𝟐𝟑: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬

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Aisha has started working in Kabir's US office but the distance between them has not faded since the press conference and Kabir had maintained distance with her.

Aisha had spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen, meticulously preparing Kabir's favourite dishes. The aroma of spices and the warmth of the kitchen welcomed him as he entered. She had set the table with care, candles flickering softly. Excitement bubbled in her as she awaited his reaction.

Aisha: (excitedly) Kabir ji, I've prepared your favourite dinner! I even made the chocolate lava cake you love.

Kabir glanced at the table; his brow furrowed with indifference. The tantalizing smell of the dishes seemed lost on him as he wearily dropped his laptop bag.

Kabir: (glancing at the table) Thanks, Aisha. I'm not hungry right now. Got some work to finish.

The disappointment lingered in Aisha's eyes as Kabir walked past, heading straight to his study without a second glance.


Aisha had carefully planned the weekend getaway to a cosy mountain cabin, envisioning a retreat to rekindle their connection. The picturesque view of snow-capped peaks surrounded them, a perfect backdrop for rediscovering each other.

Aisha: (gazing at the mountain view) Isn't this place amazing, Kabir ji? It's so peaceful.

Kabir, however, remained engrossed in his laptop, typing away without acknowledging the serene surroundings.

Kabir: (typing on his laptop) Yeah, great. I just need to finish this report. Maybe later.

Aisha's attempt at conversation faltered as she silently gazed at the mountains, her excitement turning into a quiet sense of loneliness.


Aisha had spared no expense in organizing a lavish party, hoping the lively atmosphere would dissolve the tension between them. The house buzzed with laughter and chatter as guests mingled.

Aisha: (smiling at the party) Everyone's having a good time, don't you think?

Kabir, standing at a distance, surveyed the room with detachment.

Kabir: (looking around) It's fine. I'll be in my office if you need me.

Aisha's smile faltered as she watched him retreat, the festive ambience unable to bridge the emotional gap between them.


Aisha had found Kabir's favourite childhood book tucked away in a corner of the library. She thought revisiting the pages together might evoke shared memories and create a connection.

Aisha: (holding the book) Kabir ji, I found your favourite childhood book. Let's read it together.

Kabir, engrossed in his emails, gave the book a cursory glance.

Kabir: (scrolling through emails) I don't have time for that right now, Aisha.

Aisha's attempt at intimacy crumbled as she watched him immerse himself in work, the book forgotten on the table.


Aisha, feeling a surge of guilt and longing, poured her emotions onto paper. She carefully penned a heartfelt letter, expressing her love and regret for the media incident.

Aisha: (nervously) Kabir ji, I wrote you a letter. Just wanted to share my feelings and apologize.

Kabir, preoccupied with his phone, took the letter without much acknowledgement.

Kabir: (briefly glancing at the letter) I'll read it later. Busy right now.

Aisha's vulnerability lay exposed as Kabir's indifference deepened her sense of insecurity.


Aisha had set up a makeshift art studio, hoping to recreate the joy they used to find in painting together. Canvases and paintbrushes awaited their touch, a visual reminder of shared creativity.

Aisha: (holding paintbrushes) Remember how much we used to enjoy painting together? Let's do it again.

Kabir, distracted by his phone, glanced at the art supplies without enthusiasm.

Kabir: (checking his phone) Not today, Aisha. I've got calls to make.

Aisha's attempt to revive their shared passion crumbled as Kabir's disinterest hung heavy in the air.


Aisha had secured tickets to the concert of Kabir's favourite band, hoping the music would rekindle the spark between them. The venue buzzed with anticipation, and Aisha couldn't wait to share this experience with him.

Aisha: (cheerfully) Kabir ji, surprise! Tickets to the concert of your favourite band.

Kabir, preoccupied with a call, took the tickets with a distracted nod.

Kabir: (distracted) Oh, thanks. I'll catch up with you later. I need to take this call.


"What happened to you?" Kabir asked.

"Aapko bas call, phone, meeting, office yahi dikhta hai, hum dikh rahe hai ya nahi...kab tak aap aise rahenge..."

(You just care about phone, meetings and office, you see only that, am I invisible to you?)

He left the room, without saying anything or looking back. Aisha broke out in sobs. Failing to realise what to do now. 

𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐊𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐫 𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐢 (𝟏𝟖+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now