Chapter 6

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"Any plans for summer break?" Joe asked Killian,

"I was planning on spending one summer taking classes and another with Thea," Killian looked at Thea,

"What about you, Thea?"

Thea swallowed, avoiding everyone's gaze before she looked up at Joe and shook her head,
"I don't think I'll have time for anything other than work."

Thea looked at Killian who now had a 'v' in the middle of his brows. They'd talked about this on and off in the past month and Killian had mentioned his desire to spend more quality time with her. Although she hadn't voiced the same desire, she also hadn't said otherwise.

Killian shook his head as he held his breath,
"What do you mean?"

Thea blinked as she stared into his eyes. This wasn't a conversation she wanted to have in front of her brother or his dad,
"We'll talk later," She gave him her best smile,

Killian could see past her smile and that made him even more nervous. He'd talked about them taking classes the first month of summer break and spending the second month together. Thea had never once said she had other plans.

Thinking about it now, Killian realized she hadn't said much of anything about their summer plans. Or her summer plans. She had seemed a little distant as well.

Killian flashed her a quick smile that didn't reach his eyes and nodded. He turned to look at his dad who was in deep discussion with Atlas.

"I can't believe you got that old bike off Henry."

"It was a good deal. I couldn't pass it up."

"That, I understand." Joe sounded unsure, "Just, be careful."

Atlas kept his gaze on Joe and he felt something unfamiliar in his chest. It was almost like being unaware of the world around and someone familiar came along. That ease when you realize that you aren't as alone as you thought you were.

Atlas nodded as he released the breath he was holding,
"I plan on it."

Joe nodded in acknowledgement at the same time Thea got up.

"Excuse me." She said and made her way to the bathroom,

Inside, she used the loo and washed her hands. She took a moment to look in the mirror and tell herself she was alright. Wiping her hands, she headed out of the bathroom and stopped when she heard voices coming from down the hall.

"I love you, sweetheart,"

"I love you, Mum." Makenna's voice followed after a moment,

Thea felt like she was intruding as she felt a stab in her chest. She swallowed hard as she felt the tears begin to well up in her eyes. She turned and rushed for the door, shutting it behind her. She walked down the porch stairs, towards the fence, and reminded herself to take deep breaths.

"She had no power over you," Thea repeated over and over again that she didn't hear when someone walked up behind her,

"Thea, what's going on?"

Thea whirled around to face Killian and schooled her expression,

Killian studied her face the best way he could in the moonlight,
"What's going on with you?"

She shook her head,

"It isn't nothing." Killian took a step closer to her, "Talk to me."

"I don't want to talk."

"Ok, we don't have to talk." Killian said, "Can I just hold you?"

Thea was getting frustrated. She just wanted to be left alone.
"I don't need you to hold me either."

Killian's jaw clenched and he took a step back,
"What do you need?" He asked, almost in a whisper,

"I just want to be left alone." Thea said, feeling spent for no reason.

Killian took a deep breath and slowly shook his head,
"I don't know how to do that."

"Killian, please just go away," Thea pleaded as the tears ran down her face, "I don't...I can't..."

She searched for the right words to use without letting her emotions get the better of her,
"It's getting too much for me."

"Let me help." Killian begged, "Please."

Thea stood there, looking at him, feeling completely tired and she didn't know why. Killian took a step closer and then another until he was standing barely an arm's length away from her.

"Come here," He reached out and took her in his arms.

Thea went willingly, she was tired of the weight that was on her shoulders and she just wanted to let go. She buried her head in his chest and the sobs came quietly as her body shook.

It killed Killian to see her that way, but he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.
"I've got you."

It looked like she was having a hard time putting her feelings into words, but she was clearly struggling with something. He felt stupid for having missed the signs that were right there now that he thought about it. She always seemed to be zoned out most of the time they were together in the last month. Slowly, whatever was bothering her, had eaten at her.

Thea shook her head,
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm like this."

"That's ok," He placed a kiss on her head, "We'll figure it out. Together."

Thea nodded against his chest and there was a tiny place in her mind that wondered if it would soon be that time of the month, again. It was a possibility with the overwhelming way she was feeling. But then again, she'd been feeling this way for quite a while, but tonight, it felt worse.

Thea pulled back to look at him. He was already looking at her and their gazes connected.

"Don't do that."

Thea frowned,
"Do what?"

"Look at me like you're about to kiss me in one breath and tell me it's over in the next."

Her face dropped and the tears came back again,
"That's how I'm looking at you?"

"No. No. No." Killian quickly said before she burst into tears again, "That was me voicing my insecurity. Nothing to do with you."

Thea's tears stopped and she stared at him incredulously,
"You're scared that I might want us to break up?"

Killian said nothing for a moment,
"Let's add this to things we need to talk about later, ok?"

Thea took a moment to come to terms with that compromise and nodded,

"Alright, let's go in before my mum comes looking for us." Killian took her by the hand and walked her inside his home.

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