Chapter 43

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-Chapter 43-

'No, that can't be right, and if it is, it doesn't make sense that the details have changed. Someone must have poisoned it!'

But why did it have to be the embroidery thread I'd given Lizé?

Why did it have to make me the culprit?

"Killian. I know you're suspicious of me right now, but think about it, do you really think I'd...... be that stupid?"

Killian was speechless, but I could tell by the way he was clenching his molars that he was barely holding back his anger.

I had to try to calm him down.

"With everyone suspicious of me because of the peach pie incident, do you really think I'd do something like that?"

Killian didn't seem convinced.

I mean, if I can't believe what's going on right now, how can anyone else?

Killian sighs, "I want to believe you, too, but how many times has this happened, and can't you give me a reason not to doubt you?"

At that moment, a good idea came to my mind.

I realized that my and Killian's wishes were exactly the same.

"I don't want to be suspected either, so just give me more maids to keep an eye on me, will that work?" I suggested.

As if on cue, Sophia interrupted with a frightening glare. "Miss! What do you mean, surveillance?"

"I'll prove my innocence any way I can! Besides, there's no such thing as surveillance. I've done nothing wrong, and all I'm doing is increasing the number of maids."

I think I can hear Sophia grinding her teeth over here.

What do you think I'm going to do?

Ha! Do you think I'll be under your thumb forever?

"Killian. I'm begging you, please don't doubt me without doing even that. If nothing changes, I'll have no choice but to suspect the Ludwigs."

"Very well then, I'll call Anna back right now."

"Okay. Thank you for your favor, Killian."

Killian has no idea how grateful I am to him at this moment.

I'm finally free of Sophia's abuse!

Killian sat down and called the butler to reassign Anna to me.

He may have thought that if he left, even for a moment, I would make plans with Sophia, and he called for Anna right away, but I was spared what could have been an instantaneous assault by Sophia.

'Thank you so much, Killian.'

I thanked Killian again and again in my mind for saving my life.

But the problem remained. I was still the prime suspect in Lizé's poisoning.

"Have you investigated the artisan merchant?" I asked Killian.

"I'm sure they've caught him by now, but do you think he'd try to poison a random person, when he makes his living from it?"

"You have a point...... after I gave the thread to Lizé, did anyone else have access to it?"

"The only people who came in and out of Lizé's room were her personal maid, Cliff, me, and my mother. For a brief moment, Lizé's room was empty, but that's far too short a time for someone to have found the embroidery thread and poisoned it."

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