I'm Never The One- Chapter 8

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Kaitlyn's POV

I wake up in my own bed with Stefan sitting on the edge. It all comes rushing forward. Getting drunk. Kissing Damon yet again. Letting him feed on me. Bonnie and her Grams attacking him.

I bolt upright in my bed panicking. Is Damon alright? Where is he?

Stefan sees how alarmed I am and rests a hand calmly on my shoulder. "It's okay. Damon's okay. Elena realized what a big mistake she was making and called me. I stopped them."

I relax and lay back down. I see Stefan still staring at me. Well, not me. My neck. "It's nothing," I lie to him, even though I know that he most likely knows what happened.

"Damon fed from you," he says with no emotion. I nod. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. Damon's gone too far. I would never wish my brother dead, but he needs to pay for all he's done."

He then stands to get up and leave. I reach for him to try and explain that Damon drinking from me was my choice, but he brushes me off and leaves before I can get another word out.

Stefan's POV

I exit Elena and Kaitlyn's house and head towards my own. I need to fix this. I need to protect everyone from Damon. Especially Kaitlyn.

Bonnie and he grandmother had the right idea killing Damon. Well, besides the killing part. Damon needs to be dealt with.

I find Damon drinking Bourbon. I attack him and pin him up against the wall before he can react. He probably never saw this coming since I just saved him less than an hour ago.

I skillfully snap his neck and drag him down to our cellar. I tie him to a chair inside one of the cells and wrap vervain around him. I put gloves on beforehand, but it still burns.

When I'm done,  I slip off his ring and lock the door to the cell and the door to the basement. I'm sorry Damon.

Bonnie's POV

I sit with Elena and Grams in Grams's house. Grams is mad at Elena for ratting us out to Stefan, but I'm relieved. Even though Damon is a vampire and tried to kill me, it still didn't feel right to kill anyone.

"I just got off the phone with Stefan. He dealt with Damon," Elena assures us.

"Sure he did. The only way to deal with the monster is to shove a stake through his heart! Bonnie we are the servants of nature. Vampires go against nature. It's our duty to kill them," Grams tells me.

I nod unsure. Why should I have to kill someone just because nature said so? It should be up to me and no else who I think should die. Especially if I'm the one killing the person. I miss when I was just a normal teenage girl who didn't have to deal with the supernatural world.

"At least Damon can't open the tomb. The comet passed last night, he doesn't have the Bennett talisman, and he could never convince one of you to do the spell," Elena says cheerfully.

"You're right, but as a safety precaution we need to find the talisman," Grams informs us.

"Where could it be?" I ask. The talisman belonged to Emily Bennett who died back in 1864. It could be anywhere.

"Emily Bennett was burned by the council in the place her ancestors were burned. Find the spot where she died, find the talisman," explains Grams. She made it sound so easy. How were we supposed to find the spot she died at? None of us were there when it happened except for...the Salvatore brothers.

Kaitlyn's POV

After Stefan left me,mI immediately followed him to the Boarding House. I storm in to find him casually sitting on the couch drinking. How stupid does he think I am?

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