Chapter 5

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Author's Pov

"Thank you, Seokjin. It was kind of you to treat us to dinner," said Hoseok, as Seokjin served barbeque to the doctor and Namjoon. "I'm sorry that the whole team came along... We were planning to have a team dinner anyway. You paid for the whole meal, but you didn't have to get everything." 

"But you're not eating anything, Hoseok-ssi. Should we have gotten the beef instead?" Seokjin asked Hoseok, who frantically shook his head, "No, no! This is more than enough! You got us steak, barbecue, even kimchi, bulgogi, and bibimbap!" 

"Well, I've been wanting to repay Namjoon for saving my life the other day. I'm glad I could do something for the team. Besides, the more the merrier," Seokjin said with a smile. He turned his head to look around and saw the entire team chatting with each other.

"Uh, right," Hoseok smiled sweetly, although he was conflicted.

But inviting everyone there was probably a bit much...

"Yes, it was..."

Well, let's just say that Namjoon was able to read his mind.

For a while, the only sounds were the chatter of the team members and the sizzling of the barbecue.


Namjoon looked angry as he answered his phone and quickly stood up, grabbing his coat. "Yes?" he gruffly answered, waving at Hoseok and Seokjin, to indicate that he would be returning shortly.

Seokjin gazed at Namjoon's receding figure for a moment before being interrupted by Hoseok's murmuring. "I wonder if he's still attempting to deal with the issues at the charnel house. It's already difficult for him, but this predicament is only making things worse."

That got Seokjin's curiosity...


"The hell...? Hobi!" Namjoon groaned as he looked at a slumped Hoseok, hiccuping and asking for another glass of Soju from Seokjin.

"Oh. Hi, Namjoon," Seokjin turned to face the said male, his cheeks pink and eyes a bit hazy, probably from the effects of the alcohol. 

But as soon as he looked at the male in the eyes, he flinched and turned eyes, his face resembling a ripe tomato. 

Why is he avoiding my gaze...?

"Hey, maaan! What took you so looong?" Hoseok babbled, his voice slurring as he held on to Namjoon's arm for dear life.

Namjoon sighed, pulling off Hoseok who was beginning to drool on his jacket by now, "Have you been drinking, Hobi? You're the team's physician, for god's sake!"

Hoseok pulled at his jacket, "Listen, man. You know, Seokjin ...!"

With that, he raised a questioning look at Seokjin, "Did you not drink?"

"Come on, Man! listen to meeeee~!"

Seokjin sighed, playing with his jacket's sleeve as he nodded, "I had a few..."

Oh well, Seokjinnie has high resistance to alcohol, because even when the seventh bottle couldn't do anything to him, Hoseok was knocked out of his senses only in the third glass.

He's the culprit?! 

Namjoon looked horrified with the number of bottles Seokjin had.

"Seokjin drank wayyyyy more than me... So, what's wrong with meeeee..?" Hoseok whined, as Namjoon picked him up and carried him to his car. 

"I'm going to walk back to my building. What about you, Seokjin?" 


The journey back home was silent, except for the sound of Namjoon crunching on ice cream and Seokjin slurping an orange juice while they walked, both engrossed in their thoughts.

I didn't expect Seokjin to walk with me...

Namjoon's having an ice cream when it's this chilly out? I guess he likes cold foods... But it was so sweet of him to buy me this.

Seokjin smiled softly, tightening his grip on the can in his hands.

"Is it appropriate for a famous athlete like you to drink in public? I mean, you consumed a lot..." 

"I've never had that much to drink before," Seokjin spoke before turning his gaze towards the ground.

I can't tell him that I offered Hoseok a drink because I wanted to know more about the Charnel house.

He might think I'm creepy...

"Namjoon, the other day... were you mad that I didn't give off a scent?" Seokjin had stopped in his tracks, gazing at the ground, face contorted with a frown, as he asked the alpha the question. 

"No Seokjin. What happened, happened." Namjoon did not stop walking, "And I prefer it that way anyway."

It's good for my mind and body. So let it be.

"Huh? Why did you stop?" Namjoon called out for Seokjin, who was lost in his thoughts, eyes hazy and glazed. 

No matter how I look at it...
... I think Namjoon and I are perfect for each other...



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