The shock

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Hey besties!!!! My exams are finally over 🥳🥳 I will update regularly. So enjoy....

It was 10 a.m and as soon as aadrika entered her house, she could see some unfamiliar faces across their living room along with her parents and brother, chatting and laughing with each other.

Upon seeing her, her mother said "come adu, see these people are your father's friend's family. This one is their younger son and the elder one is a bit busy. And these are Mr. Raichand and Mrs raichand."

Aadrika came forward and greeted them, still confused as to what they are doing here suddenly. When her mother suddenly suggested them to go and talk privately with their younger son whose name is Ravi, she gave her a confused look to which her mother simply smiled a little and urged her to take him with her.

Following her mother's instructions, now they were in the terrace. "So Mr. Ravi what do you do?" "I am an architect by profession and please don't call me Mr. it sounds so formal" he said smiling at her. "Um...I think we are meeting for the first time so it's quite natural for me to address you with that"
"No problem, it's the first time so I will let it pass. After all we have to stay together for a lifetime. But mind you beautiful, I don't let any mistake slid and absolutely hate repeating myself" he ended with a simple tone as if just having a normal conversation about us daily life.

This enraged aadrika to no extent. Firstly this dumb fuck thinks she will marry him and on top of that tried to be dominant and treat her like a submissive who would never raise her voice on him.

Chuckling a little, she came closer to him just to slap him hard across his cheek. "You really think yourself as a God ain't you? But in reality you are nothing but a piece of shit. How dare you talk to me like that? And for the remaining part, listen very carefully, you are not only worthless for me but for any other girl to marry. "

She yelled and left the place immediately. After some time her mother saw both if them walking down so she asked, "now tell us about your decision beta " "mom why didn't you asked me before deciding my life on my behalf? Was it not important to take my opinion?" She almost yelled having tears in her eyes.

All the people present there was shocked to see her outburst. Soon her mother slapped her across her face "is this the way you talk yo your parents? Don't you have a bit of Shame, we are having our guests here and you are behaving like a brat?" Her mother shouted at her. Aadrka's eyes were filled with tears.

Ravi's parent got up immediately and said " I think we should leave now. And about his relationship we will think " Saying this they left with their son. Aadrika couldn't stand the fact that her own mother misbehaved with her without knowing anything. She ran out of the house and could hear her parents calling her from afar.

She straight away went to dev's office as she couldn’t find a more peaceful place other than his arms. As soon as she knocked and entered his cabin a large hand went around her throat and slammed her to the door locking it.

 As soon as she knocked and entered his cabin a large hand went around her throat and slammed her to the door locking it

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All aadrka could see was dev's red eyes, clenched jaw and a visible throbbing vein on his forehead. This look alone gave her chills down the spine and all she wanted to do is run away from there. Dev's vice grip prevented her from even moving a muscle. He stared down at her angrily and said "how dare you let another man talk to you about marriage? I will killanyone and everyone who will come between us little dove. Understand?" He spoke all this while caressing her cheeks with the back of his fingers dangerously.

While every atom of aadrika's body screamed to shut her mouth and run for her dear life but she mustered some courage and said "'s no...not what ar...are thin...thinking". With a dangerous chuckle dev said "is it little dove?"

How was the chapter?? Dev's possessiveness has just began and y'all will witness him going beyond every limit in his madness. Stay tuned 😉

If you liked the chapter please vote and comment down your opinions. Guys u have not got a single comment till date 😔 please do comment it matters to me and encourages me to write more interesting plots.

I will update regularly from now on.

Until next time, stay healthy and happy 😘❤️

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