Chapter 86

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-Chapter 86-

"Despite how she may appear on the outside, she is a soft lady on the inside. No, even if she isn't, you shouldn't be doing this to a Ludwig, should you?"

As Killian continued his stern demeanor, Catherine gritted her teeth.

But she couldn't argue with Killian, so she kept her molars clenched and said in a very reluctant tone, "Yes, I am sorry, and I hope Miss Edith will forgive my rudeness."

Oh dear, what a surprise, to get an apology from the Princess!

"I- I'm fine, Your Highness. I know my behavior in the past was not very wise, so you had every right to misunderstand. In fact, even Killian has been hearing all sorts of things about me, so I'm afraid he's a bit sensitive. I am sorry," I said as I bowed, hoping that this situation would end well.

"Are you really sorry?"

"......yes, Your Highness."

"If you think so much of Killian, why don't you stop your father?"

"Your Highness......!" Killian intervened.

He was about to burst out again, and I tried to say something without having the constraint affect me.

"I've tried my best to stop him, but......"

Oh no, apparently that wasn't enough.

At my reply, Catherine's sarcastic expression turned to surprise. "You actually tried to stop Count Rigelhoff from joining Archduke Langston? Did I understand you correctly?"

But I couldn't just say yes or nod my head to this question. The specificity of the question seemed to trigger the damn constraint.

But now I know how to convey my thoughts to the other party without any active behavior.

I glanced in Count Rigelhoff's direction, then back to Catherine, and smiled wistfully.

My eyes were downcast as if I had run out of energy, and the corners of my mouth were forced up.

This time, Killian looked shocked. "Is that why the Rigelhoffs sent that damn maid?"

I was almost proud of myself for having gotten this far without actually telling him the truth directly.

Despite my excitement, I managed to keep my face in check, dropping my eyes and letting out a small sigh.

"What does that mean?" Catherine questioned.

"Well...... there was such a thing. All I can tell you is that my wife is completely unrelated to the Rigelhoffs."

Killian's firmness seemed to clear up some of Catherine's misunderstandings about me.

"R- really? Well, then, I must have misunderstood you." Catherine scratched the back of her head and apologized, uncharacteristically of a princess. "Um...... sorry, I just thought Killian was living on a leash in a forced marriage, and Lizé was being bullied."

"Ah, haha." I lightly laughed.

That would have been the case in the original story.

And even if the original Edith were able to make it to the National Day ball, she probably wouldn't have made it home. Catherine would have made sure of that.

But unlike the original Edith, I had no intention of helping my father or being jealous of Lizé, and the hot-tempered Catherine was quick to admit her mistake.

This cool personality of hers is probably why she was able to put herself in the position of Lizé's friend instead of the villain.

"I'm sorry I said something hurtful. I'm sorry Killian, and I'm sorry for putting you in a bad spot, Lizé."

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