Chapter 19

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Vanessa glanced at Makenna for what she figured was the hundredth time. She was a terrible liar and she knew it. She'd gone over and over again in her head how she wanted to ask Makenna. A white lie wasn't exactly a lie, neither was a lie by omission, right?

Sure, Nessa. Make yourself feel better.
Vanessa thought to herself,

Clearing her throat, she fixed her gaze on Makenna who sat across from her, head buried in a textbook.

"Yes, Vanessa?"

Vanessa's eyes went a tad bit wide as Makenna looked up at her. Taking out her AirPods one after the other, Makenna waited for Vanessa to tell her what she'd obviously been trying to tell her since they left their department. She'd felt her wavering gaze on her the entire time but had tried to be patient.

"Let's hear it."

Vanessa tried her best not to think about it, hoping she had a poker face,
"I got invited to a party tomorrow," She said, "I just wanted to know if you'd come with me."

Makenna's gaze shifted from one of Vanessa's eyes to the other,
"And that's what you've been nervous to ask me?"

"Hmm-hmm," Vanessa nodded and stopped herself from blinking continuously,

"Huh," Makenna couldn't understand Vanessa sometimes, "You're weird,"

Vanessa smiled,
"I know."

Makenna shook her head, stopping the smile that was trying to plaster itself to her lips.

"So?" Vanessa leaned closer to the table, "Will you come with?"

"Sure, why not."

"Great," Vanessa screamed internally, unsure why she'd been nervous in the first place, "I'll send you the time and place."

Makenna watched Vanessa get back to studying and shook her head to herself. That wasn't as terrible as she thought it would be. Her mind had spiraled a bit while she waited for Vanessa to say what she had to say. A party had not been on the list. It was almost comical how nervous Vanessa seemed about asking her to accompany her to a party.

"Why were you so nervous about asking me?" Makenna just had to know,

Vanessa looked up at her and blinked,
"You know."

Makenna blinked,
"No. I don't."

Vanessa swallowed and shrugged,
"G-I-just, uh, thought," Her breath got stuck in her chest, "That you were taking a break from parties."

"Gee." Makenna mocked her, "What made you think that?"

Vanessa shrugged,
"I don't know, I just got the impression."

Makenna hadn't been to a party in a while. Regardless of second mid-terms starting the following week, the parties were still ongoing. She had to admit, it felt like weight off her back to not feel obligated to attend them anymore.

Makenna sighed and got back to studying like Vanessa had done. She loved her new routine and felt lighter in a way. Aside from the elephant that still sat on her chest, she was all good. As that thought came to mind, it triggered the obvious next thought.

She let out an inaudible breath just as he crossed her mind.

The feeling had not eased since the last time she spoke to him. If anything, it had only gotten worse and she didn't like how distracting it was. At random moments, she would catch herself zoning out and replaying that moment in her head. His words and the look on his face. It was hard to ignore and she would have to snap herself out of it.

Makenna shook her head to shake herself out of that same reverie. She found her hand clenched on the table and eased her grip.

What was worse was that he'd stopped showing up at the gym. Thea had mentioned in passing that he'd taken up working out in his apartment building. At first, she was unsure how she felt about that. Later, she decided that at the very least if she got to see him at the gym, she'd know that he was alright. But, nothing.

She hadn't known it would go this far. It was not what she'd wanted. Not at all. She just wanted him to stop pursuing something that she didn't want. Not avoid her completely.

Makenna's hand reflexively went to her neck and she turned her head, shifting her gaze to a section of the library just because. She let out a sigh, her shoulders rose and fell in what felt like defeat.

I can't. I just can't do this anymore.
She thought as she shifted her gaze back to her book, ignoring the growing pain in her chest.

Atlas' heart beat loudly in his chest, he could hear it and hoped no one else in the library could. Especially not Makenna. With his eyes shut, he tried to understand why he was hiding out. This hadn't been the plan. Well, he did tell her he would stay away, but that didn't include hiding out in library aisles.

That was close.
He thought as he mentally shook his head at himself.

She'd looked in his direction just a moment after he'd caught sight of her. He could attest to distance making the heart grow fonder.

Gosh, why did she have to be so beautiful?
He tapped his finger on the book he held. His back to the aisle he'd been facing just a second ago.


Atlas turned his head to find Will standing at the end of the aisle with a frown.

"I thought you discovered Narnia without me."

Atlas smiled and headed towards him,
"If only I were that lucky."

"You good?" Will asked as they headed back to their table,

"I'll be alright,"

Will was tempted to ask, but he had a pretty good idea what the problem was. As they both took their seats, Will's phone lit up with a new message. He snatched his phone from the table. Smiling to himself, he opened the chat having already seen the sender's ID and the message along with it.

She's coming.
The message read.

Perfect. See you tomorrow.
Will replied back.

I'll be the one in anything but black.
Will almost laughed out loud but quickly caught himself.

"What's the joke?"

Will looked up to find Atlas turning the pages of the book,
"Oh, it's nothing." He locked his phone and put it to the side, "Let's get back to it."

Has anyone watched the new vlog that went up yesterday? No? I tried pottery for the first time and it was a fun experience

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Has anyone watched the new vlog that went up yesterday? No? I tried pottery for the first time and it was a fun experience. If you're curious, do check it out. (Direct link --->)

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