Chapter 31

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The next day, Thea went out to meet with Killian. She hadn't seen him since they both went for their work shifts the day before and somehow, that felt like ages ago. She thought of her conversation with Atlas as she headed towards the Bubble Tea Shop. She didn't want to think too much about it, she wanted to talk to Killian about it.

When she looked up, she saw him waiting outside the shop for her. It felt like someone turned on all the lights in her. She felt seen and there was that buzz of electricity running through her veins - he did that to her. Her pace quickened and he smiled when he saw her which made her smile brighten. He walked towards her and she took off running.

Killian's heart pounded in his chest at the sight of her. She unleashed something in him, something that wanted to protect that light in her eyes and keep her safe. As she ran into his arms, he lifted her up and turned her around.

"I wonder what kind of hello I'd get if you don't see me for a week." He thought out loud as he placed her on her feet,

Her smile was replaced with a frown,
"Why would you go somewhere for a week and not take me with you?"

"Silly me."

She shook her head and laughed,
"You'd get the same enthusiastic hugs, of course,"

"I look forward to every single one," He held her hand and smiled, "C'mon,"

They both walked into the Bubble Tea Shop, Killian held the door for her and went in after her. After ordering, they got a table and sat across from each other.

"What's on your mind?"

Thea's eyes found his and a 'v' formed between her brows,

"You were in deep thought when I saw you,"

"How...?" She shook her head, "Never mind that. How was your shift last night?"

"It was good," He reached for her hand across the table which made her smile, "Just when I think I've heard everything Martin has to tell me, he surprises me."

Thea smiled,
"What words of wisdom did he give you now?"

Killian swallowed,
"He thinks I should get back to painting,"

"Exactly what I've been trying to get you to do," Thea said, "Wise man. What else did he say?"

"He says God has blessed me with this gift. Even if it feels like it's mine because I spent years perfecting it, it's still His gift to me."

Thea's heart skipped a beat as she watched and listened to him talk.

"I just..." Killian sighed as he avoided her gaze, "It has been on my mind, but the thought of going back to it is scary."


"I don't know what to expect."

"What do you mean?"

"Aside from the fact that I haven't painted in years, I'm scared of what is going to come out," Killian snuck a peek at her,

"Hey," Thea shifted her head, trying to get him to look at her, "Look at me."

She squeezed his hand,
"Look at me."

Killian finally looked at her.

"You say God has given you this gift, right?"

Killian nodded.

"Then start believing it and know that He will work things out for good." She smiled, "That's what you'd tell me."

Killian looked at her, really looked at her and smiled,
"You are somehow more beautiful than the day I first saw you,"

Thea blushed under his piercing gaze and her heart did somersaults,
"And so are you."

Killian nodded,
"I know, I know. I am pretty beautiful too."

Thea giggled,
"You're crazy,"

"Crazy for you."

Thea went red as she shook her head and looked away from him.
"When are you going to start?"

Killian's smile faded,
"I don't know. I guess I just need to pray about it and let go of this fear."

God has not given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and of sound mind.
His heart remembered the Bible verse and he held on to it.

"That's fair." She nodded, "What else?"

"Well, the car refused to start up after my shift. I had to call up Big Henry to come tow it. It was pretty late, but he was kind enough to show up."

"Did he mention how long it would take to fix it?"

"No. And he's off today, so I can't check with him." He studied her, "Now your turn,"

Thea sighed, nervous about telling him,
"I told you I was having dinner with my brother last night,"

"Yea. How did that go?"

"Well, let's just say brother-sister bonding wasn't the only thing on the agenda," Thea told him about how she had promised Atlas that she would press charges on Victor,

"I think I just might love your brother," Killian was serious,

Thea scoffed,
"If pressing charges is what gets you guys to bond, I'd have done it a long time ago."

Killian's heart stopped and he sucked in a deep breath as realization hit him. He was quiet for a moment,
"I'm sorry,"

Thea was taken by surprise,
"What for?"

"Just assuming that you were ok with the tension between me and your brother."

"Not to point fingers, but he did rock the boat in the beginning." She said truthfully, "And of course, he's my brother and you're my boyfriend, I want you guys to get along. But I understand that it will take time."

Killian let out a soft sigh and he shook his head with a smile.

"What?" She asked with a smile of her own,

"Nothing." His smile widened,

"C'mon, don't hold out on me."

"You just amaze me every single time."

She stared into his eyes,
"Well, I'm glad. I don't want you to get bored of me."

"I'd never get bored of you." He told her straight-faced and honestly, "But I'd get bored with you."

Thea didn't know how he did it.
"You are unreal."

"Why?" He laughed,

"Cause you say things that make me wonder if you escaped a book world."

"That good, uhn?"

"You have no idea."

Their drinks arrived just in time to save her from being asked any further questions.

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Early Access to Chapter 32 (direct link --->)

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