Chapter 21

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-Chapter 21-

'Aha! I guess he can't make his mother worry, huh?'

No matter how I felt, I couldn't show my mother-in-law that a cold wind was blowing in front of me.

I smoothed down my bountiful hair and craned my neck.

The man who was so reluctant to touch me even to put the wedding ring on my finger, for some reason put the necklace on me so easily this time.

But I didn't miss the slight tremor in his hand.

'Looks like he's holding back something he doesn't like.'

"What do you think, Killian?" I asked, pretending to be shy, deliberately trying to annoy him further.

To anyone else, we'd look like newlyweds in spring, but Killian might not feel that way.

He's still looking at me, covering his mouth with his hand, but I can see his molars clenched tightly together.

He stared at my face, around my neck, and at my necklace for a long time before finally replying, "Looks good."


He nodded, his brow furrowing slightly, and turned to the jeweler. "Give me the bill for this necklace."

"Oh, Killian, it's your first gift to your bride!" The Duchess clasped her hands together in delight.

She must have been quite worried about my relationship with Killian.

I was still smiling broadly as I watched him nod without answering.

I'm actually in a good mood now, unlike when I came here a while ago.

'He has no choice but to be nice to the wife he hates in order to preserve his mother's feelings. He must be very annoyed. Ha! Feel it!'

In front of Killian who had to buy his unwanted wife a present, Cliff gave all the remaining jewelry to Lizé.

"Cliff! What about Edith if you buy all that for Lizé......!" The Duchess berated Cliff.

But we were all in this game together anyway, so I politely waved her off. "It's okay, Mother. It's not that I have other things I want to buy, I just really like this necklace."

Although I was being sarcastic with Killian, I meant it when I said I liked the necklace.

Sure, getting a big piece of jewelry would make my safe explode, but I don't want to risk having my tail stepped on when I sell it later.

Besides, this is enough to be worn as an accessory for everyday wear.

Killian's gaze snapped to me as he heard my words.

I smiled even more brightly. "Thank you for the gift, Killian. I'll treasure it."

His throat twitched hard.

I didn't want to provoke him further, so I stopped teasing him.

Anyway, the outcome of the episode was the same, despite the change in flow. Lizé, who has been showered with jewelry gifts from everyone, and me, with just one small necklace that Killian reluctantly bought for me.

'I'm a little worried about this.'

Surely, no matter what I do, this story won't change......?

* * *

For a while, I lived a peaceful life.

I had a few things to worry about, but anyway, I didn't argue with Killian, and I was well on my way to earning the Duchess' trust by helping her with her work.

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