A Dream Yet to be Dreamed Chapter 1: Dream of a Dandelion

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The trio followed Dainsleif to the Temple of the Falcon between Windrise and Whispering Woods. When they arrived, Sying could sense faint traces of the Abyss.

"This abandoned temple does bear some marks of the Abyss." Dainsleif stated. "The Falcon of the West, though it can soar in the wind, it ultimately does naught but hover under the light of the gods."

"What are you talking about?" Aether wondered.

"Mm? Oh, it's nothing. Let's head inside." Dainsleif said. The group of four walked inside and the Abyssal energy was getting stronger.

"What do Abyss Heralds look like, anyway? Do they look like Abyss Mages?" Venti questioned.

"It's kind of hard to explain its appearance." Sying admitted. As the foursome entered the last room, two Abyss Mages appeared before them. One had the Hydro element, and the other was Pyro. Aether used his palm vortex to swirl the two elements together, as Venti used an Anemo infused arrow to break the shields. Then, Sying and Dainsleif dealt the finishing blow with Nova infused swords.

"Just a few Abyss Mages? Seems like that Herald might have already left." Dainsleif noticed.

"Could you guys tell me more about the Abyss Order?" Aether requested.

"The Abyss is chaos and destruction. It is inconceivable madness that encroaches upon this world's very foundations. That is why even Dvalin, a servant of Barbatos, was unable to resist its corrosive powers." Sying growled.

"And the creatures of the Abyss desire nothing less than the overthrow of a world ruled by the Archons." Dainsleif added.

"Sying, you and Dain seem to know a lot about the Abyss." Aether pointed out, making Sying laugh.

"Alright. Enough chit chat. We should head to Wolvendom. Judging by the traces I'm following, their next appearance may be within the territory of that old wolf. Perhaps we may find our Abyss Herald there." Dainsleif told them. Sying flew the group to Wolvendom, outside the giant arena. Nearby was a bonfire of sorts.

"That's a strange looking fire." Venti announced.

"Yeah. There's even an Abyssal spell over it." Sying said, looking at the words floating above the flames. The adeptus looked over the area before continuing. "While I took us down, I noticed other signs of the Abyss as well. They seem to be left by Abyss Mages, not the Herald."

"Are we going to give up?" Aether questioned.

"Not just yet. There's one more spot we can check. Stormterror's Lair." Dainsleif decided. A little while later, the group of four stood next to a Light Actuator. They searched the area, but in the end, they saw no sign of the Abyss Herald.

"In the end, we couldn't find the Abyss Herald. Such a shame." Venti sighed as Aether nodded in agreement.

"I wouldn't call not having to gaze upon such a creature a "shame," exactly. Still, I do believe that you will come across one eventually." Dainsleif stated.

"You're right, Dain. If it's a powerful monster, it'd be best to avoid it." The Traveler agreed.

"How good it would be if all perils could be solved by avoiding them." Sying groaned.

"Are you speaking from experience?" Aether asked.

"Yes, I've adventured around Teyvat for many, many years." Astral confessed.

"Oh, Dain, you mentioned that you used to travel with someone. What happened to them?" Aether questioned.

"She..." Dainsleif sighed. "She no longer travels. I'm afraid that traveling can be exhausting at times."

"I see." Sying said. "Dainsleif, I know you have unfinished business, but please return home." The Khaenri'ahn went silent for a moment before replying.

"I will. Thank you, my Lord." Dainsleif smiled.

"When I find my sisters, may we stay in New Khaenri'ah with you, as well?" Aether requested.

"Of course!" Sying cheered. Suddenly, Aether turned around and looked off into the distance. As far as Sying could tell, there was nothing there.

"I sense something familiar. On that cliff." The Outlander interrupted. Venti created a wind current to carry them up, and when they landed on the cliff, the only thing visible were Ruin Guard tracks.

"Can you still sense what you felt earlier?" Barbatos wondered.

"It's nearby." Aether answered.

"A Field Tiller went through here recently." Sying spoke.

"No peace to be found, even for a single dandelion." Dainsleif announced. Aether went over to the dandelion and held it in his hand. He looked at it for a while before speaking.

"I saw my sisters and I fighting some kind of goddess." He said.

"A goddess? Can you describe her?" Sying wondered.

"She has long white hair, and she can create cubes." Aether replied, making his three companions freeze. "I also saw a nation being attacked by those cubes, and there was fire everywhere. And..."

"And what?" Venti inquired.

"I could feel Lumine's presence." The Traveler admitted. "I have to hurry and find her!"

"Do not rush." Dainsleif protested. "Vexation and anxiety are the enemy of rational thought. Your journey has only just begun, has it not? At least you know that she is still in this world. At this time, the most important thing is the journey to find her itself."

"And I will find her." Aether declared.

"Yes, and this is something you must keep in mind as the meaning behind your journey. May you find your kin at the end of that journey." Dainsleif said. "Now, let's go home." Aether followed his friends, still thinking about what he saw. There was one part he left out for Sying's sake. In the dream he had when he touched the dandelion, he also saw a woman with light blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. She had a kind smile and a soothing voice. Somehow, Aether knew who that woman was. It was Chao-xing, the Queen of Khaenri'ah, and the goddess of wishes. 

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