I'm Never The One- Chapter 5

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Damon's POV

I walk into the Boarding House after leaving the Gilbert's. I pass Stefan on my way up the stairs and he stops me. "Where's your shirt?"

I smirk. I must have left it at Kaitlyn's. "I just went through with my threat, brother."

I watch as his face goes blank. I must have really struck a chord. "Which one?"

"Who ever said it was only one?" I laugh.

Kaitlyn's POV

"Come on, Kaitlyn. This is going to be fun," Bonnie assures me as we walk through the woods towards the party.

I nod. I want her to be right, but I'm not so sure. Matt will be at the party. My boyfriend Matt. I have to breakup with him. I mean I cheated on him.

My stomach hurts just thinking about it. Matt deserves better than me. I feel guilty I did this to him, but I don't regret it. I don't regret kissing Damon at all.

"Yay! We're here!" cheers Elena.

"Let's go get drunk!" I yell to get in the party mood. I mean I am supposed to be the fun sister.

After we all have drinks, Bonnie starts talking about Stefan. "Just admit it, Elena."

"Okay, he's a little pretty," Elena says caving.

"He has that romance novel stare."

"So, where is he?" I ask, peering around the party for him.

"I don't know. Maybe Bonnie knows. She's the psychic one."

"Right, I forgot," Bonnie agrees. "Give me a sec. According to Grams I have to concentrate."

"Wait, you need a crystal ball," laughs Elena.

"Here," I say, handing Bonnie another beer.

She reaches to take it from my hand, but then freezes. "What?" I ask confused.

"That was weird. When I touched you I saw a crow and a man dressed all in black," explains Bonnie, shaking her head.

"That is weird."

"It's nothing. I'm drunk," Bonnie tells me, laughing it off and walking away.

I shrug and walk off to find Matt.

"Hey," I say wrapping him in a hug.

"Hey," he tells me back and leans in and kisses me on the cheek. I tense up. "Is something wrong? You've been acting different lately."

"Matt, ever since my parents died I've been different. I've been trying to adjust to life again but it's hard. Things that used to matter to me don't seem to matter anymore. I don't know how to say this, but I think we need to take a break."

He nods and walks off without bothering to say another word. I think us breaking up is what's best.

Bonnie's POV

I walk away from Kaitlyn and Elena and head into the woods. I need some time alone. All this psychic business is freaking me out.

When I touched Kaitlyn I got this freaky vibe. And I saw a black crow. And a man who wore so much black clothing it was as if he was night itself. When I touched her it was like darkness surrounded her.

I'm going crazy or I'm drunk.

I'm so deep in my thoughts I trip and face plant into the dirt. I pick myself up to come face to face with a man. The same man I saw in my vision.

"Who...who are you?" I stutter. Please just have all of this be a bad dream.

"That doesn't concern you. All you need to know is I need answers. So, you're a Bennett right?" he asks me. I nod. "Good. So I need your witchy advice. My vampire girlfriend is trapped in a tomb one of your ancestors put her in and I need your help getting her out."

"Witches. Vampires. What are you talking about?" I ask. My Grams did say something about me being a witch, but it can't be true. Can it? This guy must be confused.

"Damn, are you clueless. I'm a vampire. You're a witch. 2+2=4."

"Are you drunk?"

"Fine, do you have a mom, dad, or someone I can talk to about this?"

"My Grams."

"Great! Let's go meet her."

He grabs ahold of my shirt and begins to drag me through the woods.

"No!" I scream and I can feel energy radiating off of me. I turn and see the man kneeling on the ground clutching his head in pain. I take this opportunity to run.

I sprint through the woods as fast as I can, but I'm not fast enough. Suddenly, the man is right in front of me blocking my path.

"Stupid girl, I guess we have to do this the hard way."

I watch in fear as spidery, black veins crawl down from under his eyes. He opens his mouth to expose sharp fangs. He wasn't lying. He's a vampire.

Then he sinks his fangs into my neck.

Kaitlyn's POV

I walk around the party looking for Bonnie. When I'm about to give up is when I hear it: Bonnie screaming somewhere in the woods.

I run towards her voice, stumbling past Elena and Stefan on the way. Stefan grasps my arm stopping me. "What's wrong?"

"Bonnie...screaming," I pant then keep on running. I hear them following me.

I reach a scene that horrifies me. Damon is feeding on Bonnie. I cry out in disbelief. How could he do this?

Stefan quickly pulls him off of her and I watch as she drops to the ground.

Elena runs to Bonnie, but I can't seem to move. I stare at Damon and he stares at me. Stefan soon releases him to go help Bonnie and Damon slowly walks towards me.

I hold my hand up pushing him away. "Kaitlyn...please," he whimpers.

I shake my head no. I trusted him. I trusted him enough to kiss him and he goes and betrays me like this. Hurting Bonnie was too far over the line.

I turn and walk away from him crying. In that moment, he lost me and my trust.

Damon's POV

I storm through the woods disgusted with myself. The way Kaitlyn looked at me after I hurt Bonnie is forever burned in my brain. I don't think she'll ever forgive me for this.

I punch a tree out of anger. What's wrong with me? Why do I care for this girl? I'm in love with Katherine. I need to rescue Katherine. Maybe Kaitlyn hating me is just the push I need to stay focused on my mission and not get distracted by her.

Who am I kidding? It does matter that Kaitlyn hates me and I can't ignore it.

I punch another tree. Harder this time. That stupid girl has somehow managed to get under my skin.

"Um...are you okay?" I turn my head towards the voice. It's some teenage girl.

"No, I'm not okay!" I yell at her.

"Well, how about you go get another drink. From experience, alcohol fixes everything."

"Well, alcohol is not going to fix this."

"Whatever, man." The girl goes to leave, but I grab her arm.

"I know what will fix this," I tell her grinning. My fangs angulate and I dig them into the poor girl's flesh. She squirms and tries to fight me, but I'm too strong. When I finally think I've had enough to satisfy my anger and thirst, I release her from my grip.

She falls to the ground and just lays there. I kick her with my boot and she still doesn't move. I assume she's dead and walk off.

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