I'm Never The One- Chapter 26

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Kaitlyn's POV

"Teacher by day," Damon says, examining Alaric's weapon arsenal. "Vampire hunter by night."

Alaric looks up from loading his crossbow. "I have you to thank for that."

I see the pain hidden beneath Alaric's cold features. He loved his wife, my birth mother, so much he dedicated his life to hunting what took her away from him. I understand this. I would never do something so drastic for Isobel, a woman who abandoned me, but I would do it for my real mom, Miranda Gilbert. In a similar situation, I would do anything to avenge her death.

"What are these?" Elena asks curiously, picking up a dart from his desk. All his gear is arranged on his desk like a deadly museum display.

"Vervain darts," Alaric answers, snatching it from her open palm.

"Just get me in the house and I'll take care of the rest," Damon says, surveying the weapons like a kid at a candy shop.

I huff at his stupidity. "Then what?" I ask him. "You take them all on yourself and get yourself killed?" I cross my arms.

Damon grins snatching one of my wrists, uncrossing my arms in one fluid motion. "When did you start caring again?"

I want to say I never stopped. "If you die so does Stefan," I say instead.

"Whoa," Alaric says, interrupting Damon and I. "What are you doing?"

I turn my head to see Elena stashing vervain darts in her hoodie pocket. "I'm going with you guys."

"Uh, not happening," Damon says, dropping my wrist. I miss the warmth and I hate myself for still being affected by him.

"You distract the vampires and I get Stefan out," she says, reaching for more of the darts.

Damon swats her hands away. "There are so many downsides to your plan."

"She just thinks if she saves him he'll come running back to her," I say snidely.

Damon glares at me and then returns his attention to my whining sister. "You'll get yourself killed, Elena."

"Now's not the time to play lone ranger, Damon," Elena argues, stuffing her hands in her hoodie where her stash of darts are.

"How about this," Damon says, an idea sparking in his blue eyes. "You and Kate drive the getaway car."

I raise my hand. "We both can't drive."

Damon groans and rolls his eyes at me. "Fine. Kate, you drive and Elena rides shotgun."

"Why does she get to drive?" Elena whines.

"Because I'm older," I say, sticking out my tongue.

Damon shrugs."Can't argue with that logic."

"Can we go now?" Alaric asks, lifting a duffel bag full of weapons over his shoulder.

"Yep," Damon answers, grabbing my forearm and Elena's. "You have the weapons and I have the annoying twin sisters. I think we're set."

Elena and I's matching glares burn into Damon's skull. Unfortunately, the smiling bastard is unaffected.

Elena and I have been in the car for ten minutes when the rain starts to downpour hard. The car creaks under its weight and then a giant tree branch gives way and smacks onto the roof.

Elena muffles a scream from the passenger seat. I roll my eyes.

"I hate just sitting here," I growl, banging my hands against the wheel. Stefan could be dying, or worse dead, and I'm just sitting here!

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