Chapter 25

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Makenna laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. She subconsciously twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. When she blinked, her eyes fluttered like she was lost in a time so beautiful the memory could whisk her away. That flutter was also present in her stomach and it was accompanied by a lightness in her heart that she'd never felt before. She caught the smile that played on her lips and it faded away like everything else she was feeling.

She sat up in bed, her arms holding her up. She let out a sigh wondering what she'd let herself get sucked into. She was supposed to be out of bed and getting ready to head to the library to meet up with Vanessa. Mid-terms were starting the first of the following week and even though they'd covered a lot, they still had a bit of studying to do.

Makenna got up, got ready, and got out. On her way to the library, she decided to stop at Metro Coffee. As soon as she walked in, her name was called. She didn't need to see the person to know who it was, but she did anyway.

"How are you doing today, Makenna?" Kent smiled at her,

Makenna's gaze drifted to Hee who was smushed to his side.

"It's been a while. You should come hang with us sometime,"

"Thanks for the offer," Makenna's tone dripped with sarcasm and Kent didn't seem to like that because his smile disappeared,

"You think we're beneath you now?"

"Stop it," Hee chided him but Kent ignored her. Instead, he removed his arms from around her and leaned away from his seat like he was thinking about coming at her, but she beat him to it.

"Your words, not mine," Makenna headed towards the counter without any care about the state she left him, but a part of her worried about Hee.

"All ready," Alfie smiled before she could say anything,

"Thanks, Alfie," Makenna smiled, "Can I also get a mocha?"


Alfie got right on it and Makenna went to pay for the drinks. She left a tip for Alfie, grabbed the drinks and left without sparing Kent and Hee another glance.

When she got to the library, Vanessa was already seated with all the books they needed.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming,"

"I lost track of time," Makenna got seated and slid the mocha to her, "Here,"

Vanessa looked at her with a smile,

"Thanks, Mac,"

"It's nothing,"

Vanessa let it slide and happily sipped on her drink. As Makenna got comfortable with a book, she heard footsteps draw closer. That was one reason she kept her AirPods on; it drowned out noises like those. She reached for them in her bag.


Makenna looked up to find Will taking a seat beside Vanessa and something settled in the pit of her stomach.


His voice made her heart pop in her chest.

"Hi, Atlas," Vanessa smiled at him as he got seated beside Makenna who had a death glare on Vanessa.

Makenna widened her eyes at Vanessa in a way that said why did you invite them? Vanessa also widened her eyes and Makenna knew she didn't. Not without telling her about it.

"We decided to join you," Will got his books out, "There were no vacant tables left."

"That's alright," Vanessa smiled at Will and glanced at Makenna in a way that said 'I told you'.

"Hi," His voice was much closer, and Makenna turned her head to look at him, she could've sworn he was closer than she'd thought he would be.

"Hi," Her voice sounded strange to her,

"Ready to ace the midterms?" Will asked generally,

"No matter how much I read, I keep trying to remember if I've covered everything." Vanessa looked at all of them,

"I feel the same way," Will said and they both looked at Makenna and Atlas, "Yea, they're both not going to tell us how they remain so calm."

"You're both acting like we haven't been prepping for this all semester," Makenna flipped through the pages of a textbook,

"But assessments are different," Vanessa said,

"And yet you always find a way to get the best grades."

"I just want to know how you do it without all the jitters," Vanessa looked from Makenna to Atlas, "I'm guessing you're the same as her,"

"He most definitely is," Will took out his books,

"Life is much more than these tests," Atlas took out his books, "There are more important things to worry about."

"Like what?"

They all looked at Makenna who'd spoken. Makenna lifted her eyes from the pages of the book she'd opened and she met Vanessa's gaze first, then Will's, and finally Atlas'. When their gazes met, she wasn't sure if she held her breath or if she had forgotten how to breathe. It always felt like he was peering into her soul with his piercing gaze.

"Like the tests life throws at us."

Makenna couldn't help but remember how the bible had described the brevity and fleeting nature of life. About how everyone is like a passing shadow and death is inevitable. That didn't make the pain of losing a loved one any less. When she'd read that passage earlier in her life, she'd often wondered what losing a loved one would feel like and if she would run to God or away from Him.

Now, she knew how it felt and she'd chosen the latter because she couldn't understand why God would take her friend and not her. She hadn't been able to see past her guilt for a long time. But her new-found purpose to do it for Rachel was what kept her going.

Makenna was having a hard time being aware of the fact that she'd died that night with Rachel. She'd lost what made her her by putting her life and dreams on hold to pick up Rachel's.

"They can be ruthless." Makenna's gaze was still locked with his,

She'd managed to see a glimpse of his soul and Atlas had gotten a glimpse of hers. The familiarity they saw started something in them they were eager to discover.

 The familiarity they saw started something in them they were eager to discover

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