Chapter 13

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Namjoon's Pov

I'm standing out in the rain after I messed up my date with Seokjin.

I really can't do anything properly, huh?

I guess it's true after all. It has always been like this.

But I'm tired of trying to put everything together.

I squatted down and buried my face in my arms.

What a mess...

My life, my swimming career...

...weren't always this complicated.

Every decision I made was to keep myself from falling apart.

And what I am feeling now is probably fear...


"Mrs Lee! Namjoon is throwing up! He's fainting!"

The beta teacher quickly ran out and brought in the school's medical team.

"My goodness... so that's what happened over the break."

The school called over my grandma, and we were asked to sit in the school nurse's office.

"It must've been a huge shock for Namjoon. But a lot of kids hit puberty early these days, and like Namjoon, they will start their heat or rut soon.

There is already one or two Omegas in each class. If what happened today becomes frequent, then it will be hard for Namjoon to continue coming to school."

My grandma sat in silence, letting the news sink in.

"But don't worry. There is an exam that can be taken in place of a diploma..."

I shifted in my seat as I finally spoke up, "Mrs. Han, I...want to continue coming to school."

I don't want Grandma to worry, and I feel like admitting defeat if I dropped out.

Although there aren't as many omegas in the world compared to other genders, they still make up one-fifth of the population.

But the fact that I was not too fond of the smell of their pheromones meant that I could no longer be a part of society.

I sweated and panted, that stupid mask couldn't solve my problem.

Then came my heaven.

"A swimming centre?"

It was so cool in there...

"Oh hey, Namjoon! What are you doing here?" Mr Kim, the swim coach walked up to me while I stood outside with a red face, not knowing what to answer.

"Do you want to learn swimming?" He grabbed my arm gently and brought me inside the centre.

"N-no-" "Come on, give it a go! I think you will do great! You are taller than most kids your age and have long limbs, it's going to be fine."

He brought me inside and lent me some of the swimming gear.

After some stretching, he asked me to "Start with holding my breath underwater."

"Let's try by holding your breath underwater. Take a deep breath, let it out underwater, and come up for air!"

Well, I'm good at holding my breath...

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