Part 4 Chapter 8: Doctor's Notes

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After the meeting in Aaru Village, the group made a plan to stop the sages from turning Scaramouche into a god and save Kusanali. Cyno would sneak in some Eremites they befriended, and eventually arrest the Grand Sage. Alhaitham modified his Akasha Terminal to handle the Divine Knowledge Capsule, and Dehya was helping out when needed. Sying, Aether, and Luna went to Pardis Dhyai to meet with Tighnari to see if he knew where Dottore was. When they arrived, Tighnari was waiting for them in a quieter area.

"Hey Tighnari, thanks for meeting with us." Aether said. "This is Luna, she's a close friend of mine. Listen, we want to know where he is."

"The Doctor, huh..." Tighnari trailed off.

"The tall guy with blue hair and a mask." Luna explained.

"Yeah, and where's Collei?" Sying asked. Tighnari looked up at the adeptus confused.

"I thought she changed her mind and went with you. The other rangers and I haven't seen her." The Forest Watcher stated.

"What do you mean? She went straight back home to you, and you don't know where she is?" Sying roared, showing his fangs to the Forest Watcher.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know where she is. As soon as I get back to Gandharva Ville I'll send out a search party and inform you of any findings. Worst case scenario is that her Eleazar made her stop in a nearby village. I promise that I'll find her." Tighnari spoke. Knowing there was nothing he could do, Sying let out a sigh and calmed himself down.

"Fine. So, do you know where the Second is?" He wondered.

"I do. He left Pardis Dyhai a little while ago. He came looking for me." Tighnari admitted.

"What was your conversation about?" Luna questioned curiously.

"You see, the Harbinger you all mentioned came to me because he wanted to take the scholar Haypasia away with him." He spoke.

"What is he after?" Aether mumbled.

"Do you mean that he's leaving Sumeru, or leaving for one of his facilities?" Sying inquired.

"He said that his return for Snezhnaya is imminent and that his colleague, The Eighth Harbinger, Hailstorm would finish his work here." Tighnari responded.

"So you mean, you're leaving this place soon?" Tighnari asked The Doctor.

"Indeed. Otherwise, we could have perhaps talked more. I was just about to set out when I remembered something important. To that end, I made a final trip to Pardis Dhyai. Let me ask, have you been taking care of a scholar by the name of Haypasia?" Dottore asked.

"Your sources are accurate, no doubt because you have recruited many informants, but you are right, Haypasia has indeed been receiving treatment from me."

"Forgive me for asking, but how's the treatment going along?"

"Given the way you're asking, I assume you have something to say?

"Since you asked, I'll be frank: I would like to take Haypasia to Snezhnaya." As The Doctor said this, Tighnari let out a long sigh.

"It's incredibly difficult to transfer a patient. As a scholar yourself, shouldn't you at least be aware of this?"

"Oh? I can't believe your utter lack of faith in me, to the point of even questioning my general level of knowledge. How unbefitting."

"Well, you're the only one who's ever made such a request."

"I have my ways of keeping her safe during the journey. In addition, I can also promise that under my care, Haypasia will receive the most advanced and effective treatment. I will personally supervise her treatment and see to her recovery, like I'm doing for another one of my patients. Would that be agreeable to you?"

"Haypasia was born in Sumeru, and remains a scholar of the Akademiya. Her situation has not become dire enough to necessitate her transfer to another nation. Transporting her to Snezhnaya is risky, and the potential benefits are unknown. As the person currently responsible for her treatment, I cannot possibly sign off on this transfer. Your suggestion is rude and reckless. I'll pass."

"I don't know much about The Doctor. But after talking with him, I realized that just like many other scholars, he possesses an aura of arrogance that I've come to detest. It's not so much that he's looking down on others, but more that he's so confident in himself and his abilities to a point of near insanity. I would never refer a patient to someone like him." Tighnari finished.

"Do you think he'll just give up on her?" Aether asked.

"He won't. He'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants." Luna interrupted.

"That's what I thought as well, however, his reaction surprised me." The Forest Watcher said.

I see, I see. Of course, your opinion makes perfect sense. You're still young, but already quite stubborn. I must say, you are not like what I had expected. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't let you off the hook like this, but unfortunately, I'm in a hurry today. What with her noble Majesty, the Tsaritsa, calling for my return. Luckily, there is still some time left for me to take care of everything before I leave and let Hailstorm take over. It's just like the Akademiya said, you're a responsible and gifted scholar. Sadly, even with all that, you're still lacking a bit of shrewdness. And that's also why people like you can never realize that sooner or later, everyone must pay the price for what they've learned. Just like her." Dottore told him before walking away.

"He hinted at Collei in the end." Sying growled quietly.

"I'm truly sorry, Sying." Tighnari apologized.

"I know, I know." The adeptus mumbled, as Luna thought for a moment.

"I can't believe he's leaving Sumeru without me! That jerk! I know where to go, thanks Tighnari!" Luna shouted, dragging Aether away with her. Sying followed after them, waving goodbye to the confused Forest Watcher. The trio ended up in Port Ormos in time to see Dottore leaving on a boat to Snezhnaya, but his subordinates were not coming with him. That was when they realized they made a mistake leaving Tighnari with Haypasia. Dottore used himself as a distraction, so his Fatui members could get Haypasia.

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