Chapter 93

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-Chapter 93-

"Hahaha! Edith! We're one now, forever! Forever......!"

"Says who?" A familiar voice growled at Fred.

The next moment, something hit Fred. There was a loud thud.

"Give me my Edith!"

Fred's voice faded with another thud.

And a familiar face loomed over me.

"Edith! Edith, can you see me?"

"Kil...... Killian......"

"Hah...... Hershan, thank you......"

It was Killian.

Killian saved me again.

'How did he know I was here?'

I wondered, even in the midst of the chaos. But I didn't have the strength to ask.

Killian ordered the knights who had come with him to bind Fred, and Anna, who had followed, burst into tears at the sight of me.


"I'm sorry, Anna......"

"No, it was my fault, I didn't......"

"No...... don't blame yourself. And I'm sorry...... please take care of my stuff over there."

While Killian was preoccupied with tying up Fred, I asked Anna to pack up my erotic romance books.

I knew that if Killian saw them, I'd die in shame on the spot.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Anna packed, and then scrambled to my feet when Killian turned toward me.

But he scooped me up, refusing to let my feet touch the ground.

His grey eyes search mine with urgency. "Do you feel dizzy or nauseous?"

"I- I don't know."

I think I might have hit my head when Fred lunged for me and I fell. But I was too disoriented to objectively assess my condition.

"What the hell just happened!" Killian demanded.

"That guy was chasing me."

"This is all your karma for going around flirting with this guy and that guy! When men have bad intentions, a fragile woman like you can't handle it! Why on earth would you even mess with a grimy guy like that......"

Although he was trying to pretend to be rational, it seemed that Killian was also panicking and frantic right now.

His words were slurred and his voice was louder than usual.

Even though he was scolding me, the scent of his cologne and the feel of his body heat made me relax.

"Killian...... thank you......"

The moment I consciously realized that the tension had been lifted, the strength drained from my body at a ridiculous speed, and I barely managed to get the words out to thank Killian before I blacked out.

'When I read Rofan novels, I wondered why the female leads always collapsed like that, but then I realized that the characters in the Rofan world have tough grueling situations.'

Even through my foggy mind, I grumbled out my complaints.

It's not fair that I got sick to death from poison, almost died in a yacht accident, and nearly got killed by a crazy stalker...... Isn't this really too much?

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