Chapter 32

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Atlas was cooped up in his apartment for what felt like a short time. He went through reading materials and notes over again and when he came up for air, his eyes felt like they'd fall out. It was then that he realized that hours had passed and for a moment, he thought about hitting the gym but quickly changed his mind. He needed some fresh air and good food, and going out to get both sounded like the perfect plan.

He closed all his books and grabbed a jacket before he headed out. In the elevator, he remembered Thea was having dinner with Killian and decided to check in to see if she wanted to grab lunch with him. He dialled her number just as he stepped out of the elevator. She picked up on the third ring and she sounded like she was laughing with someone.

"I'm going to get lunch, want to join me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm out with Killian."

"That's alright." He stopped in front of his bike, "How's he?"

Thea knew Atlas was trying to be more supportive of her relationship with Killian, so the question wasn't a surprise,
"He is doing good." She said, "Will be better once assessment week is over."

"And I get back the car," Killian's voice sounded far away and slightly muffled,

"That too," Thea said,

"I'm just sorry Mac has to go without it today,"

"Oh, that's true."

"What's that?" Atlas asked, unable to fully make out her conversation with Killian on the other end of the line,

"Mac was supposed to get the car today, but it's off at Big Henry's."

"I see." Atlas immediately changed his plans,

"I'm sure you do."

Atlas was too busy thinking of seeing Makenna that he wasn't paying attention to the call anymore,
"Alright, I'll leave you to go have fun. Not too much fun."

"Oh, my goodness. We're not...we don't..." Thea sighed, "You know what, I've said this before but it's really none of your business."

Her initial response was all the answers Atlas needed. He smiled and admired Killian for staying true to his practices. He mentally gave him a pat on the back.

"Bye," Thea said,

"Bye, Thee."

The call disconnected and Atlas hopped on his bike. Without a second thought, he headed towards Hidden Beach, where he knew Makenna was hiding out on such a beautiful Sunday. On the way, he stopped at Walmart to get a helmet. Twice, he'd had her on his bike and twice without a helmet. He wasn't going to let there be a third.

As soon as he got the helmet, he made his way to Hidden Beach thinking about how he wanted to handle it. He didn't want to ruin her alone time like he had the last time, so waiting for her seemed like the only option.

He'd wait for her to come to him, however long that took.

At Hidden Beach, the trees rustled and the ocean waves danced to its rhythmic sound. No matter how many times she came here, Makenna always seemed to find it so beautiful. There were moments she took it for granted, but she was reminded of how lucky she was to have such a place to call her haven.

She'd gotten lost between the pages of the book she read and sleep was beyond her. The words came at her in a hurry to be consumed by the soul that hungered for it. She'd picked up a new book a few days ago and had been reading a bit in her dorm. With Hee gone, she didn't see any reason to hide her guilty pleasure.

It stops here. With me and you. It ends with us.

Makenna looked up from the pages of the book she was holding. Staring out at the horizon, she let out a soft and deep sigh. She felt like her heart was in someone's grip and she swallowed hard to ease the tightness, but it did no good.

It was a captivating story and it had her hooked from the first page. It reached deep within her and touched places she hid from everyone. There was a line from the book that replayed in her head: There is no such thing as bad people. We're all just people who sometimes do bad things

Makenna believed people aren't born bad. But because the world is filled with good and bad, people get to experience more of one than the other or a balance of both. Those experiences begin a war in each of us between good and evil. It's up to us to decide which side wins from the choices we make every day.

Hurt people hurt people.

As humans, we make bad choices every day and that's what makes us human. But choosing good means consistently working on turning away from those bad things. It's choosing love despite how badly you've been hurt by the world. It's choosing to forgive someone who's wronged or scarred you. It's showing the world kindness even though it's knocked you down over again.

There is no sin too big that God cannot forgive it.
The verse jumped out at her.

Makenna had heard and read that verse too many times and it had been drilled into her. She knew God's character. She also knew she was supposed to extend the forgiveness to others that God had given to her freely. But how could she?

How could she forgive the people who had taken her friend away when she couldn't even forgive herself?

Makenna tried to swallow the lump that was growing tightly at the back of her throat. The more she thought about it, the more she got furious at the world. She closed her eyes and only opened them when she felt the unshed tears disappear behind her eyelids. Taking a deep, calming breath, she let the ocean breeze sweep her thoughts away.

That's enough for one day.
She knew she was going to spend the rest of her day chasing the remnant of those thoughts away.

Makenna put her book, sunscreen, and phone in her black canvas tote bag. She got up and thought again about the line from the book. As she made her way out of her haven, she knew why she didn't completely agree with it.

She was bad. She felt like the filthiest rag there ever was. And what's worse was that she wanted the people who'd wronged her to feel the same way. She didn't want to choose to be kind, forgive, and be good.

There was a part of her conscience that jumped at her with all the Bible verses she needed in that moment. But she pushed them away, just like she always did.


Early Access to Chapter 33 --->

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