Chapter 124

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-Chapter 124-

"I appreciate your kind words. Then let me ask you a favor."

"I'm glad to hear it."

"C- can you please take that hot-water bottle Lizé brought me? I'm so cold......"

Perhaps because I was so moved that my eyes filled with tears, now my nose is running.

Killian seemed to have finally realized my condition.

"Take off your coat! No matter how much you try to disguise yourself-....where did you get something like this from..!"

Killian made me take off my coat, then took off his own fur coat.

He put it on me and grabbed my forearm to steady me as I stumbled.


I let out an involuntary scream. It was where Sophia had whipped me, and it hurt the most.

I was panting with pain that was making me break out in a cold sweat, and I could tell Killian's complexion was worse than mine.

"Call the doctor now! Hurry up!"

At his shout, what appeared to be the youngest of the knights standing in the distance rushed outside.

He turned to see Lizé, her face stained with tears, staring at Killian in disbelief.

Sure, she slashed her own arm, but Killian already saw that it was bleeding.

"Lizé, you should go see the doctor." Cliff put his arm around her and spoke soothingly.

But Lizé's devastated expression didn't improve.

Suddenly, my vision flipped and I felt dizzy.

Thankfully Killian held me in his arms.

"How badly are you hurt......"

That was all I could hear, unable to tell if he was complaining or worried.

Because my whole body felt like it was dropping to the floor, and then I blacked out again.

But unlike before, I felt a sense of relief.

I knew that Killian would protect me while I blacked out.

I relaxed myself and drifted into a deep sleep.

* * *


The whole time while I was carrying the collapsed Edith out of the cell and into my room, I was plagued by a terrible feeling of regret and self-blame.

'I am so stupid. The stupidest person in this Ludwig family!'

I am so angry at myself for being so ignorant of Edith's situation that I want to punch myself in the face.

I am also angry at Lizé.

I don't understand why Lizé wanted to frame Edith, but if I hadn't been able to clear Edith's name right then, she might have been dragged back to the execution ground.

No, if Cliff believed that Edith had almost caused something terrible to happen to Lizé, he would have done anything to cut her head off.

As I stared at Edith's pale face, lost in my own horrible thoughts, one of the knights who had captured Edith came in with a cheap leather bag.

"This is the bag Lady Edith was carrying when we found her at the carriage station."

"Did someone rummage through it?"

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