Chapter 14

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Seokjin's Pov

Namjoon has been silent ever since our date. 

I feel like... Namjoon has had a lot on his mind... since that day. 


"What! You can't make time the next week? Or the week after?

Why not?"

He needs to take an extended could only mean one thing. 

An injury.

Is it serious? Is that why he needs to take two weeks off to treat it?

Or is it because of what happened at the movie theatre...?

"Whatever it is, my pheromones will be able to help you, Namjoon.

I know this place is pretty far, but I'll try my best to work with your schedule..."

Namjoon's Pov

Seokjin staggered and was about to fall.


I flinched and ran towards him and held him up as he looked at our joined hands.


Well, I should have known.

He has great balance and reflexes because he's a figure skater.

"Oh. Nothing."

"Huh...? Okay."

I went forward, stroked his hair and kissed his cheeks as they bloomed red.

I smiled. 

"You don't have to work with my schedule, Jin. I think we shouldn't see each other for a while."


Seokjin's Pov

Why not?

"Nice work today~"

"You did great today, Seokjin!"

I don't understand.

What did he mean by that?

Namjoon needs my pheromones. So I don't think he meant we should stop seeing each other entirely...

I couldn't even say anything because he looked so handsome with those dimples...

It's not fair... I didn't get to didn't get to ask him why...

I gasped as realization struck me.

Do my pheromones smell?

I sniffed my wrists but didn't get any scent.


It's probably because he had an injury... I shouldn't think too much into-


"Oh? Yoongi! H-hello...!"

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