Chapter 98

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-Chapter 98-

'Why is it my fault that I'm being dumped here? It's your fault for sending me out here to do this, you bastards.'

Edith in the original story must have grown up receiving this kind of brainwashing all her life.

The only thing I'm grateful for about my parents in my previous life is that they were rather indifferent to me.

I have to take care of myself, look after my brother, and help the family. Otherwise, I'm an ungrateful person. If they had brainwashed me, I would have lived a much more miserable life.

'Then I would have been at the mercy of Count Rigelhoff even after I was reincarnated as Edith.'

I shuddered at the thought.

I took the letter and approached the fireplace, poking around the ashes with the fireplace poker.

There were still embers, so I held the letter over them and burned it.

'It was a letter that would have been better off as firewood.'

When I was satisfied that the letter was completely burnt, I tapped it several times with the poker to reduce it to ashes. With a long yawn, I returned to my bed and lay down.

I wondered how to avoid arousing suspicion by suggesting that the mansion's window security should be strengthened.

The next day, while I was still in a bad mood because of the letter from the Rigelhoffs, an unexpected and unwelcome guest announced a visit.

"Count Sinclair says he will be visiting this Friday." Killian's brow furrowed in displeasure as he delivered the news.


"He wants to see my father and talk business for next year, I think it's about the iron ore distribution rights, but who knows, maybe it's because Lizé has gotten some attention at the National Day ball."

Yeah, I think that's what happened in the original story.

At the National Day ball, with the Ludwig family's treasure around her neck, Cliff as her partner, and Catherine's support, Lizé becomes a social hot potato.

When Count Sinclair realized that Lizé, whom he thought he had sold well, was worth far more than he had realized, he approached Duke Ludwig to claim parental rights.

'It was, of course, futile.'

Count Sinclair had already signed an agreement to relinquish all rights to Lizé when he gave her to Duke Ludwig in exchange for a debt of 30 million sennas.

Duke Ludwig is not a man to be trifled with, and there's no way he's going to be fooled by the 'A thousand miles between parent and child' line.

"How is Lizé?"

On my last visit, Lizé was still shivering in her room. This time, she was probably even more frightened.

"She says she's okay, but I don't know if she is. She's not looking too good, and Cliff is with her right now trying to comfort her." Killian answered.

In the original story, Killian also became Lizé's protector and kept Count Sinclair's bullshit at bay, but now Killian is by my side, not hers.

While I'm grateful for this change in reality, I still can't help but feel like my life is a lantern in the wind.

'I hope I can keep Killian's favor from waning until the last possible moment.'

I prayed fervently that I could make it through the coming winter and into next spring.

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