I'm Never The One- Chapter 17

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Kaitlyn's POV

I wake up in the Boarding House with Stefan kneeling beside me. That's strange. Last thing I remember is Damon saving me from Scum Fell.

"What happened?" I mutter, rubbing my head and sitting up. I'm on the brothers' couch in their living room.

"Well, Damon and I saved you from Logan Fell. After that, Damon passed you off to me and instructed me to take you back here. Not long after, I get a call from Elena saying she totaled her car and Damon rescued her from a weird man," explains Stefan.

"Anything else?" I laugh. My memory may be fuzzy, but my sarcasm's still intact.

"Oh, and my brother kidnapped your sister and took her on a road trip to Atlanta."

"Why exactly Atlanta?"

"Damon's back to wanting to crack open the tomb," Stefan says disapprovingly.

"Ugh," I groan and fall back onto the couch. Today just keeps getting better and better.

Elena's POV

Damon pulls his car up to a bar and I groan. He shoots me a glare and I have an urge to flip him off, but I decide against it. I can't believe he dragged me to Atlanta! I should not be in this mess with Damon. Kaitlyn should be in my position.

"Why are we at a bar, Damon?" I ask annoyed, getting out of the car.

"This is not just any bar, Elena. This is Bree's Bar," he says, flashing that arrogant smirk of his. What Kaitlyn sees in Damon is beyond me.

"Well, it's still a bar and I'm underage," I say matter-of-factly.

"You're so annoying, Elena. You and your sister are polar opposites."

"So I've been told," I mutter.

We enter the bar and some lady slides off the bar counter and walks towards Damon. "No. It can't be the Damon Salvatore."

The woman, I assume is Bree, latches her hands around Damon's neck and they make out right in front of me. As far as I'm concerned, whatever happens in Bree's Bar stays in Bree's Bar. No need for Kaitlyn to know about what I'm witnessing.

Finally, the two separate and Bree leaps back over her bar counter. She pours three shots and slides two across the bar towards Damon and me. "Here's to the man who broke my heart, crushed my soul, and destroyed my life! The very man who ruined any chances of happiness for me!" she cheers as if what she's saying is somehow a good thing.

She tips back her shot and Damon does the same. Bree stares at me expectantly, but I don't touch my shot. She shrugs and downs it herself. "So how'd you get roped in?" she asks, wiping alcohol off her lips.

"I'm not roped..."

"If you're not roped, you're whipped," she laughs, pouring even more alcohol.

"So how'd you and Damon meet?"


"Damon went to college?" I question amused.

"Duh, I've gone to college, Elena," Damon tells me.

"Give or take twenty years ago I met this man. As you'd expect, I fell in love with him. He shared his secret with me, made me love him more. You see, I had a secret of my own I was dying to share," Bree explains.

"She's a witch," whispers Damon in my ear.

"He changed my world," says Bree.

"I rocked your world and you know it," chuckles Damon. I gag on my own vomit.

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