Snezhnaya's Hailstorm

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Sying sighed as Fischl began talking to Aether, Venti, and Dainsleif about the meteorite situation. Katheryne of the Adventurers' Guild had sent a bunch of adventurers to investigate meteorites. However, they weren't regular meteorites. Everyone that touched one, instantly fell asleep and didn't wake up. Katheryne paired the four of them with Fischl, and her night raven Oz, since they were the most experienced in the Guild. Fischl talked like she came from a fantasy novel, which made it difficult to understand her. Oz did most of the translating, since Aether and Venti had a hard time understanding the girl. Dainsleif understood just fine, and so did Sying. The adeptus decided to play along with Fischl's way of talking, and talked to her in the same way she talked to them. He could tell it made the girl happy, so he continued doing it. Now, the group was walking to a site where a meteorite was spotted. On the way there, they saw a person lying on the road. Standing over the man was an Inazuman male and a small girl with a Snezhnayan Cryo Vision in her hair. The meteorite was nowhere to be found.

"Is the guy on the ground asleep, Kuni?" The girl wondered, crouching down to get a better look.

"I believe so. I've tried everything, but he won't wake up." The male responded, giving the girl a pat on the head.

"It seems like he touched the meteorite, just like the others." Aether noticed. The Inazuman turned his attention to the group as the girl tried waking the sleeping man on the ground.

"If by "meteorite" you mean the rock that struck the cart– worry not, I have dealt with that already using my magic. But by "others" do you mean to say, there are others who have fallen into a similar slumber?" The male wondered. As Dainsleif opened his mouth to speak, Fischl cut him off.

"One has witnessed with one's own Auge der Verurteilung the nightmarish slumber that proceeds forth from the Valley of Demonbone. It has caused great suffering for the humble peasants in the Vale of Springdom, many whom still battle this wretched affliction even as we speak." She spoke.

"As mein Fraulein most eloquently described, we have just come from Mondstadt, where many people have also fallen into an unwaking sleep. Their symptoms are identical to those of this poor gentlemen here." Oz translated, as Aether kept his gaze on the small child next to the Inazuman.

"Is that so? It appears these meteorites really made quite an impact." The unknown male mused.

"This guy is kinda weird." Venti pointed out, making Dainsleif sigh.

"Why do you say stupid things like that?" Dainsleif wondered.

"Excuse me? Do you have a problem with what I said?" Barbatos argued.

"I have a problem with you in general, bard." Dain retorted.

"Haha, and by "this guy," you mean me?" The male laughed.

"We've never seen anyone so uniquely dressed." Aether admitted.

"I am a vagrant from Inazuma, and I'm her caretaker." The male motioned to the girl. "We had just stopped to assist this poor gentleman when you turned up. Are you investigating the aftermath of the meteorite strike?"

"We were sent to help out." Sying chimed in. "My name is Sying, that guy is Dainsleif, the one in green is Venti, and that's Aether and Fischl."

"Kuni, I can't wake him up!" The girl exclaimed, looking up at the male worriedly.

"It's alright. He's just sleeping from the meteorite, remember?" The male reminded her. She was about to nod before she noticed Aether and ran over to him.

"Big Brother!" She yelled, hugging him.

"Luna!" Aether shouted.

"Is she one of your sisters?" Dain asked.

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