Part 2 Chapter 2: Zhongli of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor

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"Allow me to introduce Mr. Zhongli, consultant to an organization known as Wangsheng, and a trusted associate of the Fatui." Childe said.

"Associate of the Fatui?" Aether repeated.

"Indeed. Wangsheng's line of work can be sensitive at times. Let's just say they understand when discretion is needed. And we, the Fatui, have always been glad to do business with friends who walk in the shadows." Tartaglia explained.

"It is an honor to meet you all. I have heard tell of you from Mondstadt." Zhongli said. "The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor organizes burials. We ensure that those who pass on do so in peace." Zhongli told the group.

"In any case, I brought you to see Mr. Zhongli because..." Childe began to speak.

"Because I can bring you to Rex Lapis' vessel." Zhongli finished.

"Oh, really?" Sying questioned.

"You can?" Venti asked.

"Ha, don't be so surprised. Sure, the Geo Archon's body has been squirreled away by order of the Tianquan Ningguang, but first, let's hear what Mr. Zhongli has to say, shall we?" Childe laughed.

"I'm not surprised, Ajax." Sying sighed, as Venti elbowed him.

"Rex Lapis may be the Prime of Adepti, but he is ultimately an adeptus. Many adepti have left us over the millennia. This is the inexorable trend. The times have changed. You must have felt it too when you were at Jueyun Karst." Zhongli spoke.

"That's true. The adepti are staying away from Liyue." Aether agreed.

"As you have seen, the time of the adepti is ending, and the time of mankind is slowly dawning. In years past, Liyue's tradition was that a huge memorial service be held to mark the passing of every adeptus. But this time, the Qixing have made no attempt whatsoever to respect this tradition. It is sacrilege." The consultant explained.

"Well, they have to do something to deal with the killer." Venti announced, filling a cup with wine.

"Can you go five minutes without drinking?" Sying growled.

"Ehe." Barbatos laughed before drinking the cup.

"Regardless, the concern of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is this: When the ritual to receive this god is so kingly, it is all the more egregious for his final send-off to go unattended to." Zhongli looked over at the group of travelers. "Aether, Sying, and Venti, Childe has told me a lot about you. Since you have had dealings with the Anemo Archon, could I ask you to help me prepare the Geo Archon's last rites?"

"I accept your invitation." Aether confirmed.

"Yep! Let's do this!" Venti yelled, waving a bottle of wine around, which Sying grabbed before it smacked Childe in the face.

"Fine. I'll help out with this Rite of Parting." Astral groaned.

"A wise decision. The Tianquan, Ningguang, has forbidden anyone from accessing Rex Lapis' vessel. Which of course you would need to access if you are to achieve your goal of meeting all of the Eight." Childe informed the group.

"Precisely. Only by participating in the Rite of Parting will you be able to see the form of Rex Lapis again." Zhongli agreed.

"We said we would help. Archons, you're so pushy." Sying complained, making Zhongli laugh. "Oh, and Aether, why do you keep asking people for help when I said I would help you first?!"

"I didn't know you knew how to set up a Rite of Parting Sying! I'm sorry." Aether apologized, remembering last time when they asked Venti for help.

"Why am I even here if you don't need me?" The Nova god wondered.

"No clue!" Venti shouted, earning him a smack on the head.

"Come with me. We will speak of the details as we walk." Zhongli decided and walked out of Liuli Pavilion.

"Alright, my bridge-building work here is done. Turned out well, didn't it? You can go if you want to, don't worry about me. I might just have a few more drinks, and get acquainted with these things called "chopsticks" in the meantime." Childe said. Aether took the lead so Sying could drag Venti away from the alcohol. As the adeptus passed the Harbinger, he placed a pair of training chopsticks with narwhals on them on the table, leaving a very confused ginger. 

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