Chapter One

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Tomioka pov:

I was getting dropped off by kanae for school, Shinobu close behind me.

'It's the last day of school until summer break! Finally!' Shinobu said excitedly, pulling me down so she could wrap her arm around my shoulder since she was too short to reach, of course.

'You should let me introduce you to my friends! Maybe you'll actually start liking one and finally get a girlfriend!' Shinobu continued.

'I guess..?' I said, knowing that I wasn't interested in dating anybody, especially not girls.

'Come on, come on!' Shinobu said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to her classroom.

She was a year younger than me, so she was fifteen.

'Guys- look, come meet my brother!' Shinobu yelled to a small trio that was at the end of the classroom.

Many people looked at us, making me blush and look at my feet.

'You have a brother?' A pink haired girl asked, looking over to us.

'Yeah! He is in grade ten, though!' Shinobu said with a big smile.

'Why does he look like that?' A white-haired guy asked, looking me up and down.

'Look like what?' I asked him, looking up at him.

'A girl,' he replied with a smirk plastered on his ugly face.

'Why do you look like that?' I asked him with an eyebrow raised.

'Like what?' He asked, crossing his arms while trying to look intimidating.

'A abused cutting board,' I replied, and they all laughed, except for him.

'You are such an asshole,' he said to me, all pissed off.

'You started it,' I said, pointing to him.

'Whatever!' He said, practically spitting at me.

'Anyway- my brother is chronically single. He rejects everybody!' Shinobu said with a big smile.

'Maybe he's gay,' the pink haired girl said.

'Oh my god- giyuu, are you gay?!' Shinobu asked me excitedly.

'No,' I said to her with a questioning look.

'Well, that sucks! Cause you know - and kanae would totally support you if you were gay, right?' Shinobu continued with a big smile.

'Mhmm,' I hummed in response, sighing.

'Where is makomo and sabito?' Shinobu asked me.

'I don't kno-'

'Giyuu!!' I heard sabito cut me off and run into the classroom with a big smile, jumping on me and hugging me.

'Found him,' I said while he was hugging me, makomo walking behind him.

'That looks pretty gay to me,' a guy with a pet snake said.

'He has a girlfriend,' I said, pointing to makomo, who was beside me.

'Whoa- she is short, are you sure she is of age?' The pink haired girl asked.

'Shinobu what the fuck is wrong with your friends?' Sabito asked, walking over to Shinobu and also hugging her.

'Nothing, you're just weird.' Shinobu laughed.

'I am not!' Sabito argued, breaking hug and coming back to me.

'Giyuu, she called me weird!' Sabito whined while shoving himself into my shoulder while I held my arm open for me.

'Oh no- she told the truth, how horrible' I said sarcastically.

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