Chapter 16

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Feast your eyes on the sexiest man up there *faints*


Namjoon's Pov 

Has Seokjin ever cried in front of me?

He was a little taken aback when I rejected him... but quickly recovered.

He also has a way with people.

Although there's something insecure about him...I can see why he's a gold medalist.

He's strong.

So I thought I didn't have to care about hurting his feelings.

I thought that as long as I put up boundaries, we could maintain this distance between us.

But no. 

I gritted my teeth and my eyes filled with angry tears.

Tears of hurting him.

Tears of breaking his heart too.

Tears of making him shed tears too.

"Why are you crying?" 

My voice was deep and croaked, and my alpha urged me to take over.

"There's nothing to be disappointed about. I've never been kind to you.  From the beginning... We never asked personal questions or cared to find out more... I told you not to get your hopes up. You never crossed the line, either. We were nothing more than friends with benefits. So why are you crying?" 

I growled out every word I had in my heart.

Why am I so furious at someone when I am used to putting myself down?

It's just me who loves him, not the other way around. 

Then WHY??

"...I love you."

My world paused.

"I love you, and that's why I got my hopes up."

He continued sobbing and tears kept streaming down his cheeks even though he tried to wipe them off his cheeks.

"I didn't mean to put any pressure on you, Namjoon. But every time I saw you, I was so happy that...I couldn't stop myself from feeling this way. 

From now on...I won't expect anything from you, so... please don't break things off with me..."

I couldn't take it anymore. 

A few drops of tears fell as I rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry... It won't happen again."


Seokjin's Pov

"Seokjin, it suits you."


Namjoon picked me up and draped his jacket over my naked body. 

"This place suits you." 

I smiled and caressed his face.

"The same goes for you, Namjoon. The water is free, unlike the hardened ice."

I smiled, "it suits you. Can I come see you swim sometime?"

I blushed at the intense stare as Namjoon captured my lips in another passionate kiss, a small dimple forming on his cheeks. 



"That was great, Seokjin! It was a powerful spin!"

"Let's break for lunch!"

Coach Yoon and Coach Lee congratulated me while I turned my head to look at someone waiting for me on the bleachers.

I smiled and waved back to him as he gave me a thumbs-up.

Hehehe, he's so sweet.

"Do you want some hot cocoa, Seokjin? My daughter gave me some. She says this one tastes delicious but is low in calories." Coach Lee came up to me with a cup.

"...You seem different, coach."


"I've never heard you talk about your daughter before..." I said and took a sip of the warm liquid.

"Well, I see a bigger change in you, Jin! You always looked so tense... But you seem more relaxed these days.

Oh, I don't mean you're slacking off. Just that you seem more energetic."

I smiled, "Thank you...for the hot cocoa too..."

Coach Lee giggled and patted my head, "Aww, you're so cute, Seokjin!

By the way, who's that guy up there? Your boyfriend? I'm so curious!"

Blood crept up to my face when she mentioned that, "Uh, yea..."

"I'll make you another cup. Go give it to him. Hehehe."

"Have some hot cocoa, Namjoon."

"What about you?

"I already had some."

He joined our hands as I sat down beside him, "Aren't you cold?"

He's so sweet, "I'm used to the cold... Haha."

"Oh, I got you a sandwich."


Namjoon has been slowly opening up these days.

He's been dropping by to see me skate, and I've been dropping by to see him swim.

Just as I expected, Namjoon...shines when he is swimming.

"You're incredible, Namjoon. I think your time is getting better, too."

"No Jin, it's not all me. It's because of your help."

I frowned, "You know that's not true. You're the one making this happen. You know that pheromones aren't the answer to everything. They can't magically make you a great swimmer."

I've also been able to...catch glimpses of Namjoon's fears.

"...Right. Thank you."

Like the guilt and pressure, he feels and can seem to let go of...

He's probably being kind to me now out of guilt, too.

He could just let everything go if he feels that stress...

I'm glad, though

I'm glad that...Namjoon has those fears.

"Jin... I'm going to Sydney next week. For training."


A/N's:  They're finally together!

The ship's SAILING!!!!

Well this chapter was supposed to have explicit smut hehe

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