Chapter 33: Tokyo Revengers --Revolve--

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"Okay everyone we are close to finishing up for the day. We are now onto the Tokyo Revengers viewing," said Mira.

"Didn't we leave off with Hina slapping Mikey," asked Karma.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is where we left off at," said Izuku.

"I have to wonder what we will watch this time around," said Soma.

"We are about to find out. If everyone is let's begin," said Mira.

[Tokyo Revengers: --Revolve--
"This is bad! Mikey-kun just kidnapped Takemichi!" said Yamagishi.
"For real?! He's totally gonna get killed!!" said Makoto.
"Is that true?!" asked Hina.
"Ah!" said Yamagishi.
"Huh? Tachibana...," said Makoto.
"Stop right there!!" said Hina.
"Hina!!" said Takemichi.
"Takemichi-kun. Let's go!" said Hina.
"Huh?" said Takemichi.
"You can't just let these guys...push you around. I'll protect you," said Hina.
"Hina," said Takemichi.
'Her hand is shaking,' thought Takemichi.]

"I'll say it again. That was one hell of a slap," said Mikey.

"I have to wonder what will happen next," said Shoyo.

["Hey. You wanna die, kid? Hitting a guy outta nowhere, then you go "Okay see ya?" Don't screw around with us," said Draken.
"Which one of us is screwing around," said Hina.
"Huh...?" said Draken.
"Friends don't come into your school...and forcibly drag you out of it. Lately, Takemichi-kun has been hurt all the time. If you guys are doing that to him...I'll make sure you pay for it," said Hina.
"Huh?" said Draken.
"Let her go...," said Takemichi.
"I can't hear you," said Draken.
"I said let her go!!" said Takemichi.
' "I'll protect you," said Hina,' thought Takemichi.
"You dumbass!!" said Takemichi.
'Because this time...I made a protect Hina!' thought Takemichi.
"Why, you...who the hell do you think you're mouthing off to?!" said Draken.]

"Well this could go one of two ways," said Aizawa.

"Yeah especially with these two," said Baji.

"Why do you say that," asked Koro-sensei.

"It's because Mikey is our leader and Draken is the second in command of our gang," said Mitsuya.

["I have something...I'm never going to let go of again," said Takemichi.
"Huh? Again?" said Draken.
"Aw, man...I thought we were gonna be pals, too. That's too bad. Okay, do you want to die? I'll mess up your face so bad, you won't be able to go out in public," said Mikey.
"Promise me one thing," said Takemichi.
"Hm?" hummed Mikey.
"Don't you ever...lay a finger on Hina," said Takemichi.
"Yeah, whatever, dude," said Mikey."
"Ugh!" said Takemichi.]

"Mikey wasn't serious," said Pah-chin.

"What do you mean," asked Suga.

"You'll see later on when Mikey is serious. He will use his legs instead of his hands more when he fights," said Draken.

["Sike," said Mikey.
"Huh...?" said Takemichi.
"Takemichy, you dummy. Like I'd ever hit a girl," said Mikey.
" threatened me, didn't you?" said Draken.
"S-sorry," said Takemichi.
"It's cool. "I've got something I'm never going to let go of again." No guy says that about a woman nowadays. You corny throwback. You really surprised me," said Draken.
"Uh, Takemichi-kun? Are those guy...I'm really sorry!! I made a huge mistake!" said Hina.
"Eh, it's fine. That was one hell of a slap," said Mikey.
"I'm sorry!!" said Hina.
"It's nice that you stood up for your boyfriend...but don't overdo it, okay? Things would've gotten ugly if I'd been someone dangerous," said Mikey.
"Got it! Well, I gotta go," said Hina.
"Huh? What about our date?" said Takemichi.
"We'll go another time. Your friends came to see you, after all," said Hina.
"Bye-bye. Don't hit me next time, okay. She's the kind of sweet girl you don't see much anymore," said Mikey.
"Ah," said Takemichi.
"You better treat her right," said Mikey.]

"It looks like you three have a good bond starting," said Nagisa.

"That's true, but you also have to wonder what happens in the future to make Mikey the way he is," said Joeichiro.

['Naoto told me that twelve years from now, the Tokyo Manji a super evil organization that commits gambling, fraud, rape, murder, and every other crime out there. "Fighting rings are stupid." "Like I'd ever hit a girl." Is this guy really the leader of the super evil Toman gang?' thought Takemichi.
"Hey. Why do you wanna be friends with a guy like me?" asked Takemichi.
"What a stupid question," said Mikey.
"Sorry," said Takemichi.
"My brother was ten years older than me. He's dead now, though. He was hella reckless. He'd challenge guys way stronger than him to fights like it was nothing," said Mikey.
"Wow. So he was a pretty cool guy!" said Takemichi.]

"So your older brother passed away. I'm sorry for your loss," said Megumi.

"Thank you. Also at least for these viewings I get to spend time with him again as well," said Mikey.

"I'm glad that you get that time with him," said Izuku.

["You remind me of him, Takemichy," said Mikey.
"Huh?! I'm nowhere near that cool!! Not even close!!" said Takemichi.
"Yeah, he wasn't as lame as you are, Takemichy," said Mikey.
"That's harsh," said Takemichi.
"Nobody these days thinks delinquents are cool, right?" said Mikey.
'Oh yeah...this was around when people started feeling that way,' thought Takemichi.
"In my big bro's time...There were tons of biker gangs around here. They'd rip through the city on their super loud motorcycles. They were all bold as hell," said Mikey.
"Always fighting like crazy," said Draken.
"But they dealt with...their own problems. How's that lame, huh?" said Mikey.]

"So you grew up around that life style," said Karma.

"Yeah you could say that. It probably didn't help that my big bro was the leader of his own gang as well," said Mikey.

["That's why I'm gonna make a new era...for delinquents. I want you to join me. I kinda like you Hanagaki Takemichi," said Mikey.
"There's guys who can fight...all over the place. But...a guy who'll stand up because...there's something he won't give up. Not many guys like you out there. Think about it, Takemichy," said Draken.
'Mikey might be a delinquent...but he's not a bad guy. At least, he's not the kinda guy who's gonna crash a truck into a festival...and kill an innocent person like Tokyo Manji Gang does in 2017. He's not like that boss. Not at all. What changed Mikey like that? "Sano Manjiro and Kisaki Tetta. If those two never meet then the Tokyo Manji Gang won't exist in its present form!" said Naoto,' thought Takemichi.
"Huh?! Huh? Wait a sec...That guy looks kinds familiar...," said Takemichi.]

"That was the end of this viewing. Takemichi has now meet Mikey and seen Kisaki. We will take a ten-minute break and then go onto the Assassination Classroom viewing," said Mira.

"So does that we are getting close to the point where you pulled us all here," asked Nezu.

"Yes that is right," said Mira.

(New chapter update. Hope everyone enjoys the new chapter. If you did leave a vote and comment somewhere in the chapter.)

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