Part 2 Chapter 5: Ningguang's Jade Chamber

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At Third-Round Knockout, Zhongli ordered the food for everyone and Venti was able to drink the wine he had been asking for.

"Can I order wine this time?" Aether asked.

"Yeah~" Venti cheered, handing Aether a glass. Before he could take it, Sying grabbed it.

"No, not yet. You're 16, not 18. And in Khaneri'ah, you have to be 20." Sying retorted.

"But we're not in Khaenri'ah." Aether pointed out.

"We are not, but I am going to agree with Sying." Zhongli stated.

"I guess I should have expected this." Aether sighed. A storyteller showed up as they ate and told the story of Ningguang and her Jade Chamber that floats over the Harbor. "Tianquan Ningguang, I feel like we've heard this name alot."

"The lady from the Rite of Descension?" Venti wondered, refilling his cup.

"Yeah, her. She's like the human ruler of Liyue." Sying said.

"At last, I have found you, you who returned from Jueyun Karst." A voice called out. The group looked up to see someone Sying recognized. Ganyu, a half adeptus that serves his brother. "I am an emissary of the Liyue Qixing. My name is Ganyu, secretary at the Yuehai Pavilion, and I have come specifically to meet you. At the moment, I serve Lady Ningguang as her special emissary. She invites you to her palace in the sky." Ganyu came over to the group. "Lord Astral, could you fly him up there?"

"Sure thing, Ganyu. Uh, Zhongli, I'll leave Venti with you." Sying responded. Venti leaned on the Geo Archon with a laugh.

"You're stuck with me, blockhead!" The bard said, making Zhongli sigh. Sying left the Harbor with Aether and flew him up to the Jade Chamber. When they arrived, Ningguang was already there.

"I've been waiting for you, returnee from Jueyun Karst." Ningguang said.

"This place is cool." Aether breathed, looking around.

"I'm glad you like it too. This palace floats in the sky, higher than the peak of any mountain. From this vantage point, one may survey all of Liyue. I have been gathering the funds necessary to build it from the time I began learning the merchant's craft. And since becoming the Tianquan, I have spared no effort in hiring the best craftsmen to constantly extend it." Ningguang explained.

"Slow down on the expanding. Someone might get angry and try to destroy it. After all, this place is big enough to destroy the Harbor." Sying warned.

"Relax. The reason I invited you here was to clear up some misunderstandings." Ningguang walked to the edge of the chamber. "I believe you've heard of the Archon War?"

"Not really." Aether answered. "I know Sying was in it, but that's about it."

"Many gods used to walk this earth, and many long wars were fought between them that did not abate until 2,000 years ago. Much blood was shed, and many lives were lost. In the end, only eight victors remained standing in Teyvat. They built cities and nations on the corpses of the vanquished, and thus began the era of The Eight." The Tianquan informed them. "You can see Guyun Stone Forest from here, I trust? It is no natural rock formation. Those are giant spears of rock, hurled by Rex Lapis during the war. Beneath the spears lie gods that failed to seize the title of Archon. Not only is it true that gods may die, but so too has the membership of the Eight changed over the last two millennia. Rex Lapis' passing is an unimaginable disaster for Liyue, but the order of the Eight will not collapse simply because of that. Now I ask you this: Do you really think us capable of having played a part in his demise?"

"Why hide the Exuvia, then?" Sying asked.

"Our enemy has long lain hidden within the Harbor. If we do not act against them now, they will surely gain the upper hand. Hiding the Exuvia was a necessary maneuver to take the initiative back." Ningguang said, leading the duo inside. Once in Ningguang's office in the Jade Chamber, the conversation continued, but Sying wasn't paying that much attention. At some point, the adeptus felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked to see Aether pointing to a large piece of paper on the wall.

"Sying, Lady Ningguang said we could take one of those papers. I just thought you should know." He said.

"Alright then." Sying commented. The duo walked over and Aether began reading the paper. Sying peaked over his shoulder to get a look.

"Sigil of Permission... Fatui... Research..." Aether mumbled.

"It's showing traces of classified Fatui research on the Sigil of Permission." Sying spoke. "You better get to the Golden House right away. I'll find Barbatos and meet you there as soon as possible." Aether nodded and made his way to the Golden House, which was a little walk away from the Harbor. Once inside, he noticed the massive piles of mora in the room, along with the Exuvia in the back. No guards were seen, and Aether knew something was off. The Outlander made his way to the center of the room and examined the Exuvia. It appeared that nothing had happened to it.

"You've already fulfilled your task as a guide, so why do you still linger here? Haven't you seen enough trouble for today?" A voice questioned.

"Who's there?" Aether demanded, turning around. A familiar ginger haired figure came up to him. Childe, the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger.

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