Chapter 42

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The four of them headed out of the library ninety minutes later and Vanessa smiled to herself knowing that Makenna was going out with Atlas. It was crazy for her to watch Makenna come out of the shell she'd been hiding in for too long all because of Atlas. He was good for her and she was excited for everything that was in store for them.

She looked up from the steps she climbed down and almost tripped when she saw who was waiting for her at the bottom.
"Shit." She cursed under her breath,

They all stopped to look at her but Makenna was the first to figure out why.

"Fucking idiot!" Makenna cursed at the person who stood at the bottom of the stairs, "I can get rid of him."

Atlas looked from the guy to Makenna who didn't look like she was joking.

"No, it's fine." Vanessa said, "I'll handle it."

"Are you sure?" Makenna asked,

"Yea," Vanessa sighed and looked at each of them, "I'll see you guys around."

"Bye." They said as Vanessa walked towards the person,

"Who's that?" Will asked,

"That is Jeremy - Vanessa's ex."

They watched as Jeremy smiled and hugged Vanessa when she reached him,
"Doesn't act like an ex."

"Hmm." Makenna watched Vanessa distance herself, "I hope she's ok."

"You're worried about her."

Makenna looked at Atlas who was looking at her intently. She schooled her expression, not wanting to give away any more of what was going on internally. She wondered why it was so easy for him to read her.

"I'm going to head home myself," Will said just as soon as Vanessa and Jeremy began walking somewhere together.

"See you," Makenna said while he bro-hugged Atlas,

"Well, looks like it's just you and I," Atlas said,

Makenna slowly turned her gaze to him and her heart rate went up a notch when she met his gaze,
"Looks like."

His smirk was not helping matters,
"I have the perfect place in mind. C'mon,"

Atlas grabbed her hand and Makenna tried not to be hyper-aware of his big warm hand wrapped around her small one.

My hands aren't that small.
She told herself as she kept up with his pace.

They got to where he'd parked his motorbike and when Atlas gave her the helmet, she didn't like it one bit. She looked from the helmet he was holding out for her to meet his gaze.

"You need to put this on,"

"No." Makenna shook her head, "I'm not wearing it unless you have one for yourself."

Atlas opened his mouth and closed it because he was talking to Makenna and he knew trying to get her to put it on would be a wasted effort.

"Fine." Atlas sighed, "We'll head to Walmart first, but please wear this."

Makenna's gaze shifted from one eye to another checking to see if she could trust him. Without a word, she took the helmet and slipped it onto her head. She didn't miss the smile on his face as he got situated on his bike. She hopped on after him and they were on their way.

At Walmart, Makenna walked ahead of Atlas who directed her to the section where they could find the helmet. When they arrived there, she scanned for one while he watched her.

Makenna grabbed an all-black one and turned to him,

Atlas smiled as he followed her towards the checkout. Soon they were back on his bike, each with a helmet, and Atlas rode towards Bostwick cafe.

On getting there, Makenna took her helmet off and stared at the entrance to the cafe. She didn't want to show her distaste and risk disappointing him.

"After you," Atlas waited for her to walk ahead of him,

She let out an inaudible sigh and went ahead of him. He got the door for her and she gave him a confused look wondering what she was walking into. Literally.

Makenna was slightly glad when she walked in and saw there weren't many people.

"There." Atlas nodded at the table they'd sat in the last time,

Makenna walked to the table unsure whether to laugh or cry. The last time she'd been at Bostwick was with Atlas and things hadn't gone how she'd thought it would. But that felt like ages ago even though it was only a few months.

So much has changed in a short time.
Makenna thought as she sat down at the same spot. Atlas sat across from her, the same spot for him as well. They were quickly given the menu and wasted no time ordering their drinks and some side dishes.

"Is this ok?"

Makenna smiled, not wanting to be blunt with her answer,
"Why did you want to come back here?"

"Unfinished business?" He frowned,


Atlas was quiet for a moment,
"I seem to recall our last encounter here wasn't so pleasant." He sighed, "There are a lot of things I would do differently now that I've gotten to know you better."

"Things like what?"

"The way I pushed you to open up." Atlas said, "I couldn't help myself then. You were an enigma and I was just so captivated by you."

Makenna blinked,
"You were."

Atlas smiled and nodded,
"Very much so. But if I'm being honest, I'm more captivated by you now than I was then."

Makenna swallowed and looked away, not certain how to reply to that. His responses were making her heart beat wildly and she ensured that her brain knew that escaping wasn't an option. Not with Atlas. She was done with that.

Makenna shifted her gaze back to meet his waiting ones and smiled. Atlas lost his breath and begged his heart to calm down.

"Hi," Makenna put out her hand, "It's good to see you again."


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⏰ Last updated: 4 hours ago ⏰

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