I'm Never The One- Chapter 21

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Kaitlyn's POV

I tramp through the woods with Damon silently at my side. We soon arrive at a clearing where the Duke party is in full blast.

"Oh my God, I forgot about the Duke party!" I exclaim. We are surrounded by dozens of drunk teenagers and if this plan doesn't go off without a hitch they are readily offering blood to the tomb vampires not far away.

Damon completely ignores me.

I huff in annoyance at this and groan when I see Caroline running towards us dragging Matt behind her. She stops in front of Damon and I and I notice her and Matt's hands are intertwined. There's another thing I forgot. My sort of friend is dating my ex.

"Kaitlyn!" exclaims Caroline. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you or Elena in ages."

It's not like I'm going to tell Caroline of all people the truth. That Damon and Stefan are vampires and that we're trying to unleash their vampire ex-girlfriend on the town. Like she'd even believe me.

"We don't have time for this, Kaitlyn. Say your goodbyes to Goldilocks," groans Damon, totally not amused with the situation.

"Rude!" Caroline chirps, flinging her hair over her shoulder dramatically.

Matt takes this as his opportunity to step in front of Caroline and offer a friendly smile. "I haven't had the chance to introduce myself. I'm Matt Donovan," he says to Damon, extending his hand.

Damon pushes it away and walks off towards the church ruins. I follow behind him looking over my shoulder at Caroline and Matt apologizing through my eyes.

We arrive at the opening in the ground where the church basement would have been at one point. Damon grasps my waist and lowers us into the opening with a jump.

We see Stefan, Bonnie, Elena, and Bonnie's Grams talking. Bonnie points to cans of gasoline. "What are those for?" she asks Stefan.

"It's everything I need to destroy the other vampires," explains Stefan.

Damon whistles at the four and walks over with me behind him. "I have the grimoire!" he announces in an off-setting happy manner.

Shelia nods and walks around the tomb ruins lighting torches. "Air. Earth. Fire."

"Water," says Bonnie, stepping forward with a bottle of water and handing it to her grandmother. She sprinkles it on the floor.

"That's it? Bottled water from the supermarket?" asks Elena skeptically.

I glare at her. "Really, Elena? What were you expecting? The water to be blessed and holy?" I question her my annoyance seeping through.

Damon laughs at my outburst and pulls out a blood bag from his jacket. "Your sarcasm is endearing, Gilbert," he says with no real emotion showing through.

Did he just call me Gilbert? I gawk at him my disbelief evident. "It wasn't sarcasm," I say lowly.

"Sure it wasn't. So, which doppelganger is coming with me?" Damon asks, his eyes darting from me to my sister.

Stefan growls and shoves Elena behind him. Damon's eyes settle on me when his brother does this. "The jury has spoken, girly. You're coming with me," he taunts.

"No!" exclaims Bonnie interrupting her and Shelia's preparation. "That wasn't part of the deal. We open the tomb and only you go in."

Damon smirks at her. "Change of plans, witchy. I don't trust a single one of you, so I need some leverage. Kaitlyn here is ready and willing to be leverage, aren't you?" he asks me, his eyes drilling into my skull.

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