I'm Never The One- Chapter 24

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Stefan walks over to me, obviously sensing the tension in the room. "I was just about to show Matt my car, you want to come outside with me?"

I nod my head and let him lead me outside with everyone else, his hand against my back guiding me. We enter the Boarding House garage where Stefan pulls a tarp away from a car.

"How do you have this?" Matt asks in disbelief, ogling the car.

"Passed down through the family," Stefan explains, coming over to stand by me again. Caroline and Elena are standing on the other side of the car with Matt.

"Why don't you drive it?" Matt asks, his eyes still locked on the brand new looking car.

"It doesn't run," Stefan says, leaning against the garage wall. I stay still with my arms wrapped around myself.

"Why would you keep a car that doesn't run?" Caroline asks.

Matt groans. "Could you be more of a girl right now?" He then turns to me. "Kaitlyn, you remember the old Camaro your dad used to have?"

"Yeah," I say, grinning a little. Matt and I would drive around in that car after school almost every day.

"I built and rebuilt that engine so many times," Matt says, clearly reminiscing.

"I don't like sports cars," Caroline pipes in. "Not enough room to make out in."

Matt still lost in his thoughts turns to me. "It wasn't that bad."

I don't look at Matt. My eyes land on Caroline. She huffs annoyed and leaves the garage with Elena at her heels.

"You shouldn't dig up the past, Matt," I say a little harshly. "Caroline's happy with you and I hope you're happy with her."

"I am," Matt agrees quickly. "We just had so many good memories."

"We did, but that part of my life's over. I'm with Damon now."

Matt nods. "Let's look at this car," he says to Stefan, moving towards it's hood.

After Matt got a good look at the car's engine, Stefan agreed to let him drive it out front. Stefan and I got in the back seat, while Matt got behind the wheel.

We stop in the driveway of the Boarding House. I easily spot Elena and Caroline talking on the porch. They walk down to meet us.

Stefan gets out of the car and holds the door open for me. I thank him and stand beside the car with everyone else. He takes off his leather jacket and hands it to me without a word. I just let his kindness soak in as I wrap the jacket around my shoulders. I don't utter a word in response.

"How about you and Caroline take it for a spin?" Stefan suggests to Matt.

"Caroline?" Matt asks, smiling at her.

She grins and gets in the car with him. I watch them drive away together and can't help but smile as well.

Elena walks up to Stefan and hugs him. I watch as she smiles and he smiles, but for some reason I can't reciprocate their happiness. It seems so fake.

They soon separate and Elena complains about the cold air. I reflexively tighten the jacket around myself for comfort. Her eyes land on me and the jacket almost immediately, but she lets it slide as Stefan guides her into the Boarding House.

I stand outside in the front yard a little longer. The aloneness is nice for once. I can't help but think of Damon. All I ever wanted before my parents died was a boyfriend and I had that with Matt, but for some reason that wasn't enough. I wanted something more than fairytale, high school romance. I wanted someone who put me first and wanted to be with me more than anything else in the world.

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