I'm Never The One- Chapter 2

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Kaitlyn's POV

Damon releases his grip on me and his veins slowly recede along with his sharp fangs. "You're...you're a vampire," I murmur, looking down at the floor away from his gaze.

"Yes," he whispers, then I feel him slowly lift my chin so we are staring into each other's eyes. This is the first time I've really noticed Damon's eyes. They are light blue glow sticks. I naturally get lost in them. Then he speaks again, snapping me out of my temporary trance. "Please don't be afraid of me."

I nod shyly and try to manage to say something, but it gets jammed in my throat. Damon's a vampire. Vampires are real. It's all too much. I remember when my parents would tell me scary bedtime stories when I was younger; stories about vampires, werewolves, and witches. Creatures I thought were make believe. However, here I am sitting beside one.

"Kaitlyn, I will not hurt you. I promise," Damon whispers, then gently takes my hand in his and leads me towards the door. "I need to show you something." He guides me down the stairs where I come face to face with someone who fills me with happiness and who I have longed to see. My twin sister Elena.

I run into her arms and hug her tightly. We pull apart and smile. "Why aren't you at home with mom and dad, Elena?"

I watch as my sister's smile fades and I feel my heart drop as I brace for what she is about to say. "Kaitlyn, the night mom, dad, and I came to pick you up from the bonfire something happened. When we couldn't find you we gave up and headed home. On our way home something happened on Wickery Bridge. Our car went over. I almost drowned. Someone saved me. Stefan saved me," she explains to me, then turns to the doorway of the kitchen. There stands the guy I saw Damon arguing with earlier. He smiles at me.

He steps farther into the living room until he is beside me and Elena then extends his hand to me. I gladly shake it. "I'm Stefan, Damon's brother," he introduces himself.

I nod then realize something, "Stefan...are you a...a," I begin.

"A vampire? Yes."

"Oh. Elena, you didn't finish. What happened to our parents? Did Stefan save them?" I ask.

I see Stefan's face go dark and I know exactly what Elena is about to say. "Kaitlyn, he didn't save them. It was too late."

Her words ring out through my head as the fact becomes official. My parents are dead. I am an orphan. I'm all alone. I feel myself fall to the floor as the tears sting my eyes. I feel someone wrap their arms around my body. I look to see it's Elena. I fall into her embrace and we cry together wallowing in the fact we have both lost our parents forever.

Elena and I finally collect ourselves and stop crying and take a seat on the Salvatore's couch. We sit there awkwardly as both brothers stare at us. I nervously twirl my curly, brown hair as my eyes wander between Stefan and Damon, trying to figure out what is going on. Finally, Elena pipes up, "So what about Katherine? It's freaky how Kaitlyn and I look exactly like her."

"Oh, yes. You see, Damon and I, dated Katherine. Before we were vampires, back in 1864, we met her. She compelled us to love her. Then she was taken by the Founder's Council and burned to death in the Old Fell's Church. We tried to save her, but were shot in the process, killing us. We had Katherine's vampire blood in our systems, so we transitioned into vampires. How she looks like you two I'm going back not sure," explains Stefan.

"So you kidnapped us because we look like your dead girlfriend?" I ask. This is all too weird.

"I didn't kidnap anyone. That was all Damon. I saved Elena, remember? She would have drowned if it wasn't for me," corrects Stefan.

"Oh, yeah. My bad. So, if you have no clue why we look like Katherine why are we here? I mean, we're not going to be your replacements if that's what you want. I already have a boyfriend," I tell the brothers bravely. Yeah, Stefan and Damon are drop dead hot, but I'm not a slut. No way in hell I'm going to cheat on my boyfriend, Matt.

"Well, miss sassy pants, I'm not interested in you. I want Katherine back. So, if we find out why you three all look alike maybe I can find a way to open the tomb and free her," Damon tells me.

"Wait, hold the phone. I thought Katherine burned in a fire at a church. Now she's trapped in a tomb? I'm lost. And Stefan said she compelled your love. I thought compulsion was like a form of mind control or something. If your love for Katherine was fake why would you want to get her back?" I question them. Their stories just don't add up.

"Yeah, Damon. Katherine burned to death in 1864 along with the other vampires and even if that wasn't true we never really loved her. She was using us," adds Stefan clearly as lost as I was about what Damon had said.

"She may have compelled your love, brother, but mine was real. After we turned, Emily Bennett told me about how she saved Katherine along with the others. She sealed them in a tomb below the church and they've been desiccating ever since. We need to save her, Stefan. I love her," Damon shoots back at us and I am stunned. This is all too much to swallow; all this vampire and Katherine drama. I have to get away from it, me and Elena both.

"My brain's had enough for one day. Elena and I should go home. Tell our brother, Jeremy we are alright. And we have our first day of school tomorrow. Goodbye." I grab Elena's hand and drag her towards the door.

Before I could leave, I felt Damon seize my hand. I turn towards him, ready to scream and tell him to get his filthy paws off me, when he speaks, "It was nice meeting you, Kaitlyn."

I nod. "You too, Damon." Then he releases my hand and Elena and I flee out of the Salvatore's house together.

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