I'm Never The One- Chapter 32

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Kaitlyn's POV

I call Damon as I pace around my house. "I'm supposed to help Caroline with the Founders' Day float, but I wanted to check in."

Damon laughs through the phone. He knows my dislike for the blonde. "I'm doing great. Thanks for asking."

I sigh at his sarcasm. "How's Stefan doing?"

"Oh, him? He's terrible."

My anxiety spikes. "Terrible how?"

"He's back to boring, straight-laced, off the junkn Stefan. You've sucessfully cured him of anything that was interesting about his personality."

I sigh happily at this. "You helped me get him back."

"I hate myself," Damon mumbles. "Did Uncle John mention anything about my field trip with the history teacher."

"Nope. I try to avoid him. I've got to go. Don't want to be late," I remark.

"Have fun with the queen. I know I did."

Elena's POV

I walk into Alaric's classroom with Kaitlyn at my side. We got pulled from float decorating for some important meeting.

I sit down at one of the desks in the front row. Kaitlyn sits on the actual desktop, swinging her legs.

"I saw Isobel," Alaric blurts out to all of us.

I look around the room for reactions. Stefan's back, but still seems edgy. He keeps stealing glances at my sister. It makes my throat constrict.

"Did you ask her about John?" Damon's the first to ask questions. "Are they scheming together?"

"No," Alaric answers.

"No they're not?"

"No, I didn't ask," Alaric retorts grumpily.

"What about the invention?" Damon questions urgently.

"Didn't ask."

"Did she know about the tomb vampires?"

"I don't know."

"Did words completely escape you?" Damon asks angrily.

Alaric glares at Damon. "No, I was a little distraught after seeing my dead vampire wife to ask any questions.

Kaitlyn raises her hand. The two bickering men raise their eyebrows at my twin. "Isn't dead vampire a little repetitive?"

The pair glares at her before continuing to argue. "What did she want?" Damon demands.

Alaric looks at Kaitlyn and me. "She wants the twins."

Stefan stands up and walks forward from where he was previously lounged against the window. "Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting with the girls. We don't know what she wants."

Damon looks over our way, but his eyes mainly focus on Kaitlyn. She hardly seems to notice. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

Stefan coughs and Kaitlyn's head snaps up, fully paying attention now. "We don't have a choice," she says.

Alaric nods agreeing. "Isobel threatened to go on a killing spree."

Damon backs away. "Oh! I guess that's not alright with you guys?"

"I want to do it," I speak up. All eyes turn to me. "If I don't, I think I'll regret it."

I look over at my sister. She's looks less than enthusiastic about the meeting.

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