I'm Never The One- Chapter 25

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Kaitlyn's POV

I walk into the Boarding House beyond terrified of what is about to unfold. Damon called Stefan this morning after he spent the night at my house, disclaimer: nothing more than a heavy makeout session happened, but Damon doesn't know that. All he knows is Stefan never came home and stayed the night at my house, in my bedroom. Oh God, he's going to kill Stefan or worse me!

"Please let him spare us," I whisper under my breath as we step through the threshold.

Stefan laughs having heard my silent plead. "He's not going to kill anyone. He doesn't even know."

"Are we going to tell him?" I ask, my eyes bulging to the indescribable size of saucers.

"Tell him what?" Damon's voice booms from behind me and I jump a full foot in the air. I stumble into Stefan's back and he wraps his hands securely around my forearms to steady me. I think I'm having an heartattack.

I breathe heavily and cling to Stefan for support. I think I'm going to pass out. I gulp at the air like a suffocating fish and spaz in his hold. This has to be in the top ten things or least attractive things I've ever done and in front of two hot, vampire brothers at that.

"Now's not the time, Damon," Stefan says, releasing me from his hold. Yep, I'm going to faint.

"She doesn't look too good," Damon acknowledges, looking at my swaying frame.

That's when I lose my balance and hurtle towards the unforgiving ground. Before my face slams into the cold, hardwood like a pancake, Damon catches me. He swings my legs over his arm and rests my head on his chest.

"Why is she so worried?" he asks like I'm not even here.

"I'm not worried," I growl against his chest. My mouth is squished up against him. "Why did you call?"

"Oh, yeah," he says. I can hear the grin in his voice. "Some tomb vampires attacked last night and I killed one of them and Elena helped me burn the body in the fire place."

I gurble incoherent noises against his chest until he lays me down on the couch. I look up at the ceiling and sigh. "I missed a vampire corpse bonfire?" I ask exasperated.

Damon leans over my line of sight that was directed at the ceiling. "Yes, you did because you were too busy getting hot and bothered with my nun of a brother."

Stefan's face turns cold as stone and he gently pushes Damon away from me. "That isn't the matter at hand, Damon," he snarls uncharacteristically. This isn't normal Stefan behavior. Damon is obviously getting under his skin.

"Right, right," Damon says, agreeing quickly. "So, I say we go over to Pearl's and kill her."

"Then what," Stefan asks. "Turn to the hoard of vampires and say 'Oops, sorry. My bad.'?"

Damon grins at the idea, but shakes his head. "We need to figure out a plan fast, Stef, before they come knocking on our door again."

With that, he leaves the room.

Stefan turns to me and sits down on the couch at my feet.

I lift them up, so they rest on his lap. "What are we going to do then?"

Stefan shakes his head and rubs my legs comfortingly. "You mean what am I and my psychotic brother going to do."

"What about me?" I ask, my voice rising. "I'm not going to lay here and do nothing!"

Stefan smiles at me. "If you can't face Damon without fainting you really think you can face a room full of tomb vamps?"

"You never know," I mumble, kicking my feet a little into his stomach.

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