A Dream Yet to be Dreamed Chapter 6: The People of Khaenri'ah

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When the trio got to the entrance, a thick Abyssal fog blocked them. Thankfully, Dainsleif was able to get rid of it with his telekinesis. Seeing this, Aether suddenly thought of a question.

"Was this city built by Khaenri'ah?" Aether asked.

"Not necessarily. The closer we draw, the more I am inclined to conclude that these ruins belong to a more ancient civilization. The Abyss Order simply got to them before anyone else." Dainsleif answered before Sying could say anything.

"Even older than Khaenri'ah? I can't even think that far back." Aether gasped.

"That said, the architecture here does somewhat resemble that of Khaenri'ah. At least, it would if it was the other way up." Sying commented as they entered a room of the city. The two Black Serpent Knights from before stood inside, as if waiting for the three of them.

"Are they guarding something?" Aether wondered. Sying stepped forward and the two knights stepped off to the side to reveal some hilichurls sitting on the ground. The adeptus bent down and said something to them in Khaenri'ahn. "What is going on with these hilichurls?"

"The hilichurls are preparing to meet their end." Dainsleif spoke. "They have grown old and fearful of the light, even become one with the darkness. And yet the curse continues to corrode them."

"Why would the Black Serpent Knights want to stay here and guard them?" Aether questioned. Suddenly, four more Knights appeared behind them and gave a short bow to Sying. The strange Knight from before showed up as well, and the other Knights stepped aside.

"Halfdan?" Sying and Dainsleif echoed the name.

"You guys recognize him?" Aether inquired.

"If it's as I suspect, then this truly is a tragic state of affairs." Dain muttered to himself.

"You want to know why they were gathered here guarding the hilichurls, don't you?" Sying asked Aether. He nodded as Dainsleif interrupted.

"It's because as far as the Black Serpent Knights are concerned, they are simply doing their duty." He declared. "The one who ordered them to step aside; I suddenly recognized him. I knew him as a young man, an elite in the Royal Guard of old, and my lover. His name is Halfdan."

"So he's from 500 years ago as well." Aether noticed.

"To this day, I still remember the final orders I, the King of Khaenri'ah, gave to Halfdan and Dainsleif on the day of disaster in Khaenri'ah, before I made haste back to the palace to try and save Chao-xing. "Inform all Black Serpent Knights to protect the people of Khaenri'ah at all costs." But that would mean nothing in the events that followed." Sying growled quietly. "Against the might of the other gods, the only identity that mattered was being from Khaenri'ah."

"These Black Serpent Knights have lost their intellect. But perhaps, in whatever remains of their minds, they are still protecting the people of Khaenri'ah. If you see these ruins as Khaenri'ah in the throes of disaster, and these hilichurls as the people crying for help then suddenly, I can make sense of what I'm hearing. Their growls are less of a threat and more of a warning." Dainsleif said.

"Run." Sying repeated the word.

"So they're not talking to us, they're talking to the hilichurls behind them to escape." Aether realized.

"Even I have to admit, the fact their will is strong enough to survive 500 years of erosion. It is nothing short of a miracle born from hopelessness." Dainsleif mumbled. The trio continued their way up the city and Aether began to speak.

"Why are you guys so quiet?" He asked.

"I'm just thinking." Sying replied. The trio entered the room in the center of the city to see a pool of water on the ceiling. "It seems this is what is weakening the curse. Here, my whole body feels at peace than it has in a long time. The effect is stronger here than it was before, and I think it's because the water pool has something similar to a cleansing effect."

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