Bonkers, as he's the one those creeps are after." said Gidget, before she and the others went off to go follow Bonkers. Meanwhile, at an underground hideout, the Demon trio were busy playing some cards, while guarding a cage that had Peter's sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail (all voiced by Debbie Derryberry). ScreamClaw: "Got any threes?" ThunderSmacker: "No... go fish..." SpaceWarp: "B-b-but we don't have any f-f-fish..." ScreamClaw: "Not those kind of fish!" Flopsy: "Man... and here I thought Mr McGregor was bad news..." Mopsy: "Sis... I'm scared... what's gonna happen to us?" Cottontail: "It's okay Mopsy... we're gonna be fine... I promise... I'm sure Peter is out to get some help..." Flopsy: "I hope so... cause those monsters might be hungry for rabbit soon..." said Flopsy, as she noticed a pot being cooked by the black Demon dragon. ScreamClaw: "What are you doing?" SpaceWarp: "Um... making s-s-soup for ourselves..." ThunderSmacker: "You idiot!, we can't have any food that had liquid in it!" SpaceWarp: "Oh right... my bad..." meanwhile, above the underground hideout, Bonkers, Peter and Lucky were still searching for the trio and Peter's sisters. Lucky: "Any luck?" Bonkers: "No... are you sure this is where they flew off to?" Peter: "I believe so... they gotta be around here somewhere..." not too far away, the toon kids were watching the cops and rabbit, making sure they were okay. Rolly: "You know... it's normally the grown ups who watch over the kids... not the other way around..." Tommy: "Yeah, but Bonkers tends to get in trouble." Gidget: "And we don't?" asked Gidget, before Jokey and Jokeo picked up a smell that caught their attention, and followed the smell right to a hole that leads to the underground hideout, which the pair fell into by mistake. SpaceWarp: "If we d-d-don't find something to eat soon... like some c-c-coal... we'll be too weak to capture B-B-Bonkers..." ScreamClaw: "True... but I suppose it would take a small miracle." said ScreamClaw, before the hyena twins dropped in and fell into the pot. Jokey: "Ah!, hot!, hot!, boiling!" Jokeo: "We're being cooked alive!" ScreamClaw: "Or some rather fat miracles..." Jokeo: "Hey!, we're not fat!, we're just big boned... wait... you're those demon dragon jerks!" ThunderSmacker: "And you're those little hyenas who helped Bonkers escape from us!" it wasn't long before Jokey and Jokeo began to make a run for it, trying to get away from the Demon Trio. It wasn't long before the pair used their legs to trip the trio, who fell and rolled into a closet, and Jokeo went to lock it, trapping the trio for the time being. Jokeo: "Oh man... that was close..." Jokey: "Hey bro... who are those pretty rabbit girls over there?" asked Jokey, which made the rabbit sisters blush a little, flattered that one of the hyenas think they were pretty. Jokeo: "Hey... are you by chance related to the one called Peter Rabbit?" Flopsy: "Yes, he's our brother, I'm Flopsy." Mopsy: "I'm Mopsy." Cottontail: "And I'm Cottontail." Jokeo: "Nice to meet ya, I'm Jokeo, and this is Jokey, my twin brother." Jokey: "Hi." Jokeo: "And don't you worry, we'll get you out of that cage... somehow..." Flopsy: "Try get the keys." Jokeo: "Good idea, come on Jokey, lets find those keys and get these ladies out of that cage." Jokey: "Right." so with that, the twins began to search for the keys. Meanwhile, Tommy and the others were searching for the hyena twins as they noticed they were missing. It wasn't long before Bonkers, Lucky and Peter noticed them. Bonkers: "What are you kids doing here?" Gidget: "Well... we want to help you find Peter Rabbit's sisters after hearing about them getting toon napped by those demons... but now Jokey and Jokeo are missing." Peter: "Hey... aren't some of you the puppies from 101 Dalmatians and kittens from The Aristocats?" Marie: "Yup." Patch: "That's us..." Peter: "Well thanks for helping on the search, but you said you're missing some friends?" Tommy: "Yeah, they could be anywhere." suddenly, Jokey and Jokeo popped out of a hole they made in the ground, much to everyone's surprise. Jokey: "Well... the keys are not here." Jokeo: "Nope... but we did found the others." Berlioz: "What are you doing underground?" Jokey: "Looking for the keys that can unlock the cage the rabbit girls are inside of." Peter: "Wait... you mean you found my sisters?!" Jokey: "Maybe, if their names were Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail." Peter: "That's them!" Bonkers: "Nice job you two, can you lead us to them?" Jokey: "Sure, but I don't think we'll all fit this tunnel." Bonkers: "Don't worry, I have a drill just for emergencies like this." said Bonkers, before he ran off and then came back with a drill vehicle, which makes a tunnel big enough for the group to go into and found the hideout where the rabbit sisters were. Peter: "Flopsy!, Mopsy!, Cottontail!, you're all okay!" Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail: "Peter!, big brother!" Bonkers: "Thank goodness they're okay." Lucky: "Say... where's the Demon trio?" Jokeo: "They're in the closet." Toulouse: "You mean the closet that's empty?" asked Toulouse, pointing at the closet that had the door wide opened. Gidget: "Uh oh..." Tommy: "Where did they go?" Flopsy: "Uh... guys... don't turn around..." Lucky: "Why would... they're standing right behind us, aren't they...?" asked Lucky, as the trio were indeed behind him and the other toons. ScreamClaw: "This time bobcat... you're coming with us!" Bonkers: "Uh oh..." said Bonkers, before Peter jumped up and used a frying pan he found and hits ScreamClaw on the head with it, which really angered the demon. ScreamClaw: "But first... get that rabbit!, for it's Rabbit season!" Peter: "Not really... it's demon season." ScreamClaw: "That is a load of balderdash!, it's rabbit season!" Peter: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Rabbit season!" Peter: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Rabbit season!" Peter: "Rabbit season!" ScreamClaw: "Demon season!" Peter: "Rabbit season!" ScreamClaw: "I say it's Demon season!, and I say fire boys!" shouted ScreamClaw, before ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp fired a beam from their pitchforks at ScreamClaw's head. Once the smoke cleared away, ScreamClaw's head was now a skull with eyes, before the demon snapped his fingers and his face was restored like the attack never happened. Flopsy: "Peter... did you just pulled a Bugs Bunny on them?" Peter: "What?, it works for Bugs Bunny right?" ScreamClaw: "Ha, ha!, very funny... but enough fooling around!, you are toast!, and the Bob cat is coming with us!" Lucky: "Actually, you three are coming with me as you're under arrest!" ScreamClaw: "You really think you have authority over us?, we're demons, we don't follow the rules of you mortals." Lucky: "Maybe, but you're toons, and as member of the Toon patrol, we arrest any toon that causes trouble in this town." ScreamClaw: "Really?, well sorry pal, but these demons don't do well behind bars." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons used their pitchforks to teleport away from the scene, much to Lucky's annoyance. Lucky: "Man... those creeps..." Cottontail: "Oh no!, those creeps might have gotten the keys!" Tommy: "Uh oh..." Cadpig: "Try using something to unlock the cage's lock." Lucky: "Yeah... but with what?" Jokey: "Would these keys I found on the ground when me and Jokeo tripped those creeps work?" asked Jokey, taking out some keys from his shirt's pocket. Lucky: "Yeah, thanks I... [paused for a moment before looking annoyed at the hyena] you mean to tell me you had the keys all along and could have used them at any time?!" Jokey: "No, not at any time... only when it was funny." Bonkers: "It's true, Toons need to do things as long as it's funny." Lucky: "Yeah... of course." said Lucky, while putting his hand on his face, trying to calm himself down, and then used the keys to unlock the cage, freeing the rabbit sisters at last. Peter: "Are you girls okay?" Flopsy: "We're fine, Peter, thanks to you and your new friends, especially these two." said Flopsy, looking at the hyena twins, who waved their hands in response. Peter: "Yeah, I owe them big time for their help." Bonkers: "Oh it was nothing, just happy we could help." Flopsy: "Sure... say Jokey, if you're not too busy later, you think you and I could hang out sometime?" Jokey: "Uh... sure." Mopsy: "And maybe Jokeo and I could hang out some time too, I mean if that's okay with you." Jokeo: "Um... well I haven't got any plans lately... sure." that was when Flopsy gave Jokey a kiss on the cheek, while Mopsy did the same on Jokeo's cheek, much to the everyone's surprise. Jokey: "Hey... what just happened?" Gidget: "I think you and Jokeo just got yourselves a date with Flopsy and Mopsy..." Jokeo: "What?!" Tommy: "How about that, you two managed to win the hearts of some girls." Jokey: "We did?" Jokeo: "I guess so..." said Jokeo, as he and Jokey blushed a little.

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