Chapter 1

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Author's Pov

"It's the ISU Grand Prix Final, the Last Figure Skating Competition of 20XX!"

"It is me, reporting live from Vancouver."

"Once again, there wasn't a major shift in rankings!"

"The skater who holds first place remains unchallenged!"

"This year's gold medal goes to the DEFENDING CHAMPION....

"Woo-hooo, Go KimJin!"
"Ice skating King, KimJIN!"
"Bruh, the others were much better than him!"
"I know right? Maybe the judges are biased or bribed! He can't win every damn year!"

Jin glided past the ice ring and headed towards his coaches. The looks on Coach Yoon and Coach Lee showed satisfaction, which meant they were pleased with his performance.

Coach Lee jumped forward and hugged him tightly, "My boy, Jin! You did so great! Well done!" "She's right Jin. Great job!" Jin returned Coach Lee's hug and then Coach Yoon pulled him into a hug as well.

"Oh Jin, you said you're taking an early flight back right? I guess you'll be celebrating with your family. Lucky you." The small smile on Jin's face fell, replaced with a blank look, as he stiffened, "Umm, C-Coach Yoon? Jin's heading back early to get his hormones checked at the hospital, remember?" Coach Yoon gasped. "Gaah, it slipped m-my mind. wh-what should I do...? I was just thinking of my kids...! I-I'm so sorry J-Jin!" Jin's shoulder slumped, as he removed his skating blades and walked off, murmuring a small "I'll get going now," just loud enough for Coach Yoon and Coach Lee to hear.

Jin rushed to the restroom to freshen up and tried to make himself presentable. He could feel his face burn up with fever, but he did not pay any attention towards it. He quickly put on a mask and headed towards the door.


Seokjin's Pov

I took some meds as I was leaving the hospital, but my fever won't break. I was in the park near my building, trying to avoid the crowds that had led me here.

But this is worse since a lot of the athletes from the training centre frequently come to this place...

"HAHAHA!" I snapped my head to the sound of the giggle. It was a little girl, walking by, holding onto her parents' hands. I felt a similar knot grow in my heart.....

No! Why am I looking at her!?

Well, I know why. I never had a loving family.. like hers.

I looked down at my reflection on the lake.

My face was red, and I felt dizzy. I gripped the railings tightly so that I wouldn't fall.

Wait, what is that?

Is that, a puppy? Or a kitten?

It's on the edge, it might fall...

I held onto the railings and began to climb down to get it.

Just a little more.....

But, I couldn't reach out. Before I could grab it, all I saw was black dots, and darkness enveloped me...

I was falling, and falling until my back touched the water.

It was cold.

I had fallen into the lake.

I need to get out.

But, my body ached. Too much. I couldn't move an inch. Maybe, I should just give up...

Wait, I feel a hand wrap around my waist. It's pulling me up!

I coughed as air filled my lungs. I could breathe again...

Namjoon's Pov

I was taking a stroll down the park near the training centre. It always calms my mind, after the hectic schedule...

Wait, what is that man doing? Why is he climbing down the railings? Is he trying to-!

He fell!!

I ran after him and jumped into the lake. He was drowning. His eyes were closed. He looked so... beautiful.

Snap out of it Namjoon! You need to save him!

I swam after him and wrapped my hands around his waist. It was so small, it seemed to fit right in my arms.

I brought him out of the water, and he started coughing hysterically.

"Are you okay?"
"Y-yes" He whispered.

He looks so pretty. His voice is so... smooth, almost like honey. His hair is falling over his eyes, although I can swear, his eyes are, so big and pretty. His lips were so pink, almost forming a pout as he pressed them together. His clothes are wet, and I can see his body, his small waist, his abs and dusky buds...

What the heck, Namjoon! What in the world are you seeing!?

I managed to keep myself calm, although my heart did some somersaults, and I swear I felt butterflies in my stomach.

He was whimpering, and he slowly opened his eyes, as we made eye contact, for a while. Those dark brown eyes...


My eyes widened in shock as he clung onto me, and joined his lips with mine.
Is he in Heat!?? He's an Omega???
How didn't I understand??? I couldn't smell his pheromones!!

Wait.. his pheromones, they don't smell...

I couldn't hold longer anymore. He straddled my lap, vibrating on my dick.

I kissed him back and immediately ran to book a room at a nearby hotel.


A/n's: I know, I know. I feel this is trash. I could write wayyy better. But I am just feeling down.

Yesterday, a stupid motorbike driver ran over my left foot, and it hurt so bad! I'll tear his head off his skull if I see him again.

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