I'm Never The One- Chapter 3

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Kaitlyn's POV

Elena and I open the door to our home to hear someone in the kitchen. We enter to see Aunt Jenna on the phone at the dining table. When she sees us her mouth gapes open and she drops the phone on the table.

"Jeremy!" she yells. "Jeremy, get down here!" Jenna then stands up and runs towards us holding her arms open. We sprint to meet her and collide in a group hug. "You both are missing persons. Almost everyone by now assumed you were dead like...like your parents," she cries out as she hugs us tighter.

We hear someone racing down the steps and I turn to see Jeremy. Relief floods his face and he eagerly joins our group hug. "Kaitlyn, Elena, I'm so glad you're okay. I thought I'd never see you two again." I could feel his tears on my neck. I felt so bad we hadn't come home sooner. We had Jeremy and Jenna thinking we were most likely dead. I cried along with Jeremy. Before I knew it, all four of us were balling our eyes out together.

I pull apart and silence my sobs. "No more crying. I feel like all I've been doing lately is crying. We're all here together. We are all going to be okay. We are going to survive this tough time in our lives together. As a family," I tell them. We all climb the stairs and go to bed for the night. Elena, Jeremy, and I have our first day of school tomorrow and we need our sleep more than ever now.

Damon's POV

"Come on, Stefan. Take one for the team. Go to school. I'd do it if I could but only one of us is the forever seventeen year old here," I say, gesturing to him as he pouts on the couch.

"No, Damon. You only want me to go to keep an eye on the twins so you can figure out how to rescue Katherine. I won't do it. I won't help you rescue Katherine. She deserves to rot for all she's done to us," refuses Stefan. In less than a second, I am up in my little bro's face this close to snapping his neck to make him shut up.

"Fine, then I'll kidnap Kaitlyn and Elena and hold them hostage in our cellar until I can get a Bennett witch over here to tell me how the twins are connected to Katherine. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll even get to kill them when this is all over," I snarl at my brother, turning around to leave.

"No, Damon. I won't let you touch them. I'll go to school. But only to protect them from you," Stefan snarls back, vampire speeding out of the house before I can get in another word. I smirk and pour myself some Bourbon before downing it in a matter of seconds. I then leave to go track down the latest Bennett witch who can hopefully help me witchy woo the tomb open.

Kaitlyn's POV

I enter school with Elena, Bonnie, and Jeremy ready to listen to everyone say how sorry they are for my loss. Blah. I hate when people give me a bunch of crap about how bad they feel for me. They never mean what they say so how could it make me feel any better? They are just spouting lies they think I want to hear. Guess what?! It's so not what I want to hear. I just hope I can control my rudeness for the day and accept their condolences.

Jeremy soon leaves us and heads off to stalk Vicki Donovan. He's been spending way too much time with her. Sure, I'm in a relationship with her brother, Matt, but I don't trust the girl with my brother one bit. Everyone knows Vicki's a druggie and I don't want my brother involved with that kind of person. No way am I going to let Jeremy become a stoner.

I go up to my locker to put my backpack away when someone seizes my waist. I giggle and the person turns me around so I am leaning against my locker. It's Matt. He kisses me and it makes me smile, but it also makes me think back to the bonfire when I met Damon. I can't believe I'm thinking of him right now while I'm kissing Matt but I am. Damon had told me something that is nagging me in the back of the head right now. He told me I wanted a love that consumes me. Passion and adventure. And even a little danger. Reflecting on my relationship with Matt, I realize I have none of those things. I abruptively pull away from our kiss. "No," I whisper.

Matt stands there stunned and confused. I don't blame him. I'm confused right now myself, but kissing Matt felt wrong. I believed what Damon said. And if I felt none of those things when I kissed Matt I don't believe I have the relationship I want. I walk away to go meet Elena and Bonnie at their lockers they had right next to each other.

I lean against the locker next to Elena's as she gets her books for her first period. Suddenly, Caroline wraps both me and Elena in a tight hug. "Oh my God, Kaitlyn and Elena, how are you two?" She then releases us both before we can answer and turns to Bonnie, "How are they? Are they good?"

I groan and Elena elbows me in the side. "We're doing fine," Elena tells Caroline for the both of us. I hate the word fine. I'm no way in hell fine.

Caroline nods to Elena and me then hugs us one more time before saying she'd see us all later.

"Bye, Caroline!" I holler with fake enthusiasm. I don't know what it is about that girl, but I downright hate her. Elena on the other hand is friends with everyone she's ever met. Sometimes I doubt we are really twins, but then I look in the mirror and everything is cleared up in an instant.

Elena elbows me for the second time now, "Be nice." I glare at her, but then quickly put on another fake smile.

"Ok, Elena!" I pipe cheerfully. She groans at me and walks off with Bonnie at her heels.

I turn to leave and follow them when I see Jeremy duck into the boy's restroom. He better not be stoned. I groan and storm after him. I can't believe I'm going to have to be the one to kill his buzz. Dear God, I'm turning into Elena!

Jeremy's in front of the sink and he sees me coming, but doesn't have enough time to escape. I grab his face and turn him so I can see his eyes. "I can't believe you, Jeremy. First day of school and you're stoned. Is it on you?" I start checking his pockets as he totally freaks out.

"Stop it, Kaitlyn," he whines. "I don't have anything on me, okay?"

"I don't believe you. I'm done seeing you throw your life away! Stop the drugs and stop hanging out with Vicki for God's sake!" I scream at him.

"What does Vicki have to do with this? God, Kaitlyn just back off! This is my life not yours," he shoots back at me and leaves me alone in the bathroom. I stand there stunned for a moment, but then finally get my anger under control enough to leave.

I exit the restroom and run smack into someone's chest. I back up and groan in frustration. It's Stefan. "Really, Stefan?! Are you stalking me and Elena? Back off!" I shove him out of my way and storm off to my first period History class.

I take my seat for class next to Elena and I see her staring at someone behind me. I turn to see Stefan. "What is he doing here?" I ask Elena irritated.

"I spoke to him before class and he told me Damon wants to use us to free Katherine from the tomb somehow. Stefan says he wants to protect us from his brother," Elena explains. I don't know why, but it hurts me that Damon wants to use me to free his ex girlfriend. I felt like there was something between us. You know a friendship or something. I guess I was wrong.

Suddenly, I get a text from Bonnie:


I groan internally. She doesn't know the half of it.

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