Chapter 15

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Hoseok's Pov

"A barbecue place?"

I sighed, "Well, you know what they say. 'Kill your enemy with kindness.' 

Anyway, your time keeps changing slightly. What's going on? I thought Seokjin was seeing you every week."

Namjoon looked up for a bit and looked down again.

His face looks kinda gloomy...

"I told him we should stop seeing each other for a while. It's been 10 days." 

I gasped, "Huh?? What is it this time? I told you to be nice to him!" 

"That's exactly it, Hobi. I can't keep up my time or my physical health by myself. Do you think that's acceptable as a professional athlete?"

I flinched at the authoritative tone. 

Well, I guess Alpha power.

I mean...I know how stressed he gets, so I kind of understand him wanting to play it safe... But I feel like there's nothing wrong with their arrangement...

"I get it. But Seokjin wants to help you. Why turn down that offer?

Besides, a moderate amount of pheromone exchange is actually recommended for all alphas and omegas. Other athletes do it all the time. There's no reason why you can't do it, too..."

I sighed, of course, he wouldn't reply.

"Anyway, let's change the subject. 

What do you think of Seokjin?"

He looked up again, but with a glare.

Ack... there he goes with those red eyes and glare. 

He gets annoyed so easily...

"You know why I'm telling this Joon."

Although I don't want to meddle in their relationship...

"At the year-end party... I ran into Seokjin in the hotel lobby."

He looked up at the mention of Seokjin's name.


"He was sitting alone, drunk... so I took matters into my own hands. Since people would've talked if they'd seen someone like Seokjin in that state."

"Oh, man... How am I going to find his manager...?"


"But then he suddenly said to me..."

"Hoseok... What do you think of Namjoon? He says he likes you..."

" I get that he was completely wasted... but what the hell did you say to make him think that? I'm genuinely curious now- Eh? Are you laughing? Do you think this is funny? Huh?"

"Pfft- sorry sorry."

I was seething and growling in anger and astonishment as Joon snickered and cackled.

I smiled seeing him so happy.

...He's laughing. He rarely even smiles.


Namjoon's Pov

"Oh, Joon. I left my phone at the restaurant. Could you wait a second?"

I nodded and Hobi ran back to grab his phone.

And again, my drifted back to Seokjin. 

He's so weird... 




"So you're not getting your injury treated. I thought you would give me a call since it's been almost two weeks."

He usually drives, so why is he in this alleyway?

"...When should we see each other next?"

No, I have to do this for our own sake.

"About that. Let's talk now. Jin, you know that I'm using you, right? Actually, are you even aware of it?"

"'Using me?' I just wanted to-" He looked up at my face with something in his eyes that I couldn't decipher.

" I warned you, remember? That us having sex together will never lead to something more. But, if you're hoping for something more, let's just break things off now. You don't have to force yourself to be with me anymore."

"I never... forced..."

He ran off, and I turned around. 

Even if it breaks my heart into a million pieces to leave him, I did the right thing.


Seokjin's Pov

Oh, god. I couldn't say anything.

I continued running and suddenly stopped.

I don't want our relationship to end...

I don't mind if he's taking advantage of me...

Why did I...believe that Namjoon wouldn't reject me?

I shouldn't have been concerned about my pheromones having a smell...


Namjoon's Pov

Stop thinking about it...You did the right thing.

But no, sitting here in the centre's gym and contemplating about it isn't helping me. 

"Joon! What the heck are you doing?"

Hobi stormed up to me and whacked my back. 

"Ow, dude stop!"

"No! I was gonna leave you to figure things out on your own, but that's it. 

You need to hear this. I totally get why you're so scared...but just thinking about Seokjin brings a smile to your face! 

You love him! 

And you know he's a good person. So stop pushing him away and running from your problems! 

I know that Seokjin isn't just an omega to you, so go to him before I kick your ass!"

I sprang up from my seat before he could whack me more, and went to the figure skating academy next to ours.

I opened the rink door and slowly walked in, but it was dark in there. 

Did everyone leave?

The ice rink was the only place I could think of...

It's like the sheet of ice is the only thing shining in the darkness.

Oh, there he is.

Jin sat on one of the bleachers with his face in his hands.

"Hey, Jin? What are you doing alone in the dark?"

He looked up, and tears were streaming down his cheeks.


A/N's: Double Update!

And before any of you start chastising Namjoon, stop. My boy has a reason, and although he is naive, he's not stupid.

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