Chapter 83

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-Chapter 83-

"I just want to talk to my daughter about that, too. It's been a while since I've seen her, and I'd like to know how she's doing......"

"That makes me even more suspicious, it's almost like you two made a pact with each other to share information about our family?"

"W- what's that supposed to mean? Haha!" Count Rigelhoff let out an awkward chuckle.

But Killian didn't relax his expression in the slightest. "You want to know how Edith is doing, but why do you need to talk to her alone? What on earth do you want to know?"

"Oh, that's not what I meant......" Count Rigelhoff fidgeted, unable to find the right words.

Still, he seemed to keep ordering me to do something with his eyes.

Perhaps he meant for me to do something.

But if this really would make Killian suspicious of me again, I'd be in trouble, so I gave him a quick answer.

"I'm doing great, better than I ever have since I was born, so...... don't worry too much."

The whole time I was dealing with him, I never once called him "father."

Because I can't call that man my father anymore.

Count Rigelhoff's face stiffened for a moment as if he realized I was determined to completely ignore his orders, but he quickly smiled and nodded.

"Well, I see. All right, Edith, then...... see you later."

He gave Killian a very polite bow and walked away.

'Bastard. He still thinks he can boss me around.'

I could see the contempt and anger in his eyes as he stared at me, and I read it clearly: "You ungrateful wench!"

But more than that, I realized I was shaking.

Edith's old memories that came to me late were filled with abuse.

Physical and mental abuse from her childhood entwined with my own, even though I hadn't been the one to inflict it.

My hands were clammy with sweat as I gripped Killian's sleeve, and my throat was parched.

'There's no reason to be shaking now, you idiot!'

I was ashamed that I was trembling, clinging to Killian's sleeve instead of standing tall in front of that man.

I'd been beaten up like that by Sophia and held my head up so brazenly, so why am I only now getting nervous......

"Edith...... are you okay?" Killian called out to me.

"Kil- Killian......"

"Why are you so nervous?"

"No, it's not that......"

No, actually, I know.

I've never been okay, not even now.

I've been gritting my teeth and enduring it, but I've never been okay.

"Let's go get some air." He suggested.

Killian led me, unable to give a proper response, out to the outdoor balcony.

And his decision was brilliant.

The cool breeze hit my cheeks and I was able to pull myself together from my near-panic.

I took a long, deep breath before I could move my frozen mouth. "You must be surprised, right? I'm sorry for being such an idiot."

"I see you're feeling better now. What the hell was that all about?"

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