Chapter 21

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Atlas let himself look at Makenna as she headed towards them. She was listening to something Vanessa was saying and he reluctantly shifted his gaze to avoid getting caught.
"You were supposed to tell me if she decided to show up,"

"And risk not knowing if you'd show up?" Will got onto the boat as Atlas untied the rope, "Not a chance, mate,"

Under different circumstances, Atlas would've made fun of Will's attempt at sounding like him. But it was taking everything in Atlas not to look over at Makenna one more time as they got closer. He focused on untying the rope from the cleat and when he was done, he threw it onto the boat.

"Ready to come aboard," Vanessa stopped near the boat with Makenna right there with her,

"Watch your step," Will reached out his hand to Vanessa and helped her onto the unsteady boat, "Atlas, be a gentleman and help Mac on,"

Atlas clenched his jaw, not expecting Will to put him on the spot like that.

Before he had the chance to say anything, Makenna got closer to the boat which brought her closer to him,
"I've got it,"

He watched her as she got on, his hands ready to jump into action in case she needed help. But, of course, she just had to be able to get on without anyone's help.

Makenna turned to look at Atlas when she got both her feet steady on the boat. His gaze was glued to her legs.
"Are you coming?"

Atlas' gaze glided up her body to meet hers. He panicked internally and quickly shifted his gaze somewhere else.

Makenna went to get situated at the left end of the boat as he got on. Vanessa joined her at the back and Atlas joined Will in the front. Soon, the boat's engine roared to life and they were on their way.

"Will?" Vanessa's voice was barely audible above the noise,


"Why aren't you celebrating with your family?"

"They're in Seattle," He said, "I live here by myself,"

"And you just happened to get a boat?"

Will smiled,
"It came with the house which was my grandparents'."


Makenna smiled at Vanessa who had her gaze on Will. She watched Will glance at her and they shared a smile that made Makenna look away.

"It's so beautiful out here," Atlas' voice reached her and her stomach was suddenly in knots,

"You haven't seen anything yet," Will promised, "You should come back here in the summer. I can't decide if I love it more at sunrise or sunset."

Makenna closed her eyes and tried to tune out their conversation. She inhaled the cool air and memory filtered in easily.

In mid-June, the temperature was the highest it'd been in Tacoma. Makenna had gone out into the waters with Rachel and her family. Her little sister sat on her mum's lap with floaters on her arms. Her father steered the boat and they basked in the cool breeze that slapped against their skin. The scorching heat was almost bearable.

"Dad, can Kenna and I come out here to..."

"You know the rules, sweetheart," Her dad interrupted her.

"Right. You don't trust my boating skills." Rachel rolled her eyes, "I don't know what you think would happen,"

"Better safe..."

"...than sorry. I know, mum." Rachel said, "I'm just saying cause it's the last summer before college."

"You're going to be a few minutes away, darling" Her mum said,

"And I would probably have other things to do,"

"And now we've got something to bribe you with," Her dad smiled,

"You don't have to bribe me," Makenna said,

"Please drag her home with you," Her mum said, making Makenna smile,

Just as Makenna was about to answer, Rachel's scream broke the air as she went flying out of the boat. Everyone was immediately on their feet unsure what had happened. The boat stopped and they all called out her name, and nothing.

"Rachel!" Her mum called out,

"Rach!" Makenna leaned on the edge of the boat, starting to panic,

"Rachel!" Her dad called,


Makenna flinched. Rachel had quietly surfaced and had snuck out from the other side of the boat,

"Rachel Ann Brooks, don't you go pulling pranks like that ever again."

"Sorry, mum." She looked at her dad, "I'm sorry,"

Her dad's shoulders sagged in relief,
"You girls are going to be the death of me,"

"Help me up," Rachel reached out for Makenna to pull her up,

"Got you," Makenna reached out to grab her hand and did not expect to be pulled into the water.

She surfaced to Rachel and her sister in laughter, her parents smiling and shaking their heads.
"I got you." Makenna glared at Rachel for the comeback but ended up smiling,

Carefree and innocent. Both of them were in their little bubble with no idea how things would change a year later. Now, she was left behind with no bubble to protect her.

Makenna opened her eyes, her brain bringing her to the present. The smile the memory brought slipped off as she remembered the reality she was living. She looked from the water to the sky that melded together. Rachel's face reappeared in her mind and it felt like she was sucker punched in her chest.

A few feet away, Will and Vanessa were engaged in a conversation. Atlas wanted to swap places with Vanessa to make it easier for them to talk to each other. But that meant being close to Makenna. Atlas looked at her and let himself get lost for a moment. Her raven hair danced in the wind and her dark lashes fluttered on her paling skin. Her hands sat on her lap and he wasn't sure if her skin was getting pale from the cold or something else. She was sitting there, but it seemed like she was far away, somewhere she didn't like.

Atlas glanced at Vanessa who looked at him after a moment,
"Swap seats with me?"

Vanessa didn't need to be asked a second time. She was on her feet and excited to be up front. Will sent a quick smile Atlas' way as he took Vanessa's seat. Their conversation resumed and he glanced at Makenna again second-guessing what he was about to do. He closed his eyes and pushed away all the warning signs. When he opened his eyes, he shifted so that he was facing her, then he reached for both her hands.

Makenna snapped out of her reverie when she felt the warmest hands grab her hands. She hadn't realized how cold she was until her trembling hands were cozied up in the heat. Her gaze settled on his face as he held her hands between his and lifted them to his mouth. He blew on it and she felt the burning chill reduce.

He blew a few more times before he began to rub her hands with his. Makenna's gaze was fixed on his face and she was too stunned to speak. Atlas finally met her gaze after trying his best to avoid it.

Makenna thought it was crazy, but somehow, she was getting warmed up just by looking into his eyes. He kept rubbing her hands which were not trembling as much.

"I got you." Atlas whispered,

Makenna gasped inaudibly and a fog of breath escaped from her parted lips as she exhaled. 

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