A Dream Yet to be Dreamed Chapter 3: A Statue, the Wolf Spirit, and the Eye

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The group of four entered Mondstadt and stopped before the stairs leading to the Cathedral. Dainsleif looked around the city before speaking.

"A huge statue, a grandiose Cathedral..." Dain said. "The people of Mondstadt clearly spent a great deal of resources and energy to construct them." The Khaenri'ahn glanced at Barbatos. "But how aware of this was the Anemo Archon on receiving this gift, and how much did he give back in return?"

"Do you enjoy being mean to me?" Venti complained.

"Yes. It brings me great joy." Dain replied with a smirk.

"Faith doesn't ask for anything in return though, does it?" Aether reminded the group.

"Hmph. The only god I'll acknowledge is Lord Astral, no one else." Dainsleif decided.

"Well, let's enter the Church!" Venti cheered.

"Dain and I will stay here. When non-believers step onto holy ground, the result is never pretty." Sying explained.

"I have only gained the blessing of Lord Astral. I see no reason to worship any other god." Dain said.

"I understand. We'll come back with some information." Aether declared. With that, the Anemo Archon and the Traveler entered the Cathedral, leaving the Khaenri'ahns behind. Once they were out of sight, Sying leaned on Dainsleif, exhausted from before.

"My Lord, are you alright?" Dain asked.

"I'll be okay. I'm just tired." Sying yawned. After a little while, Aether and Barbatos returned.

"We got news!" Venti shouted.

"The Eye of the First Field Tiller should be in Stormterror's Lair. Barbara told us about how fireballs used to rain down from the sky near Old Mondstadt. We also learned the Abyss Order is targeting the spirit of Lupus Boreas in Wolvendom." Aether explained.

"They could be trying to corrupt him or get information on Barbatos." Sying spoke.

"Let's hurry and save him, then!" Venti declared. The group flew to Wolvendom, where Dainsleif refused to go any further since he didn't want to see Boreas.

"You really hate the Eight, huh?" Aether stated.

"There's nothing special about gods anyway. Lord Astral is the only exception." Dainsleif admitted. When the trio arrived at the Arena of Wolvendom, Razor was there, standing in front of Boreas who was covered in Abyssal power. The Abyss Herald was also there. The three boys ran closer to find out what was going on.

"You not welcome here!" Razor growled, holding his claymore out in front of him as the trio made it to his side.

"So, the wolf's wretched spirit likes to raise wild pups now?" The Herald laughed, taunting Boreas. "You claim to be a guardian, yet your once-sharp claws have clearly dulled since your days of godly glory."

"Hey! Don't insult him!" Venti shouted.

"If you serve us, we can restore your divine powers you once held in the past." The Herald continued.

"Boreas will never serve the Abyss!" Barbatos yelled.

"Wolves never surrender. But this can't go on." Razor declared.

""I'll stop this." Aether promised.

"I'll help as well." Sying agreed.

"No matter how many times you resist us, your efforts are all in vain." The Herald mocked, only to be hit by Sying's Nova infused sword. Venti followed with a blast of Anemo to clear a path for Razor and Aether. The Herald swung its Hydro blade, only for it to be blocked by Razor's claymore, giving Aether the chance to land an Anemo infused sword slash. Sying sent an x-shaped Nova wave toward the Abyssal monster who blocked it with a Hydro shield. Razor's electro wolf appeared above him as he attacked. With the Electro boost, Aether and Venti were able to swirl the Electro and Anemo powers together to defeat the Abyss Herald. There was a loud howl and Boreas shook off the Abyssal power. Knowing it had been beaten, the Herald disappeared through another portal.

"It disappeared again." Sying complained, letting out a groan.

"At least we stopped it this time." Aether commented, making Sying nod.

"I'm glad you're alright, Boreas." Venti told the spirit.

"Thank you, Lord Barbatos. Your assistance was most appreciated." The wolf bellowed. The trio returned to Dainsleif on the outskirts of Wolvendom once they said farewell to Razor and Boreas.

"While the three of you were away, I defeated some of the Abyss forces, but wasn't able to gather any information. Did you have more success?" Dain wondered. Aether then told Dainsleif everything that happened with Lupus Boreas, making sure to include every detail in case it was important. "I see. Then, this supports the theory that the first Field Tiller is in Old Mondstadt."

"Oh! There's an abandoned Field Tiller sitting atop the tower of Old Mondstadt!" Sying exclaimed.

"That would be our best bet. Let's get going." Dain agreed. The group flew over to the tower in the middle of Stormterror's Lair and stood in front of the deactivated Field Tiller. The Nova god excitedly searched the machine until he pulled out a strange piece. The Eye of the First Field Tiller.

"Your wife made this, Sying?" Aether gasped, as Venti tried to take the piece from Sying.

"She sure did!" Astral boasted proudly, keeping the Anemo Archon away with his tail. "All of the Field Tillers are just replicas of this machine. As the prototype, its combat capability was unrestricted."

"And with the Eye of this Field Tiller, the Abyss Order can create a mechanical god with the power to destroy Celestia." Dainsleif added.

"What do we do with the Eye?" Aether questioned.

"Should we hide it somewhere?" Venti suggested.

"No. I'll guard it myself. As for the upside down statue, we'll need to destroy it." Dainsleif stated. Sying nodded and handed the Eye to his friend, who sent it away in a burst of blue flames.

"After all that running, we end up right back here." Venti complained as the group walked through the ruins.

"Quit complaining, Barbatos." Sying said.

"I agree. Your whining is annoying." Dainsleif shared.

"Stop picking on me!!" The bard yelled as the group of four entered the room with the statue. The Abyss Herald was already there, waiting for them.

"Ready to die?" Sying challenged, summoning his sword.

"I think you'll be the one dying today, Astral, King of Khaenri'ah." The Herald laughed. "I sense your soul is stained by terrible bloodshed, perhaps from your darkest nightmares. Oh, and something far more dangerous! You reek of a corruption familiar to mine. Then we are the same. We're both dangerous."

"Time to finish this!" Dainsleif declared, lunging forward and landing a hit on the monster. Aether and Sying followed with a few slashes, while Venti shot arrows from above. The Herald covered itself in Hydro and spun, only for the group to dodge its attack. The Herald swung its blade at Aether who managed to block and dodge the next attack as well. Aether swung his sword but missed as the Herald slashed to the side. The Traveler jumped over it and exchanged blows with his opponent before being able to land a hit on the monster. The Abyss Herald slid back and opened a portal, but when it tried to leave, Dainsleif stopped it with his telekinesis. Sying ran forward to destroy the Herald, when a dark wave of Abyssal power came toward the two Khaenri'ahns. The power collided with Dain's, as the two backed away to Aether and Venti. And when the dust settled, there was a girl with short blonde hair in a white dress holding a white and gold sword in her hand. Aether stepped forward a little in surprise as the female gave the foursome harsh cold glares. The Herald got down on its knees, as if the girl was someone important to it.

"Princess." The Herald announced. The girl in front of them was Lumine, Aether's twin sister.

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