Chapter 12

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Seokjin's Pov

Our relationship has changed since we shared a kiss at the year-end party. But right now, I'm so happy! I wonder if it's okay for me to be this happy.

Namjoon grabbed my hands first and kissed me first when we were having sex!! 

But he's so quiet... I wonder what he's thinking about. "Ahem... should we go watch a movie tomorrow??" A DATE!!! NAMJOON'S ASKING ME OUT ON A DATE!! "Is it like a... date...?" I asked, as softly as I could. I shouldn't keep my hopes up- "Umm... yeah." "SURE!"


The area is bustling with people! 

"Seokjin, we still have an hour before the movie starts. Should we check out some of the stores?" Namjoon asked. I nodded in response. 

There are so many shops around here - cotton candy, macarons, cute accessories, and that one... is it a Candy stall? I made a small run towards the stall when Namjoon yelled at me. 

"Don't run off too far!" I turned back and he was already running towards me, with a small bag of candies in his hand. "Here, this one is for you." He brought something out of the bag. It was a small macaron, which came in a special container and a snowflake design. 

"Oh, do you not like sweets?" I nodded and stared at the piece of sugar in my hands as I thanked him with a kiss on the cheeks. A gift from Namjoon...


Namjoon's Pov

"We will now begin seating for theatre 'A'."

This is a cramped space, everyone's rushing around. Maybe it was a mistake to come here, but I wanted to try at least.

No. I'm gonna get through this since I asked him out today. I won't ruin my date with Seokjin.

Besides I haven't had any seizures lately...

Seokjin's Pov

It's more crowded than I thought...

Is Namjoon going to be okay?

Wait... this smell... 

It's faint, but is someone about to go into heat...?

*Plomp* *Tumble*

"He's getting dizzy! He's having a seizure!"

"Namjoon!" I rushed to him as he stumbled into my arms, retching and coughing as hard as he could, but nothing came out. 

I rubbed and patted his back when he slowly started losing consciousness, the coughing and retching seizing to little sniffles and panting.

"Someone give me a water bottle, please!" A beta woman rushed forward with a water bottle as she started checking Namjoon. I sprinkled water on his face, as he slowly started waking up, his face an unhealthy pale color, and his clothes drenched in his sweat and sticking to his body. 

"Everyone! Clear the space! We need more ventilation!" 

Within a moment or so, the place was cleared, and Namjoon sat up slowly. "I suppose you were the one who was with him. From what I checked, he just had an episode, which had been caused by an allergic substance." She helped me to get Namjoon to stand up. "Take care of him."

"Namjoon-" "I'm sorry, Seokjin. It was my fault. I'll be... outside..." "Namjoon, wait!" 

He didn't stop.

Is this what happens when he smells the pheromones of someone in heat? I've never seen him have an episode, so I had no idea...

Yet he asked me out today...


What if my pheromones start to smell...


A/N's: Short chapter, I know.

'Namjoon's Backstory' coming up soon...

Point out any mistakes if you find any okay??

I love you! ●ᴗ●

Bubbyee!! *waves*

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