Chapter 17

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Namjoon's Pov 

"I'm gonna get going to the airport now." 

I picked up my bag and threw it over my shoulders.

"Take this with you Joon. This is my jacket, it might be of any help to you."

Seokjin got a jacket from his wardrobe and brought it before me. 

"I hope you have a safe trip."

He's so cute.

I leaned in for a quick kiss, and patted his hair, "I'm not going anywhere dangerous... but thank you Jin."


Seokjin's Pov

Day 4 without Namjoon.

It already feels like 4 centuries have gone by.

I miss him even more... because he's so far away.

Maybe I should send him a text-

"Vrrr... vrrr!"

I quickly accepted the call, "Joon!"

"Hmm? That was quick."

I blushed over the phone and looked down, "I was... thinking about you... and then you called."

"Ahm, it's only been 4 days though." 

A light blush spread over his cheeks and he gave me a small smile.

"But we saw each other every day before you left. After our training sessions, we'd spend the rest of the day together. I miss you so much already, Namjoon. What am I going to do?"

He chuckled and rubbed his face. "You're so cute Jin, what do I do with you, hmm?"

Are my declarations of love too bold for him? 

"Now now, what's with that little pout?"

"Nothing, hmph."

"We only spent a few days together like that. You're so naughty...hehe."

"Ah! It's not that Joon...! I'm just worried I'll forget..."

"Are you busy right now? If you're worried, I could remind you."


[A/N's: There was supposed to be smut here, but I'm not in the mind to write one at the moment. Maybe some hot sexy smut after a while?]

I panted as I came from my high, the image of Namjoon's blissed face coming in my mind. "I miss you, Joon."

"I miss-"

"Seokjin! Are you in the locker room?"

The phone fell out my hand I quickly got up to tidy myself and my surroundings.

Gosh, there's cum everywhere!

"Yes, coach! Just a minute!"

I wiped the essence as quickly as I could with my paper towels and turned to Joon while dressing, "I'll talk to you later Joon, love you!"

Namjoon's Pov 

"Love you-"



I huffed and stared at the screen of my laptop. 

He didn't even let me tell him I love him too.

Nah, he knows I do.

But yeah, I should have checked. 

I sighed and turned my head, and Jin's jacket came in my sight.

The jacket that Jin gave me probably carries his pheromones scent, though, of course, they are odorless. 

I can't believe I'm thinking this.

Just a few months ago, the scent of an omega made me feel sick and uneasy... 

But because I miss him, I want to know what his pheromones smell like.

I sniffed his jacket, and smiled.

Love does change people huh?


Yoongi's Pov

"Hey, Yoongi!" 

"Where should I put this?" 

"Over here. Aish, what will I do without you? You're so good at your job. I remember you gave my eldest a ride on the day of the college entrance exam to make sure she wouldn't be late, and you even made sure she took a packed lunch." 

"Thank you for the compliment. Please call me whenever you need me." 

"Oh, come to think of it... you did something similar for Seokjin when he was 19, too. You know the day when he had his first interview."

"Yeah, I think" 

Coach Ma kept on throwing me praises while I sat at the bleachers waiting for my next errand.

"Oh? Yoongi?"

I bowed and greeted Seokjin, and he bowed back as I sat back down.

"Seokjin, are you wearing cologne?"

His face paled, and he turned to me with an almost white face.



A/N's: Drama and angst begin.

The next few chapters are going to be REALLY angsty.

And, Jin's past coming up soon.

I'm sorry this is a short chapter, but I'm really in a hurry.

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