Side Story 1-2

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Side Story 1-2: The Lord's Wife

Killian and I decided to make an inspection of the estate before winter set in.

The hierarchy in the castle was getting better and more organized, and we had gotten used to life in Ryzen, so it was a good time to go.

If Killian was the only one out, he'd be on horseback, but I wanted to see every inch of the estate with my own eyes.

Killian wasn't about to leave me behind either, so he had like an open car to ride with me...... no, is it an open carriage?

We traveled around the estate in the little carriage, which was open overhead and in the front.

"Right now, the wheat sowing and fall vegetable harvest is in full swing."

"The estate's biggest production is wheat, and it's quite good quality."

Killian's aide pointed out the different parts of the estate as we passed.

It was beautiful to see the ground neatly tilled after sowing, and the vegetable gardens full of sprouts.

In some places, villagers were gathered, hard at work harvesting pumpkins and carrots, while children not yet old enough to work ran around them, giggling and laughing.

As we passed by, the workers took off their hats and bent down to greet us.

'Huh? What's that......?'

I noticed something that bothered me, but I kept my mouth shut because we weren't done touring the entire estate yet.

The carriage drove through the open fields and into the urban center of the estate where private houses were clustered.

It wasn't as densely built up as the capital, and the market was a bit rudimentary.

However, it was not a small market.

"50% of the population of the estate lives here, on Mazuka Street, which is the main city center of the estate."

True to the aide's introduction, the street was quite crowded and full of life.

I couldn't help but smile just watching.

Vendors shouting at the top of their lungs to buy their wares, people bargaining and paying for things in what felt like a fight, children wandering in front of steaming food stalls, neighbors greeting each other as they passed by......

But even there, I noticed something that bothered me.

'Why are they doing that?'

Even in the fields, busy with harvesting and sowing, and even in this noisy market, I saw children sitting in wooden crates with blank faces.

Their mothers glanced over at them from time to time, but they were too busy working to really pay attention.

"Excuse me, Sir Altens. Who are those children? I saw some people earlier with their kids in boxes like that......"

At first, I thought the children were young and they were using them as cribs, but when I got closer, I realized that the children in the boxes were all different ages.

Sometimes they were looking enviously at the other children playing, and sometimes they were just looking blankly.

"Those are sick children. During the farming season, even the children have to work, so there's no one to take care of them at home."


"It's not a plague, no plague has been reported on the estate yet, they're just kids who probably were born disabled somewhere, or have a disease we don't know the cause or cure for, like Crusoe's disease."

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